
金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

FinPlus FinTech投资基金 总结了10位全球FinTech领域最有影响力的权威人士的最新言论,推出“2016FinTech发展趋势”系列专题。从此出发,为市场对2016年FinTech的趋势判断提供认识基础,并且FinPlus 为FinTech创业项目提供资金及资源,有正在FinTech领域创业的团队,可以将商业计划书投递到 BP@FinPlus.me。

全球P2P标杆Lending Club也出问题了,这次,美国监管部门倒是快,第二天就发布《网贷白皮书》,说要“收拾”网贷。不过,比政府更快的是专家,原来他们早已预测了FinTech的问题。

金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

观点一:说要扶持FinTech的政府可能会收紧监管 在FinTech的发展浪潮中,各国政府都抱着矛盾的心态,他们不愿在这波可能改变金融格局的变革中落后,但创新的风险又始终在给他们敲着警钟。历来创新的美国,在全球第一个上市了P2P借贷公司——Lending Club,这一模式最早起源自英国。
但最近Lending Club爆发的违规操作事件,也让美国监管当局认识到了监管在创新中的重要性,在事件爆发后不久就颁布了《网贷白皮书》,这次他们又做到了世界第一。这与专家们的预测不谋而合,这些专家在做出这个预测时,Lending Club还是全球P2P借贷行业的标杆。

金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

Case 1 去年3月30日,香港特区政府宣布成立金融科技督导小组,由财经事务及库务局局长陈家强担任主席,成员分别为10名来自业界和科研机构的代表,以及相关政府官员及监管机构代表。
同时,香港证监会成立了金融科技联络办事处,协助金融科技业界了解现行的监管制度。金管局采用的监管原则是“风险为本”(risk-based supervision)和“科技中立”(technology-neutral)。
2 深圳目前有700至800家互联网金融平台,近年来每年都新增 400至500家。今年年初,深圳、上海等地工商局纷纷叫停了互联网金融平台的注册。


  • Peerto Peer Lending and Crowdfunding have been the true favorites of the FinTechworld. We think that in 2016 they may start to become the “favorites” ofregulators as well. There is clearly a so-called “regulatory arbitrage” meaningthat incumbent financial services providers are regulated in a much heaviermanner than the new, more nimble FinTech companies. This is partiallyjustifiable by difference in size, but there is an opportunity to be lessregulated by simply positioning a company as a FinTech (instead of a traditionalfinancial services provider) and this “regulatory arbitrage” will probably haveto be dissolved.—— David Gyori

  • Regulationwill become a big issue in the crowd-funding space. Crowdfunding platforms will finally get moreclarity from regulators which may require them to get money transmitterlicenses. These regulations will forcecrowdfunding companies to spend more money on legal compliance but will notslow down the growth of the larger companies. The smaller companies will have issues trying to comply with the newregulations.—— Sonny Singh


于是,由此而生的Regtech( Regulation Technology)概念开始走入市场的视野,该概念意为将公司的监管与科技相结合。虽然目前Regtech仍是一个新兴概念,但专家预计2016年后,该行业越来越多的产品将涌现。


Case 1



金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

Case 2

Trustev :


金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

Case 3

Vizor :


金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

Case 4



金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

  • Banksare facing increased regulation because of past indiscretions, for both offlineand online transactions. This means institutions and companies will have morework to do in order to ensure compliance. The threat of international fraud andidentity theft also continues to put pressure on financial institutions.Companies like Trulioo continue to seek new solutions that help financialinstitutions and companies integrate with new compliance directives withintheir transaction processing software. Even for FinTech companies, complianceissues, particularly in the U.S., are pain points that will continue to serveas a challenge into 2016. Many firms are determined to find solutions that makethese challenges easier to handle.——JOHN BOITNOTT

