


大家好!受到@赵思家 的启发,我也列一下我在科研工作中发现的好书。主要是两个类,第一是面孔研究的书籍,第二类是视觉研究。毕竟面孔研究发展自视觉研究,从视觉研究中能找到面孔研究的灵感与思路。当然,有一些书更加 科普 ,我会特意标注出来。有一些书更加 科研 ,需要一定储备。希望大家都能拿到想要的东西。

这里我推荐的书都是英文书,可能对于一些希望读中文书的朋友抱歉了;而且绝大多数书由于是国外出版,价格不是很低;但是我觉得它们大多印刷装帧很好,30美刀以内应该可以承担。为什么推荐英文书呢?我实在我也不是谦虚,至少在面孔方面,除了我自己写的 纸质书《看脸》 ,其余没有特别系统介绍面孔研究的书。而在视觉领域,虽然有中文书,但是比较老,不适用于目前时代。每本书的题目我已经连接到了美国亚马逊网站,希望大家看的开心。英文推荐直接复制与亚马逊,很抱歉微微侵权。


首推 David Perrett 教授的书 In Your Face

关键词: 科普 面孔 社会神经科学 美貌


当然,他这本书可不是泛泛谈脸。而是集合他多年研究之力,只谈面孔的 美貌。


英文介绍:What makes a face attractive? Why are we attracted to certain faces and not others? In this highly readable account from the frontiers of psychology, the author explains how the human face evolved and how our perceptions of the face affect our judgments of others' personality, health, trustworthiness, and suitability as a friend or lover.

其次,我推荐 Bruce和Young合著的 Face Perception

关键词: 面孔 神经科学 科研


英文介绍:Human faces are unique biological structures that convey a complex variety of important social messages. Even strangers can tell things from our faces – our feelings, our locus of attention, something of what we are saying, our age, sex and ethnic group, whether they find us attractive. In recent years there has been genuine progress in understanding how our brains derive all these different messages from faces and what can happen when one or other of the structures involved is damaged.

再其次,我推荐诸位面孔研究大师的合力作品: Oxford Handbook of Face Perception (Oxford Library of Psychology) (9780199559053): Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson, Jim Haxby: Books

关键词: 面孔 神经科学 科研

熟悉面孔研究的人就能从这一长串名字中看出端倪。这本书汇聚了最好的面孔研究人员。他们每一组科研人员各自写一章综述。让最专业的人给你最专业的研究成果。在其中我们还能看到持不同观点的科学家相互争斗。唯一的缺憾就是相比上一本书更加科研,更加难懂。而且节奏不同。 但是无论如何,倘若你和我一样致力于此,这本书就是最适合你迅速抓到前沿思路的。

英文推荐:The human face is unique among social stimuli in conveying such a variety of different characteristics. A person's identity, sex, race, age, emotional state, focus of attention, facial speech patterns, and attractiveness are all detected and interpreted with relative ease from the face. Humans also display a surprising degree of consistency in the extent to which personality traits, such as trustworthiness and likeability, are attributed to faces. In the past thirty years, face perception has become an area of major interest within psychology, with a rapidly expanding research base. Yet until now, there has been no comprehensive reference work bringing together this ever growing body of research.

The Oxford Handbook of Face Perception is the most comprehensive and commanding review of the field ever published. It looks at the functional and neural mechanisms underlying the perception, representation, and interpretation of facial characteristics, such as identity, expression, eye gaze, attractiveness, personality, and race. It examines the development of these processes, their neural correlates in both human and non-human primates, congenital and acquired disorders resulting from their breakdown, and the theoretical and computational frameworks for their underlying mechanisms. With chapters by an international team of leading authorities from the brain sciences, the book is a landmark publication on face perception.

For anyone looking for the definitive text on this burgeoning field, this is the essential book.

