

[ 数据技能 ] 数据可视化的10个关键术语

2015-10-30 12:05 | 发布者:猫儿 来自: Via:PPV课大数据 | 关键词:

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Interactive visualisations allow you to modify, manipulate and explore a computer-based display of data. The vast majority of interactive visualisations are found on websites but increasingly might also exist within apps on tablets and smartphones. By contrast, a static visualisation displays a single, non-interactive display of data, often with the aim for it to be viewed in print as well as on a screen.



Charts are individual visual representations of data. There are many ways of representing your data, using different marks, shapes and layouts: these are all called types of charts. Some chart types you might be familiar with, such as the bar chart, pie chart or line chart, whilst others may be new to you, like the sankey diagram, tree map, choropleth map. See the section called ‘Taking time with visualisation’ for more on chart types.



A dataset is a collection of data upon which a visualisation is based. It is useful to think of a dataset as taking the form of a table with rows and columns, usually existing in a spreadsheet or database. The rows are the records – instances of things – and the columns are the variables – details about the things. Datasets are visualised in order to ‘see’ the size, patterns and relationships that are otherwise hard to observe.



When visualisers want to show you where the data or information comes from, they will include it in the visualisation. Sometimes it appears near the title or the bottom of the page. Other times, if the visualisation comes with an article, you can find it in the accompanying text.



Many types of chart have axes. These are the lines that go up and down (the vertical Y axis), or left and right (the horizontal X axis), providing a reference for reading the height or position of data values. Axes are the place where you will usually see the scale (see below) providing a stable reference point against which you form your reading of the chart.
