
HHVM 3.8.0 发布

HHVM 3.8.0 发布,这是第一个在 HHVM lockdown 方面做性能提升的版本,此外还包含以下更新:

  • the proxygen http server ( hhvm -m server -v Server.Type=proxygen )

  • stream_socket_enable_crypto() for client sockets

  • Automatic typechecking of Hack code. Previously, the hh_client static analysis tool would have to be separately run. Now, results from hh_client will be included in the runtime errors too. (Running it manually is still the recommended way for fast error feedback though!) The hhvm.hack.lang.auto_typecheck INI option controls this behavior.

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HipHop VM(HHVM)是Facebook推出的用来执行PHP代码的虚拟机,它是一个PHP的JIT(Just-In- Time)编译器,同时具有产生快速代码和即时编译的优点。
