
OGLplus 0.58.1 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库


昨天刚刚发布了OGLplus 0.58.0 版本,今天就发布了 OGLplus 0.58.1 版本,官方并未提供此版本的发行说明,让人难以捉摸,但是大体改进可以参考 OGLplus 0.58.0 版本:

- Noexcept specifiers were added to some functions.

- The oalplus::GetALName function was added.

- Small changes were made to oalplus::Listener and Device wrappers.

- Several assignments constructors were fixed to prevent problems with

self assignment.

- The GL/AL object wrappers were refactored.

- Most of the standalone examples were backported to MSVC.

- Some MSVC warnings were fixed.

- Collisions between preprocessor macros and variable names were fixed.

- A problem that caused access violations in GL feature tests was fixed.

- The Quickbook documentation was updated.


  • oglplus-0.58.1.zip

  • oglplus-0.58.1.tar.gz

更多内容请看 这里 。

OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。

OGLplus 0.58.1 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
