
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.3.5 发布

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.3.5 发布,此版本不是稳定版本,主要包括一些新特性和改进。

Oak 1.3.5 改进内容



[OAK-2634] - QueryEngine should expose name query as property


[OAK-2875] - Namespaces keep references to old node states

[OAK-3031] - [Blob GC] Mbean for reporting shared repository GC stats

[OAK-3230] - Query engine should support virtual index rows

[OAK-3241] - Support including and excluding paths in


[OAK-3242] - Repeated upgrades in RepositorySidegrade

[OAK-3243] - Allow to skip copying versions in the RepositorySidegrade

[OAK-3245] - Allow to set custom commit hooks in the RepositorySidegrade

[OAK-3261] - consider existing locks when creating new ones

[OAK-3264] - Deadlock between persisted compaction map and cleanup 2

[OAK-3279] - Create StringUtils.estimateMemoryUsage(String)

[OAK-3280] - Remove Utils.estimateMemoryUsage(String)

[OAK-3306] - Create a copy of MemoryDocumentStore

Bug 修复

[OAK-3079] - LastRevRecoveryAgent can update _lastRev of children

but not the root

[OAK-3249] - Some version copy settings conflicts with the earlyShutdown

[OAK-3282] - DataStoreBlobStore cache ignores key for memory calculation

[OAK-3283] - Background read does not close StringSort

[OAK-3289] - ClusterViewDocument should store longs, not integers

[OAK-3301] - AbstractRepositoryUpgrade leaks Repository instances

[OAK-3304] - ClusterViewDocument uses Map as property value

[OAK-3317] - ConcurrentModificationException when running



[OAK-2805] - oak-run: register JMX beans

[OAK-3050] - Move oak-it-osgi to top level

[OAK-3146] - ExternalLoginModuleFactory should inject SyncManager

and ExternalIdentityProviderManager

[OAK-3153] - Make it possible to disable recording of stack trace in


[OAK-3163] - Improve binary comparison during repeated upgrades

[OAK-3238] - fine tune clock-sync check vs lease-check settings

[OAK-3247] - DocumentNodeStore.retrieve() should not throw


[OAK-3252] - make AbstractQueryTest#test() reflects real file paths

[OAK-3254] - Log expensive NodeDocument.getNewestRevision() call

[OAK-3258] - Async index should change thread name to improve log


[OAK-3259] - Optimize NodeDocument.getNewestRevision()

[OAK-3263] - Support including and excluding paths for PropertyIndex

[OAK-3273] - ColdStandby make sync start and end timestamp updates


[OAK-3288] - clarify DocumentStore contract with respect to number


[OAK-3293] - SegmentOverflowExceptionIT runs forever unless it fails

[OAK-3294] - Read-only live FileStore implementation

[OAK-3296] - Oak Explorer support for live read-only store

[OAK-3298] - Allow to specify LogDumper's log buffer size

[OAK-3299] - SNFE in SegmentOverflowExceptionIT

[OAK-3322] - Change activation policy of RemoteServletRegistration


[OAK-2844] - Introducing a simple document-based discovery-light

service (to circumvent documentMk's eventual consistency delays)

[OAK-3239] - Port RepositoryUpgrade features to the RepositorySidegrade


[OAK-3267] - Add discovery-lite descriptor for segmentNodeStore

[OAK-3278] - Move Utils.estimateMemoryUsage(String) to oak-commons


[OAK-3277] - Turn VersionGarbageCollectorTest into an integration test

[OAK-3292] - DocumentDiscoveryLiteServiceTest failures on travis and


详细更新内容请看: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK

下载: http://jackrabbit.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..

随着内容管理应用程序的日益普及,对用于内容仓库的普通、标准化 API 的需求已凸现出来。Content Repository for Java Technology API (JSR-170) 的目标就是提供这样一个接口。JSR-170 的一个主要优点是,它不绑定到任何特定的底层架构。例如,JSR-170 实现的后端数据存储可以是文件系统、WebDAV 仓库、支持 XML 的系统,甚至还可以是 SQL 数据库。此外,JSR-170 的导出和导入功能允许一个集成器在内容后端与 JCR 实现之间无缝地切换。

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.3.5 发布