最后一本,难度最高。是Peterson和Rhodes共同编辑的 Perception of Faces, Objects, and Scenes: Analytic and Holistic Processes

关键词: 面孔 神经科学 科研

真本书虽然最老,但是最深最难。对得起小标题(高级视觉认知)。这一本书类似于上一本牛津手册,也是来自于诸位科学家。这本书主要探讨和比较面孔与物体识别之间的差异,尤其是在整体和局部识别。难度在这几本书里最高,也需要最丰富的知识储备。 只推荐研究生以上,并且有视觉认知基础的科研工作者。

英文推荐:From a barrage of photons, we readily and effortlessly recognize the faces of our friends, and the familiar objects and scenes around us. However, these tasks cannot be simple for our visual systems--faces are all extremely similar as visual patterns, and objects look quite different when viewed from different viewpoints. How do our visual systems solve these problems? The contributors to this volume seek to answer this question by exploring how analytic and holistic processes contribute to our perception of faces, objects, and scenes. The role of parts and wholes in perception has been studied for a century, beginning with the debate between Structuralists, who championed the role of elements, and Gestalt psychologists, who argued that the whole was different from the sum of its parts. This is the first volume to focus on the current state of the debate on parts versus wholes as it exists in the field of visual perception by bringing together the views of the leading researchers. Too frequently, researchers work in only one domain, so they are unaware of the ways in which holistic and analytic processing are defined in different areas. The contributors to this volume ask what analytic and holistic processes are like; whether they contribute differently to the perception of faces, objects, and scenes; whether different cognitive and neural mechanisms code holistic and analytic information; whether a single, universal system can be sufficient for visual-information processing, and whether our subjective experience of holistic perception might be nothing more than a compelling illusion. The result is a snapshot of the current thinking on how the processing of wholes and parts contributes to our remarkable ability to recognize faces, objects, and scenes, and an illustration of the diverse conceptions of analytic and holistic processing that currently coexist, and the variety of approaches that have been brought to bear on the issues.


我先推荐Livingstone的 Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing

关键词: 视觉 神经美学 脑科学


英文推荐:Now in paperback, this groundbreaking study by Harvard neurobiologist Margaret Livingstone explores the inner workings of vision, demonstrating that how we see art depends ultimately on the cells in our eyes and our brains. In Vision and Art,Livingstone explains how great painters fool the brain: why Mona Lisa s smile seems so mysterious, Monet s Poppy Field appears to sway in the breeze, Mondrian s Broadway Boogie Woogie blinks like the lights of Times Square, and Warhol s Electric Chair pulses with current. Drawing on history and her own cutting- edge discoveries, Livingstone offers intriguing insights, from explanations of common optical illusions, to speculations on the correlation of learning disabilities with artistic skill. By skillfully bridging the space between science and art, Vision and Art will both arm artists and designers with new techniques that they can use in their own craft, and thrill any reader with an interest in the biology of human vision.

其次,我推荐一本真真的新书。李兆平教授的 Understanding Vision

David Marr的巨作 Vision 已经面世了三十余年。虽然激励无数科学家,但是难免内容已经过时。这个时候,zhaoping这本书给了我们最新的计算视觉知识。相比Peter Dayan那本几乎看不懂的 Theoretical Neuroscience ,zhaoping对于解释的节奏和程度都掌握的特别好。而且跳过公式完全可以读。推荐给研究vision的所有博士及以上。

英文推荐:While the field of vision science has grown significantly in the past two decades, there have been few comprehensive books that showed readers how to adopt a computional approach to understanding visual perception, along with the underlying mechanisms in the brain.

Understanding Vision explains the computational principles and models of biological visual processing, and in particular, of primate vision. The book is written in such a way that vision scientists, unfamiliar with mathematical details, should be able to conceptually follow the theoretical principles and their relationship with physiological, anatomical, and psychological observations, without going through the more mathematical pages. For those with a physical science background, especially those from machine vision, this book serves as an analytical introduction to biological vision. It can be used as a textbook or a reference book in a vision course, or a computational neuroscience course for graduate students or advanced undergraduate students. It is also suitable for self-learning by motivated readers.

in addition, for those with a focused interest in just one of the topics in the book, it is feasible to read just the chapter on this topic without having read or fully comprehended the other chapters. In particular, Chapter 2 presents a brief overview of experimental observations on biological vision; Chapter 3 is on encoding of visual inputs, Chapter 5 is on visual attentional selection driven by sensory inputs, and Chapter 6 is on visual perception or decoding.

Including many examples that clearly illustrate the application of computational principles to experimental observations, Understanding Visio

n is valuable for students and researchers in computational neuroscience, vision science, machine and computer vision, as well as physicists interested in visual processes.





原文  https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/24790552