
Learn C The Hard Way示例代码

之前在2016年上半年书单里也提到过,学习C语言除了K&R的那本经典的《C程序设计语言》之外,还可以看看 Learn C The Hard Way 这个在线教程,更偏向实践一点。


我把代码放在了GitHub上,有兴趣的读者可以点击 这里 查看,或者直接git clone https://github.com/yubo1911/learncthehardway.git。

多说一句,作者在写完整份教程之后,在最后的一章 《Deconstructing K&RC Is Dead》 中可谓将K&R C批判了个体无完肤,这里摘录其中一段,大家自己感受一下:

And then I will also tell people to never write another C program again. It won’t be obvious. It won’t be outright, but my goal will be to move people right off C onto other languages that are doing it better. Go, Rust, and Swift, come to mind as recent entrants that can handle the majority of tasks that C does now, so I will push people there. I will tell them that their skills at finding defects, and rigorous analysis of C code will pay massive dividends in every language and make learning any other language possible.

But C? C’s dead. It’s the language for old programmers who want to debate section A.6.2 paragraph 4 of the undefined behavior of pointers. Good riddance. I’m going to go learn Go (or Rust, or Swift, or anything else).




转载请注明出处: http://blog.guoyb.com/2016/07/23/learn-c-the-hard-way/


Learn C The Hard Way示例代码
原文  http://blog.guoyb.com/2016/07/23/learn-c-the-hard-way/