



  1. 异步操作应该在 actions 还是 store 中进行?
  2. 异步操作的多个状态,如pending(处理中)、completed(成功)、failed(失败),该如何拆解维护?
  3. 请求参数校验:应该在 actions 还是 store 中进行校验?校验的逻辑如何跟业务逻辑本身进行分离?


本文适合对reflux有一定了解的读者,如尚无了解,可先行查看 官方文档 。本文所涉及的代码示例,可在 此处 下载。

Sync Action:同步操作


var Reflux = require('reflux');  var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions({     addTodo: {sync: true} });  var state = []; var TodoStore = Reflux.createStore({     listenables: [TodoActions],     onAddTodo: function(text){         state.push(text);         this.trigger(state);     },     getState: function(){         return state;     } });  TodoStore.listen(function(state){     console.log('state is: ' + state);     }); TodoActions.addTodo('起床'); TodoActions.addTodo('吃早餐'); TodoActions.addTodo('上班'); 


➜  examples git:(master) ✗ node 01-sync-actions.js state is: 起床 state is: 起床,吃早餐 state is: 起床,吃早餐,上班 

Async Action:在store中处理

下面是个简单的异步操作的例子。这里通过 addToServer 这个方法来模拟异步请求,并通过 isSucc 字段来控制请求的状态为 成功 还是 失败

可以看到,这里对前面例子中的 state 进行了一定的改造,通过 state.status 来保存请求的状态,包括:

  • pending:请求处理中
  • completed:请求处理成功
  • failed:请求处理失败
var Reflux = require('reflux');  /**  * @param {String} options.text   * @param {Boolean} options.isSucc 是否成功  * @param {Function} options.callback 异步回调  * @param {Number} options.delay 异步延迟的时间  */ var addToServer = function(options){     var ret = {code: 0, text: options.text, msg: '添加成功 :)'};      if(!options.isSucc){         ret = {code: -1, msg: '添加失败!'};     }      setTimeout(function(){         options.callback && options.callback(ret);     }, options.delay); };   var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions(['addTodo']);  var state = {     items: [],     status: '' };  var TodoStore = Reflux.createStore({      init: function(){         state.items.push('睡觉');     },      listenables: [TodoActions],      onAddTodo: function(text, isSucc){         var that = this;          state.status = 'pending';         that.trigger(state);          addToServer({             text: text,             isSucc: isSucc,             delay: 500,             callback: function(ret){                 if(ret.code===0){                     state.status = 'success';                     state.items.push(text);                 }else{                     state.status = 'error';                 }                 that.trigger(state);             }         });     },     getState: function(){         return state;     } });  TodoStore.listen(function(state){     console.log('status is: ' + state.status + ', current todos is: ' + state.items); });  TodoActions.addTodo('起床', true); TodoActions.addTodo('吃早餐', false); TodoActions.addTodo('上班', true); 


➜  examples git:(master) ✗ node 02-async-actions-in-store.js  status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: success, current todos is: 睡觉,起床 status is: error, current todos is: 睡觉,起床 status is: success, current todos is: 睡觉,起床,上班 

Async Action:在store中处理 潜在的问题

首先,祭出官方flux架构示意图,相信大家对这张图已经很熟悉了。flux架构最大的特点就是 单向数据流 ,它的好处在于 可预测易测试



ps:在大部分情况下,将异步操作放在store里,简单粗暴有效,反而可以节省不少代码,看着也直观。究竟放在actions、store里,笔者是倾向于放在 actions 里的,读者可自行斟酌。


Async 操作:在actions中处理

还是前面的例子,稍作改造,将异步的逻辑挪到 actions 里,二话不说上代码。

reflux是比较接地气的flux实现,充分考虑到了异步操作的场景。定义action时,通过 asyncResult: true 标识:

  1. 操作是异步的。
  2. 异步操作是分状态(生命周期)的,默认的有 completedfailed 。可以通过 children 参数自定义请求状态。
  3. 在store里通过类似 onAddTodoonAddTodoCompletedonAddTodoFailed 对请求的不同的状态进行处理。
var Reflux = require('reflux');  /**  * @param {String} options.text   * @param {Boolean} options.isSucc 是否成功  * @param {Function} options.callback 异步回调  * @param {Number} options.delay 异步延迟的时间  */ var addToServer = function(options){     var ret = {code: 0, text: options.text, msg: '添加成功 :)'};      if(!options.isSucc){         ret = {code: -1, msg: '添加失败!'};     }      setTimeout(function(){         options.callback && options.callback(ret);     }, options.delay); };   var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions({     addTodo: {asyncResult: true} });  TodoActions.addTodo.listen(function(text, isSucc){     var that = this;     addToServer({         text: text,         isSucc: isSucc,         delay: 500,         callback: function(ret){             if(ret.code===0){                 that.completed(ret);             }else{                 that.failed(ret);             }         }     }); });   var state = {     items: [],     status: '' };  var TodoStore = Reflux.createStore({      init: function(){         state.items.push('睡觉');     },      listenables: [TodoActions],      onAddTodo: function(text, isSucc){         var that = this;          state.status = 'pending';         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoCompleted: function(ret){         state.status = 'success';         state.items.push(ret.text);         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoFailed: function(ret){         state.status = 'error';         this.trigger(state);     },      getState: function(){         return state;     } });  TodoStore.listen(function(state){     console.log('status is: ' + state.status + ', current todos is: ' + state.items); });  TodoActions.addTodo('起床', true); TodoActions.addTodo('吃早餐', false); TodoActions.addTodo('上班', true); 


