

转眼之间,已经到了2016年,即新的一年了!S1也结束了,收获的也不多 ,想想最后留给大家的就一个KTV项目了。





  1     2         private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {  4             // 加载时,运行播放窗体  5             FrmPlay playForm = new FrmPlay();  6             playForm.Show();  7   8             // 启动定时器  9             this.timer1.Start();   10  11             // 读取资源路径 12             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 13             string sql = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_type = 'singer_photo'"; 14             SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, dbHelper.Connection); 15              16             // 读取歌手照片路径 17             try 18             { 19                 dbHelper.OpenConnection(); 20                 KTVUtil.singerPhotoPath = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); 21             } 22             catch (Exception ex) 23             { 24                 MessageBox.Show("资源路径发生错误!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 25             } 26             finally 27             { 28                 dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 29             } 30  31             // 读取歌曲路径 32             sql = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_type = 'song'"; 33             command.CommandText = sql; 34             try 35             { 36                 dbHelper.OpenConnection(); 37                 KTVUtil.songPath = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); 38             } 39             catch (Exception ex) 40             { 41                 MessageBox.Show("路径错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 42             } 43             finally 44             { 45                 dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 46             } 47         }  1 /// <summary> 2 /// 显示当前播放的歌曲名字 3 /// </summary> 4 public void ShowPlayingSongName() 5 { 6 this.lblPlayingSong.Text = PlayList.PlayingSongName(); 7 this.lblNextSong.Text = PlayList.NextSongName(); 8 }    







点击第一个LIstView,弹出第二个ListView解析:1.隐藏第一个ListView,显示第二个ListView 的代码

  1         // 点击后,显示歌手类别  2         private void lvOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {  4             if (lvOrder.SelectedItems[0] != null)  5             {  6                 // 隐藏歌手性别,显示歌手类别  7                 pnlSingerSex.Visible = false;  8                 pnlSingerType.Location = pnlSingerSex.Location;  9                 pnlSingerType.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 10                 pnlSingerType.Visible = true; 11                 this.singerSex = Convert.ToString(lvOrder.SelectedItems[0].Tag);  // 记录选择的性别 12             }       13      14             // 读取歌手类别 15             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 16             string sql = "select * from singer_type"; 17             try 18             { 19                 // 查询数据库 20                 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, dbHelper.Connection); 21                 dbHelper.OpenConnection();//相当于con.open 22                 SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); 23  24                 // 循环将类别读取出来添加到ListView中 25                 lvSingerType.Items.Clear(); 26                 int i = 0; 27                 while (reader.Read()) 28                 { 29                     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); 30                     item.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["singertype_name"]); 31                     item.Tag = Convert.ToInt32(reader["singertype_id"]); 32                     item.ImageIndex = i; 33                     lvSingerType.Items.Add(item); 34                     i++; 35                 } 36                 reader.Close(); 37             } 38             catch (Exception ex) 39             { 40                 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 41                 MessageBox.Show("错误!"); 42                  43             } 44             finally 45             { 46                 dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 47             } 48         } 

 需要将【男歌手】汉字传递到第二个ListView上  显示5个国家的信息(包括文本和图片)

 需要将【男歌手】汉字传递到第二个ListView上    .显示5个国家的信息(包括文本和图片)




