
Vert.x 核心开发者Tim Fox辞去项目负责人职务


  哥已经决定辞去 Vert.x 的项目负责人职务.

  这是一个艰难的决定,毕竟从哥在 VMWare 开始工作(注①)到现在的 4 年半的时间里,哥为这个项目倾注了不少心血.终于,它已经成为 JVM 上面最流行的 (天朝似乎很少用)和最活跃的项目之一.当然,哥对这个项目还是有很深的感情的,所以,此次离别,伤心总是难免的,但众爱卿又何苦一往情深?

  Vert.x 项目当前已经达到前所未有的健壮.我们拥有一个巨大的将 Vert.x 用于生产环境的用户列表,从初创企业到这个星球上最大的企业/组织,并且这个列表还在不断的增加.我们是最早推进 reactive+microservice 模式的首批项目之一,很高兴,这种模式在过去的几年中被行业已经充分验证.

  Vert.x 社区似乎也远比以前更加活跃 .Julien,Clement 和 Paulo 以及他们的团队在社区的工作也非常出色.以及 RedHat 将会继续把 Vert.x 当做战略项目进行不断的投入.众人拾柴火焰高,在众爱卿的推波助澜下,Vert.x 必将达到前所未有的新高度.


  PS.我还不会完全离开这个项目,仍将作为一个项目提交者做出剩余的贡献,所以你偶尔还会看到我提交的零散的 PR. 我会继续围绕社区展开我的工作,如果有需要,也可以为社区出谋划策.

  注①:哥在 VMWare 的时候给这个第一次提交的代码:


  Tim Fox 在 Google Groups 的原贴地址(请自备梯子):



I have decided to step down as Vert.x Project Lead.  

This hasn't been an easy decision to make - I have devoted much of my  life over the past 4.5 years in helping Vert.x (then called Node.x) grow  from an embryonic side project I started while working at VMware [1], to arguably the most popular and feature-packed reactive project on the JVM. I certainly have a lot of emotional attachment to the project and it will be sad to leave. 

Vert.x is healthier than ever - hits to the web-site are steadily increasing and we have a large and growing list of production users from many of the largest and well known organisations on the planet to the smallest startups. We were one of the first projects to push a reactive + microservices approach and it's great to see this approach has been validated by the way the industry has moved in recent years. 

The community seems more active than ever, and the permanent team of  Julien, Clement and Paulo have been doing a fantastic job. Red Hat continues to invest in Vert.x as a strategically important project. Vert.x is in great hands to be taken to the next level. 

My work is done!  

PS. I won't be leaving the project completely. I will remain a committer so you may still see the odd PR from time to time. I'll be around in the community and available to give advice if it's needed. 

[1] The first code to land in the repository 

