
编程语言 D 2.068 发布

编程语言 D 2.068 发布,此版本更新内容如下:


  1. Warning: Change in helper function generation might cause link error.

  2. The new -profile=gc switch enables profiling memory allocation.

  3. unittest blocks no longer parsed unless -unittest is specified.

  4. Compiler generated inclusive destructor and postblit functions for UDTs are now     accessible as .__xdtor and .__xpostblit , see dmd#4650 .


  1. pragma(inline) was added.

  2. attribute inference for auto functions

  3. Indexed type tuples can now be followed by dot identifiers.

  4. Support template parameter deduction from function default arguments.

  5. Invalid reinterpret casts can be detected in the frontend.


  1. Many phobos functions were rangified.

  2. std.typetuple was renamed to std.meta but a backwards compatible forwarding module will remain.

  3. TypeTuple was renamed to AliasSeq but a backwards compatible alias will remain.

  4. hexString was added to replace core language hex strings.

  5. hasUDA was added to help check for the existence of user-defined attributes on symbols.

  6. GC API calls can now be profiled separately.

  7. The runtime implementations of synchronized and synchronized (obj) were    rewritten to fix a race condition during mutex initialization, see druntime#1274 .

  8. The handwritten object.di header was replaced by directly using the object.d source file,    see druntime#1222 for more details.

  9. The AA implementation now uses open addressing.

  10. Merging code coverage reports was fixed, see Bugzilla 14464 and dmd_coverSetMerge .

  11. executeShell now ignores the SHELL environment variable and always uses sh , see Bugzilla 14282 .

  12. byLine was improved to use getdelim where available and is now up to 3x faster, see Bugzilla 11810 .

  13. The newly added ordered and strictlyOrdered can be used to test whether a few given values are ordered.

  14. RefCounted uses the new return attribute to enable escape checking for it's payload.

更多内容请看 发行说明 。

D语言(Dlang)是由Digital Mars公司开发的编程语言,起因是为了改进C++。它与C二进制兼容(不完全),可编译为本地码,有GC也可手动管理内存,语法上借鉴多种语言,模板则 在C++的基础上做了相当大的扩充。D 语言既有 C 语言的强大威力,又有 Python 和 Ruby 的开发效率。它是一种集垃圾回收、手工内存操作、契约式设计、高级模板技术、内嵌汇编、内置单元测试、Mixin 风格多继承、类 Java 包管理机制、内置同步机制、内建基本运行时信息的系统级编程语言。

D语言是一种通用的系统和应用编程语言。它是比 C++ 更高级的语言,同时还保持了生成高效代码以及直接访问操作系统API和硬件的能力。D 很适合于编写从中等规模到那些由团队合作完成、数百万行代码规模的各种程序。D 易于学习,为编程者提供了很多便利,并且适用各种野心勃勃的编译器优化技术。

D 不是脚本语言,也不是一种解释型语言。它不需要虚拟机、宗教、或者高于一切的哲学。它是给实际的编程者使用的实际的语言,它帮助编程者快速、可靠的完成易于维护、易于理解的代码。