     // 点击类别后,显示对应类别下的歌手列表         private void lvSingerType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             // 隐藏歌手类别,显示歌手列表             pnlSingerType.Visible = false;             pnlSingerList.Location = pnlSingerSex.Location;             pnlSingerList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;             pnlSingerList.Visible = true;             this.singerTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(lvSingerType.SelectedItems[0].Tag); // 保存选中的类别编号                          // 读取数据库,读出歌手信息             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper();             StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();             sql.AppendFormat("select singer_id,singer_name,singer_photo_url from singer_info where singertype_id={0} and singer_gender='{1}'",                 this.singerTypeId,this.singerSex);                         try             {                 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql.ToString(),dbHelper.Connection);                 dbHelper.OpenConnection();                 SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();                  int imageIndex = 0; // 代表歌手头像的索引                 ilSinger.Images.Clear();                  // 循环读出歌手信息添加到窗体中显示                 lvSinger.Items.Clear();                 while (reader.Read())                 {                     // 将歌手头像放在ImageList控件中                     string photoURL = KTVUtil.singerPhotoPath + "//" + Convert.ToString(reader["singer_photo_url"]);                     ilSinger.Images.Add(Image.FromFile(photoURL));                      // 将歌手添加到ListView中                     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();                     item.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["singer_name"]);                     item.Tag = Convert.ToString(reader["singer_id"]);                                        item.ImageIndex = imageIndex;                     lvSinger.Items.Add(item);                      imageIndex++;                 }                 reader.Close();             }             catch (Exception ex)             {                 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);                 MessageBox.Show("错误!");             }             finally             {                  dbHelper.CloseConnection();              }          }   
  1. 精美KTV
  2. 精美KTV
  3.   1   // 点击歌手姓名,打开歌曲列表窗口  2         private void lvSinger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {  4             // 读取数据库,读出该歌手的所有歌曲  5             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper();  6             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();  7             sb.AppendFormat("select song_id,song_name, singer_name='{0}',song_url  from song_info where singer_id={1}",  8                 lvSinger.SelectedItems[0].Text, Convert.ToInt32(lvSinger.SelectedItems[0].Tag));  9  10             FrmSongList songList = new FrmSongList(); 11             songList.Sql = sb.ToString(); 12             songList.Previous = PrevioisForm.Singer; // 指定返回的窗体是按歌手点歌 13             songList.Show(); 14             this.Close(); 15         } 


  1 ListViewItem lvitem = new ListViewItem(stuno);  2 显示地区图片的代码:  SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();  3   4    5   6                 // 循环将类别读取出来添加到ListView中  7   8                 lvlisttwo.Items.Clear();  9  10                 int i = 0; 11  12                 while (dr.Read()) 13  14                 { 15  16                     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); 17  18                     item.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["singertype_name"]); 19  20                     item.Tag = Convert.ToInt32(dr["singertype_id"]); 21  22                     item.ImageIndex = i; 23  24                     lvlisttwo.Items.Add(item); 25  26                     i++; 27  28                 } 29  30       dr.Close(); 



  1 SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();  2   3                 int imageIndex = 0; // 代表歌手头像的索引  4   5                 imglistthree.Images.Clear();  8   9                 // 循环读出歌手信息添加到窗体中显示 10  11                 lvlistthree.Items.Clear(); 12  13                 while (dr.Read()) 14  15                 { 16  17                     // 将歌手头像放在ImageList控件中 18  19                     string photoURL = KTVUtil.singerPhotoPath + "//" + Convert.ToString(dr["singer_photo_url"]); 20  21                     imglistthree.Images.Add(Image.FromFile(photoURL)); 24  25                     // 将歌手添加到ListView中 26  27                     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); 28  29                     item.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["singer_name"]); 30  31                     item.Tag = Convert.ToString(dr["singer_id"]); 32  33                     item.ImageIndex = imageIndex; 34  35                     lvlistthree.Items.Add(item); 36  37   38  39                     imageIndex++; 40  41                 } 42  43                 dr.Close(); 44  45             } 


我也没找到解决方法,能做的,也许就是把第一列宽度设为 0,不用第一列,从第二列开始用。

此时 ListView1.Items[i].Text 也不能用了,因为它对应的是 ListView1[i].SubItems[0].Text。



17. 实现播放歌曲功能 





  1      private void PlayForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  2         {  3             this.PlaySong();  4             this.timer1.Start();  5         }  6   7         /// <summary>  8         /// 播放歌曲  9         /// </summary> 10         private void PlaySong() 11         { 12             this.song = PlayList.GetPlayingSong(); // 获取当前要播放的歌曲 13             if (song != null) 14             { 15                 this.song.SetSongPlayed();             // 将当前歌曲播放状态设为已播放 16                 this.wmpSong.URL = KTVUtil.songPath + "//" + this.song.SongURL;  // 得到当前播放歌曲的路径 17             }             18         } 19  20         private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) 21         { 22             if(this.song == null) 23             { 24                 this.PlaySong(); 25             } 26             if (this.wmpSong.playState == WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsStopped) 27             { 28                 this.song = null; // 将歌曲设为空 29                 PlayList.MoveOn(); 30             } 31             // 切歌 32             if (this.song != null && this.song.PlayState == SongPlayState.cut) 33             { 34                 this.wmpSong.URL = ""; 35                 this.song = null; 36             } 37         } 