➜  examples git:(master) ✗ node 03-async-actions-in-action.js  status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: success, current todos is: 睡觉,起床 status is: error, current todos is: 睡觉,起床 status is: success, current todos is: 睡觉,起床,上班 

Async Action:参数校验



流程1:参数校验 --> 校验通过 --> 请求处理中 --> 请求处理成功(失败) 流程2:参数校验 --> 校验不通过 --> 请求处理失败

预期之外:store.onAddTodo 触发

直接对上一小节的代码进行调整。首先判断传入的 text 参数是否是字符串,如果不是,直接进入错误处理。

var Reflux = require('reflux');  /**  * @param {String} options.text   * @param {Boolean} options.isSucc 是否成功  * @param {Function} options.callback 异步回调  * @param {Number} options.delay 异步延迟的时间  */ var addToServer = function(options){     var ret = {code: 0, text: options.text, msg: '添加成功 :)'};      if(!options.isSucc){         ret = {code: -1, msg: '添加失败!'};     }      setTimeout(function(){         options.callback && options.callback(ret);     }, options.delay); };   var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions({     addTodo: {asyncResult: true} });  TodoActions.addTodo.listen(function(text, isSucc){     var that = this;      if(typeof text !== 'string'){         that.failed({ret: 999, text: text, msg: '非法参数!'});         return;     }      addToServer({         text: text,         isSucc: isSucc,         delay: 500,         callback: function(ret){             if(ret.code===0){                 that.completed(ret);             }else{                 that.failed(ret);             }         }     }); });   var state = {     items: [],     status: '' };  var TodoStore = Reflux.createStore({      init: function(){         state.items.push('睡觉');     },      listenables: [TodoActions],      onAddTodo: function(text, isSucc){         var that = this;          state.status = 'pending';         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoCompleted: function(ret){         state.status = 'success';         state.items.push(ret.text);         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoFailed: function(ret){         state.status = 'error';         this.trigger(state);     },      getState: function(){         return state;     } });  TodoStore.listen(function(state){     console.log('status is: ' + state.status + ', current todos is: ' + state.items); });  // 非法参数 TodoActions.addTodo(true, true); 

运行看看效果。这里发现一个问题,尽管参数校验不通过,但 store.onAddTodo 还是被触发了,于是打印出了 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉

而按照我们的预期, store.onAddTodo 是不应该触发的。

➜  examples git:(master) ✗ node 04-invalid-params.js  status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: error, current todos is: 睡觉 

shouldEmit 阻止store.onAddTodo触发

好在reflux里也考虑到了这样的场景,于是我们可以通过 shouldEmit 来阻止 store.onAddTodo 被触发。关于这个配置参数的使用,可参考 文档 。


var Reflux = require('reflux');  /**  * @param {String} options.text   * @param {Boolean} options.isSucc 是否成功  * @param {Function} options.callback 异步回调  * @param {Number} options.delay 异步延迟的时间  */ var addToServer = function(options){     var ret = {code: 0, text: options.text, msg: '添加成功 :)'};      if(!options.isSucc){         ret = {code: -1, msg: '添加失败!'};     }      setTimeout(function(){         options.callback && options.callback(ret);     }, options.delay); };   var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions({     addTodo: {asyncResult: true} });  TodoActions.addTodo.shouldEmit = function(text, isSucc){     if(typeof text !== 'string'){         this.failed({ret: 999, text: text, msg: '非法参数!'});         return false;     }     return true; };  TodoActions.addTodo.listen(function(text, isSucc){     var that = this;      addToServer({         text: text,         isSucc: isSucc,         delay: 500,         callback: function(ret){             if(ret.code===0){                 that.completed(ret);             }else{                 that.failed(ret);             }         }     }); });   var state = {     items: [],     status: '' };  var TodoStore = Reflux.createStore({      init: function(){         state.items.push('睡觉');     },      listenables: [TodoActions],      onAddTodo: function(text, isSucc){         var that = this;          state.status = 'pending';         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoCompleted: function(ret){         state.status = 'success';         state.items.push(ret.text);         this.trigger(state);     },      onAddTodoFailed: function(ret){         state.status = 'error';         this.trigger(state);     },      getState: function(){         return state;     } });  TodoStore.listen(function(state){     console.log('status is: ' + state.status + ', current todos is: ' + state.items); });  // 非法参数 TodoActions.addTodo(true, true); setTimeout(function(){     TodoActions.addTodo('起床', true); }, 100) 

再次运行看看效果。通过对比可以看到,当 shouldEmit 返回 false ,就达到了之前预期的效果。

➜  examples git:(master) ✗ node 05-invalid-params-shouldEmit.js  status is: error, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: pending, current todos is: 睡觉 status is: success, current todos is: 睡觉,起床 



最后,欢迎交流。 Reflux系列01:异步操作经验小结
