
Dexposed —— 来自阿里无侵入式运行期 AOP 框架

Dexposed 是阿里巴巴无线事业部第一个重量级 Andorid 开源软件,基于 ROOT 社区著名开源项目Xposed 改造剥离了 ROOT 部分,演化为服务于所在应用自身的 AOP 框架。它支撑了阿里大部分 App 的在线分钟级客户端 bugfix 和线上调试能力。

Dexposed 的 AOP 是实现了纯非侵入式,没有任何注释处理器,weaver 或者字节码重写程序。Dexposed 的集成非常简单,就像加载一个 JNI 库一样,只需要在初始化的时候插入一行代码。


  • 典型的 AOP 编程

  • 仪表化 (测试,性能监控等等)

  • 在线热修复(重要,关键,安全漏洞等等)

  • SDK hooking,更好的开发体验

Gradle 依赖:

native_dependencies {     artifact 'com.taobao.dexposed:dexposed_l:0.2+:armeabi'     artifact 'com.taobao.dexposed:dexposed:0.2+:armeabi' } dependencies {     compile files('libs/dexposedbridge.jar') }


public class MyApplication extends Application {  @Override public void onCreate() {     // Check whether current device is supported (also initialize Dexposed framework if not yet)   if (DexposedBridge.canDexposed(this)) {    // Use Dexposed to kick off AOP stuffs.    ...   }  }  ... } 


// Target class, method with parameter types, followed by the hook callback (XC_MethodHook).    DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodHook() {        // To be invoked before Activity.onCreate().        @Override protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {  // "thisObject" keeps the reference to the instance of target class.  Activity instance = (Activity) param.thisObject;  // The array args include all the parameters.  Bundle bundle = (Bundle) param.args[0];  Intent intent = new Intent();  // XposedHelpers provide useful utility methods.  XposedHelpers.setObjectField(param.thisObject, "mIntent", intent);  // Calling setResult() will bypass the original method body use the result as method return value directly.  if (bundle.containsKey("return"))      param.setResult(null);        }        // To be invoked after Activity.onCreate()        @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {  XposedHelpers.callMethod(param.thisObject, "sampleMethod", 2);        }    }); 


    DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodReplacement() {          @Override protected Object replaceHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {             // Re-writing the method logic outside the original method context is a bit tricky but still viable.             ...         }      });