1.KTVUtil 类:

 1 class KTVUtil 2  3     { 4  5         public static string singerPhotoPath = "";  // 歌手照片路径 6  7         public static string songPath = "";         // 歌曲路径 8  9     } 


  1 代码例子:enum SongPlayState  2   3     {  4   5         unplayed, played, again, cut  6   7     }  8   9     // 歌曲类 10  11     class Song 12  13     { 14  15         //歌曲名称 16  17         public string SongName 18  19         { 20  21             get { return songName; } 22  23             set { songName = value; } 24  25         } 26  27         //歌曲存放路径 28  29         public string SongURL 30  31         { 32  33             get { return songURL; } 34  35             set { songURL = value; } 36  37         } 38  39         // 歌曲播放状态 40  41         internal SongPlayState PlayState 42  43         { 44  45             get { return playState; } 46  47             set { playState = value; } 48  49         } 50  51         private string songName; 52  53         private string songURL; 54  55         // 歌曲播放状态,默认为未播放状态 56  57         private SongPlayState playState = SongPlayState.unplayed; 58  59         //将歌曲状态改为已播放 60  61         public void SetSongPlayed() 62  63         { 64  65             this.playState = SongPlayState.played; 66  67         } 68  69         // 将歌曲状态改为再拨放一次 70  71         public void SetPlayAgain() 72  73         { 74  75             this.playState = SongPlayState.again; 76  77         } 78  79         // 将歌曲状态改为切歌 80  81         public void SetSongCut() 82  83         { 84  85             this.playState = SongPlayState.cut; 


代码例子:// 播放列表管理

   1     2     class PlayList   3    4     {   5    6         // 歌曲播放列表数组   7    8         private static Song[] songList = new Song[50];   9   10         // 当前播放的歌曲在数组中的索引     11   12         private static int songIndex = 0;  13   14  // 播放列表数组  15   16         public static Song[] SongList  17   18         {  19   20             get { return PlayList.songList; }  21   22         }  23   24         //当前播放歌曲的索引  25   26         public static int SongIndex  27   28         {  29   30             get { return PlayList.songIndex; }  31   32         }  33   34         // 当前播放的歌曲名称  35   36         public static string PlayingSongName()  37   38         {  39   40             string songName = ""; // 歌曲名称  41   42             if (SongList[SongIndex] != null)  43   44             {  45   46                 songName = SongList[SongIndex].SongName;  47   48             }  49   50             return songName;  51   52         }  53   54         //获取当前播放的歌曲  55   56         public static Song GetPlayingSong()  57   58         {  59   60             if (SongList[songIndex] != null)  61   62            {  63                return SongList[songIndex];  64             }  65   66             else  67   68             {  69                 return null;  70   71             }  72   73         }  74   75         //下一首要播放的歌曲名称  76   77         public static string NextSongName()  78   79         {  80   81             string songName = ""; // 歌曲名称  82   83             if (SongList[SongIndex + 1] != null)  84   85             {  86                 songName = SongList[SongIndex + 1].SongName;  87             }  88             return songName;  89   90         }  91   92    93   94         // 点播,及添加播放,一首歌曲  95   96         public static bool AddSong(Song song)  97   98         {  99  100             //默认为没有添加播放歌曲 101  102             bool success = false; 103  104             //for遍历Song[], 105  106             for (int i = 0; i < SongList.Length; i++) 107             { 108                 if (SongList[i] == null) 109  110                 { 111  112                     SongList[i] = song; 113  114                     // Console.WriteLine(song.SongName); 115  116                     //返回要播放的歌曲, 117  118                     success = true; 119  120                     break; 121                 } 122             } 123     return success; 124  125         } 126     // 切歌 要切歌曲的编号,如果是切当前播放的歌曲传入-1 127  128         public static void CutSong(int index) 129  130         { 131  132             int i;  // 循环变量,代表切歌的位置 133  134             if (index == -1) 135  136             { 137                 i = SongIndex; 138             } 139             else 140             { 141                 i = index; // 从切歌的位置开始,将歌曲逐个向前移一个位置 142             } 143                     SongList[i].SetSongCut(); 144             while (SongList[i] != null) 145             { 146                 SongList[i] = SongList[i + 1]; 147                 i++; 148           // 如果到达数组最后一个元素,就将最后一个元素指向空 149                 if (i == SongList.Length) 150                 { 151                     SongList[i] = null; 152                 } 153  154             } 155  156         } 157    // 重放当前歌曲 158         public static void PlayAgain() 159         { 160             if (SongList[songIndex] != null) 161             { 162                 SongList[songIndex].SetPlayAgain(); 163             } 164         } 165 // 播放下一首 166         public static void MoveOn() 167  168         { 169             if (SongList[songIndex] != null && SongList[songIndex].PlayState == SongPlayState.again) 170             { 171                 SongList[songIndex].SetSongPlayed(); 172             } 173             else 174             { 175                 songIndex++; 176  177             }    } 