  • Cybertraud pushesinnovation –MS

  • Peoplewho commit fraud have become very technologically savvy, so in the coming yearsFinTech will continue to find ways to fight crime with asset protectiontechnology. This includes ongoing development into more advanced authenticationtech for e-commerce customers, banks, and online payment and loan providers.One of the areas that continues to provide challenges for asset protectioncompanies are Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions, including rampantcredit card fraud that can take months to uncover. Since fraudsters are stillwinning in this arena, this challenge is being addressed by new FinTechcompanies that want to beat these criminals and help secure consumers assets.——JOHN BOITNOTT

观点三:沉寂已久的GAFA将会在FinTech领域有大动作 中国的BAT在金融科技领域早已迈出了步伐,并引领了中国金融科技的发展,而FinPlus作为中国首个专注于FinTech投资和加速的天使基金,为FinTech创业项目提供资金及资源,有正在FinTech领域创业的团队,可以将商业计划书投递到 BP@FinPlus.me。但美国的GAFA(Google Apple Facebook Amazon)在该领域的动作一直不是很大。但随着人们对FinTech更多的关注,和基础布局的推进,GAFA在FinTech领域的全面布局也慢慢浮出水面。在预测里,专家也一致认为2016年GAFA将在FinTech领域有更大动作。
金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说 Source:为什么说科技四巨头都必将布局金融服务?Case 1 亚马逊:虚拟的线上超市,由其业务特性,意味着支付是它不可分割的一部分,提供金融服务作为自然延伸。亚马逊2013年推出Amazon Payments,在最近一里它的活跃用户增长150%达到2300万,同比增长200%,且全球每单平均交易额为84美元。
2 谷歌的基因,导致它不可能将金融服务作为主要目的,但谷歌却是金融公司获得用户的最佳渠道。因此我们毫不奇怪的看到,谷歌成为了互联网金融领域的最大企业投资者。 金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说 Source:“What Is Google Doing in FinTech?”-Sofia
3 Apple公司推出的apple pay. Morgan Stanley调研总结:2014年全球Visa用户交易总额将达4.76万亿美刀,其中有近2.2万亿是通过Apple Pay进行的。
2015年已有超过2500家银行和信用卡联盟已支持苹果的移动支付服务Apple Pay。到2015年底,已有约150万家零售店接受这种支付方式。
4 Facebook因为他们的模式主要是在创造数字化的消费者场景,不能那么容易通过支付或贷款金融服务杠杆获得盈利。但Facebook在2014年收购了WhatsApp,完善了战略布局,也为其扩大手机端服务提供了基础。
5 合作:亚马逊、苹果、谷歌、Intuit和PayPal于2015年初成立新的游说组织Financial Innovation Now。该组织将尝试对关于信息安全和防欺诈、即时支付、网贷,以及基本金融服务普及的政治讨论施加影响。


  • Alibabaand Amazon steadily grow their own SME lending initiatives.——Pascal Bouvier

  • As ApplePay breaksout, Apple decides to make a series of investments in the Payments space,forcing Alphabet and Facebook to follow suit.—— Pascal Bouvier

  • Weexpect ApplePay to enter new markets besides the current ones (USA and UK).Apple’s liquidity-position and the economy of scale associated with paymentsboth justify the expectations ofApplePay being launched in new markets. Appleis facing growing competitive pressure in the US market from new entrants likeWalmartPay and a potentially strengthening Samsung/Android payment solution.Microsoft is behind, but with Nokia’s genes integrated Apple has to be alert.——DavidGyori

  • The“GAFA” Bank is a concept long circulating among FinTech experts. This is theacronym forGoogle Apple FaceBook Amazon. According to “the GAFA Bank concept”one of these US tech-giants will sooner or later seriously invest in financialservices. The concept predicts the rise of a new, global, major bank started upby one of these iconic tech-players. We think that 2016 might be the year whenwe start to hear about some serious planning related to this project. Whileincumbent banks are still trying to figure out FinTech (e.g. HSBC set up a 200million USD global dedicated FinTech venture fund) it is likely that some techplayers will sneak into the vacuum.—— David Gyori


金融监管收紧,Lending Club都出问题了,看全球10位权威专家怎么说

来源:FinPlus FinTech投资基金,有正在FinTech创业的团队,可以将商业计划书投递到BP@FinPlus.me