
有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

  英文原文:ArCake: Just Don’t Swallow Them LED Lights

  腾讯数码讯(编译:夏塔图)随着科技的进步,只是携带或穿戴一款电子设备已经不是什么新奇的事情,跨界美食界才够有意思。一位名叫 Alexander Treiber 的极客为了给妻子庆祝生日,准备了一款极具创意的 LED 蛋糕,你说酷不酷?

  为了能让最底层的 LED 灯被看见,Treiber 先在一块巧克力蛋糕中挖了 30 个洞,随后在洞里注满了无色的美味印度奶茶和牛奶味的果冻。他把这块蛋糕叫做 Arcade Cake,与普通蛋糕不同的是,Arcade Cake 的 LED 灯被特别编程过,可以闪出“Happy Birthday”的字样。

  当然,蛋糕虽好,可不要贪吃哦!Treiber 带给妻子的应该只是一段难忘的记忆,要吃 Arcade Cake 恐怕有一些难度,就像吃满是鱼刺的鱼一样,稍不小心就吞进了一个 LED 灯,想必这就更难忘了。

有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

  The only thing left to do was to fill in the jello diffusor/waveguide.

  I used clear spiced chai tea for my jello on my prototype, which worked ok. But this time I added just a few drops of milk to the liquid as a diffusor, yielding a much nicer look. I total, I poured over 300 ml of liquid into the holes.

有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

  Late last night the cake was finished, put into the fridge to let the jello settle and this morning it was showtime.

  Here's an in game shot of the Jump'n'Run (the player (white) just approached the cave with a crate (yello) and the powerup (pink)):

有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

  And after the game is finished you are awarded with an ever cycling rainbow-animation:

有LED灯光特效的生日蛋糕 你敢吃吗?

  I like how it matches the dots of the wrapping-paper :)

  查看 youtube 视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb0bk6IcPrI#t=117 
