
GitLab 7.13.1 发布,代码托管平台

GitLab 7.13.1 发布,主要更新如下:

  • - Fix: Label modifications are not reflected in existing notes and in the issue list

  • - Fix: Label not shown in the Issue list, although it's set through web interface

  • - Fix: Group/project references are linked incorrectly

  • - Improve documentation

  • - Fix of migration: Check if session_expire_delay column exists before adding the column

  • - Fix: ActionView::Template::Error

  • - Fix: "Create Merge Request" isn't always shown in event for newly pushed branch

  • - Fix bug causing "Remove source-branch" option not to work for merge requests from the same project.

详细内容请查看: CHANGELO

下载地址: Source code (zip)

GitLab是一个利用Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。

开源中国代码托管平台 git.oschina.net 就是基于 GitLab 项目搭建。
