
Narayana 5.2.1.Final 发布,JBoss 事务服务

Narayana 5.2.1.Final 发布,该版本是个 bug 修复版本,主要更新内容人如下:


  • [ JBTM-2426 ] - XTS WSTFSC07-interop failure

  • [ JBTM-2455 ] - Re-enable generate of javadoc jar for narayana-full

  • [ JBTM-2456 ] - mvn executable missing from documentation repo which the default setting on build-release-pkgs.xml expects to be able to find

  • [ JBTM-2466 ] - Upgrade narayana dependency in the performance repository


  • [ JBTM-2464 ] - Upgrade to Artemis journal from HornetQ journal

  • [ JBTM-2470 ] - Add attribute to JTS the TransactionServer to start embedded RecoveryManager

  • [ JBTM-2472 ] - Move the jboss-as checking to BlackTie build part

  • [ JBTM-2479 ] - Do not run maven rulecheck when -DskipTests is enabled

更多内容请查看: 发行说明 。

JBoss 事务服务( JBoss Transactions,也叫 Narayana )保护企业数据破坏,保证数据完整、准确。为基于Java的应用程序(包括那些写给JEE和EJB框架)从而消除风险和相关成本非常耗时的和解失败后。

Narayana 5.2.1.Final 发布,JBoss 事务服务
