
Git@OSC 项目推荐 | 基于 libuv 的 Socket 组件



Server and Client socket based on libuv.


这个工程使用 premake5 编译。从命令行运行:

premake5 vs2015

也可以选择生成其他你需要的visual studio版本(用premake5 --help命令查看更多选项)。打开VSbuild/UVSocket.sln文件,分别编译debug和release版本,然后运行根目录下的"Extract.bat",将所有头文件和库文件提取到项目根目录下的"publish"文件夹下.

You need premake5 to compile this project. Run this from command line:

premake5 vs2015

or other visual studio version(use premake5 --help for more details). Open VSBuild/UVSocket.sln and compile both Debug and Release version. Then run the "Extract.bat" to extract all libraries and header files to "publish" directory under project root directory.

Supported platform

暂时只支持Windows. Linux应该也可以正常运行,但是未经测试。

Only Windows right now. But it should run well on Linux, but not be tested.


编写一个你自己的类,继承"UVSocketCallBack.h"头文件中的IUVServerCallback 或者 IUVClientCallback(取决于你需要哪个),实现所有接口。你可以参考"TestClientSocket"和"TestServerSocket"中的用法。

Write your own class derived from IUVServerCallback or IUVClientCallback(decided by which socket do you need) in "UVSocketCallBack.h", and implement all interfaces.

You can take "TestClientSocket" and "TestServerSocket" for example.

About Run Mode

UVSocket提供了两种运行模式:SOCKET_RUN_ASYNC(异步模式)和 SOCKET_RUN_SYNC(同步模式)。



UVSocket provide two run modes: SOCKET_RUN_ASYNC and SOCKET_RUN_SYNC.

SOCKET_RUN_ASYNC: This is default run mode. Socket event loop will run on a standalone thread, and your own class derived from IUVServerCallback or IUVClientCallback will run on the same thread with socket's, too. In this mode, you should only call Run() once. So if you want to do something other in your derived class, you should care about multithread safety.

SOCKET_RUN_SYNC: Socket event loop will run on thread you call Run() function. You should keep calling Run() on your thread's run process.

原文  http://git.oschina.net/foryoung365/UVSocket