




  • 基于赋值表达式建立计算图,类似于Tensorflow、Teano、Torch和Caffe;
  • 支持内存管理,并对两个不交叉的变量重复使用同一内存空间;
  • MXNet核心使用C++实现,并提供C风格的头文件。支持Python、R、Julia、Go和Javascript;
  • 支持Torch;
  • 支持移动设备端发布

命令式编程 vs 符号式编程





import mxnet as mx cpu_tensor = mx.nd.zeros((10,), ctx=mx.cpu()) gpu_tensor = mx.nd.zeros((10,), ctx=mx.gpu(0))  类似于Numpy,MXNet可以做基本的数学计算。 ctx = mx.cpu() # which context to put memory on. a = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=ctx) b = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=ctx) c = (a + b) / 10. d = b + 1




在NDArray上读取值可以调用numpy_d = d.asnumpy()。这个调用是会触发d值的计算,然后转化成Numpy数组。


命令式编程有其优势,但其缺点在于计算都得提前知道计算完成的时间,并且得用户提前写好,而符号式编程试图解决这个问题。符号式程序的不同之处在于,当执行代码时,程序并没有产生真正的计算,而是生成了一张计算图/符号图(computation graph/symbolic graph)来描述整个计算过程。


import mxnet as mx a = mx.sym.Variable("A") # represent a placeholder. These can be inputs, weights, or anything else. b = mx.sym.Variable("B") c = (a + b) / 10 d = c + 1


d.list_arguments() # ['A', 'B']  d.list_outputs() # ['_plusscalar0_output'] This is the default name from adding to scalar.


# define input shapes inp_shapes = {'A':(10,), 'B':(10,)} arg_shapes, out_shapes, aux_shapes = d.infer_shape(**inp_shapes)  arg_shapes # the shapes of all the inputs to the graph. Order matches d.list_arguments() # [(10, ), (10, )]  out_shapes # the shapes of all outputs. Order matches d.list_outputs() # [(10, )]  aux_shapes # the shapes of auxiliary variables. These are variables that are not  trainable such as batch normalization population statistics. For now, they are save to ignore. # []




input_arguments = {} input_arguments['A'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu()) input_arguments['B'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu()) executor = d.bind(ctx=mx.cpu(),                   args=input_arguments, # this can be a list or a  dictionary mapping names of inputs to NDArray                   grad_req='null') # don't request gradients  Executor申请所有需要的内存和临时变量来进行计算。一旦绑定好,Executor会一直 同一段内存空间做计算输入和输出。在执行一个符号表达式前,需要对所有的自由变 量进行赋值,执行完forward后softmax的输出。 import numpy as np # The executor executor.arg_dict # {'A': NDArray, 'B': NDArray}  executor['A'][:] = np.random.rand(10,) # Note the [:]. This sets the contents  of the array instead of setting the array to a new value instead of overwriting the variable. executor['B'][:] = np.random.rand(10,) executor.forward() executor.outputs # [NDArray] output_value = executor.outputs[0].asnumpy()



# allocate space for inputs input_arguments = {} input_arguments['A'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu()) input_arguments['B'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu()) # allocate space for gradients grad_arguments = {} grad_arguments['A'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu()) grad_arguments['B'] = mx.nd.ones((10, ), ctx=mx.cpu())  executor = d.bind(ctx=mx.cpu(),                   args=input_arguments, # this can be a list or a dictionary  mapping names of inputs to NDArray                   args_grad=grad_arguments, # this can be a list or a dictionary  mapping names of inputs to NDArray                   grad_req='write') # instead of null, tell the executor to write  gradients. This replaces the contents of grad_arguments with the gradients computed.  executor['A'][:] = np.random.rand(10,) executor['B'][:] = np.random.rand(10,)  executor.forward() # in this particular example, the output symbol is not a scalar or loss symbol. # Thus taking its gradient is not possible. # What is commonly done instead is to feed in the gradient from a future computation. # this is essentially how backpropagation works. out_grad = mx.nd.ones((10,), ctx=mx.cpu()) executor.backward([out_grad]) # because the graph only has one output, only one output grad is needed.  executor.grad_arrays # [NDarray, NDArray]






import mxnet as mx import numpy as np # First, the symbol needs to be defined data = mx.sym.Variable("data") # input features, mxnet commonly calls this 'data' label = mx.sym.Variable("softmax_label")  # One can either manually specify all the inputs to ops (data, weight and bias) w1 = mx.sym.Variable("weight1") b1 = mx.sym.Variable("bias1") l1 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=data, num_hidden=128, name="layer1", weight=w1, bias=b1) a1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=l1, act_type="relu", name="act1")  # Or let MXNet automatically create the needed arguments to ops l2 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=a1, num_hidden=10, name="layer2")  # Create some loss symbol cost_classification = mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=l2, label=label)  # Bind an executor of a given batch size to do forward pass and get gradients batch_size = 128 input_shapes = {"data": (batch_size, 28*28), "softmax_label": (batch_size, )} executor = cost_classification.simple_bind(ctx=mx.gpu(0),                                            grad_req='write',                                            **input_shapes) # The above executor computes gradients. When evaluating test data we don't need this. # We want this executor to share weights with the above one, so we will use bind # (instead of simple_bind) and use the other executor's arguments. executor_test = cost_classification.bind(ctx=mx.gpu(0),                                          grad_req='null',                                          args=executor.arg_arrays)  # initialize the weights for r in executor.arg_arrays:     r[:] = np.random.randn(*r.shape)*0.02  # Using skdata to get mnist data. This is for portability. Can sub in any data loading you like. from skdata.mnist.views import OfficialVectorClassification  data = OfficialVectorClassification() trIdx = data.sel_idxs[:] teIdx = data.val_idxs[:] for epoch in range(10):   print "Starting epoch", epoch   np.random.shuffle(trIdx)    for x in range(0, len(trIdx), batch_size):     # extract a batch from mnist     batchX = data.all_vectors[trIdx[x:x+batch_size]]     batchY = data.all_labels[trIdx[x:x+batch_size]]      # our executor was bound to 128 size. Throw out non matching batches.     if batchX.shape[0] != batch_size:         continue     # Store batch in executor 'data'     executor.arg_dict['data'][:] = batchX / 255.     # Store label's in 'softmax_label'     executor.arg_dict['softmax_label'][:] = batchY     executor.forward()     executor.backward()      # do weight updates in imperative     for pname, W, G in zip(cost_classification.list_arguments(), executor.arg_arrays, executor.grad_arrays):         # Don't update inputs         # MXNet makes no distinction between weights and data.         if pname in ['data', 'softmax_label']:             continue         # what ever fancy update to modify the parameters         W[:] = W - G * .001    # Evaluation at each epoch   num_correct = 0   num_total = 0   for x in range(0, len(teIdx), batch_size):     batchX = data.all_vectors[teIdx[x:x+batch_size]]     batchY = data.all_labels[teIdx[x:x+batch_size]]     if batchX.shape[0] != batch_size:         continue     # use the test executor as we don't care about gradients     executor_test.arg_dict['data'][:] = batchX / 255.     executor_test.forward()     num_correct += sum(batchY == np.argmax(executor_test.outputs[0].asnumpy(), axis=1))     num_total += len(batchY)   print "Accuracy thus far", num_correct / float(num_total)

MXNet提供大量的higher level APIs封装,减少直接使用forward模型的复杂性。例如,使用FeedForward类构建同样的模型,但是需要编写的代码量减小,编写代码也变的简单。

import mxnet as mx import numpy as np import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # get a logger to accuracies are printed  data = mx.sym.Variable("data") # input features, when using FeedForward this must be called data label = mx.sym.Variable("softmax_label") # use this name aswell when using FeedForward  # When using Forward its best to have mxnet create its own variables. # The names of them are used for initializations. l1 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=data, num_hidden=128, name="layer1") a1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=l1, act_type="relu", name="act1") l2 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=a1, num_hidden=10, name="layer2")  cost_classification = mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=l2, label=label)  from skdata.mnist.views import OfficialVectorClassification  data = OfficialVectorClassification() trIdx = data.sel_idxs[:] teIdx = data.val_idxs[:]  model = mx.model.FeedForward(symbol=cost_classification,                              num_epoch=10,                              ctx=mx.gpu(0),                              learning_rate=0.001)  model.fit(X=data.all_vectors[trIdx],           y=data.all_labels[trIdx],           eval_data=(data.all_vectors[teIdx], data.all_labels[teIdx]),           eval_metric="acc",           logger=logger)



这里只是MXNet的一些皮毛,想更深入的了解请看 文档 。


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原文  http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/practise-of-mxnet