代码例子:  // 定时扫描歌曲列表,显示当前播放歌曲的名称

  1   private void PlaySong()  2   3         {  4             this.song = PlayList.GetPlayingSong(); // 获取当前要播放的歌曲  5   6             if (song != null)  7             {  8   9                 this.song.SetSongPlayed();             // 将当前歌曲播放状态设为已播放 10                 this.Winplaymedia.URL = KTVUtil.songPath + "//" + this.song.SongURL;  // 得到当前播放歌曲的路径 11  12             } 13  14         } 15  private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) 16  17         { 18  19             // 在文本框中显示当前播放的歌曲名字 20  21             this.txtplay.Text = PlayList.PlayingSongName(); 22  23             this.txtnextsong.Text = PlayList.NextSongName(); 24  25             if (this.song == null) 26  27             { 28                 this.PlaySong(); 29             } 30  31             if (this.Winplaymedia.playState == WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsStopped) 32  33             { 34  35                 this.song = null; // 将歌曲设为空 36  37                 PlayList.MoveOn(); 38  39             } 40  41             // 切歌 42  43             if (this.song != null && this.song.PlayState == SongPlayState.cut) 44  45             { 46  47                this.Winplaymedia.URL = ""; 48  49                 this.song = null; 50  51             } 





 1 代码例子:  DialogResult re = MessageBox.Show("确定要切歌吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); 2  3             if (re == DialogResult.OK) 4  5             { 6  7                 PlayList.CutSong(-1); 8  9             } 



 1 PlayList.PlayAgain(); 2  3             PlaySong(); 4  5   


  1   private Point mouseOffset;        //记录鼠标指针的坐标         2   3         private bool isMouseDown = false; //记录鼠标按键是否按下  4   5         private void pnlon_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)  6   7         {  8   9             int xOffset; 10  11             int yOffset; 12  13             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) 14  15             { 16                 xOffset = -e.X - SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize.Width; 17  18                 yOffset = -e.Y - SystemInformation.CaptionHeight - SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize.Height; 19  20                 mouseOffset = new Point(xOffset, yOffset); 21  22                 isMouseDown = true; 23  24             } 25  26         } 27    private void pnlon_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 28  29         { 30             if (isMouseDown) 31  32             { 33                 Point mousePos = Control.MousePosition; 34  35                 mousePos.Offset(mouseOffset.X + 5, mouseOffset.Y + 30); 36                 Location = mousePos; 37  38             } 39  40         } 41  42   43  44         private void pnlon_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 45  46         { 47             // 修改鼠标状态isMouseDown的值      48  49             // 确保只有鼠标左键按下并移动时,才移动窗体       50  51             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) 52  53             { 54  55                 isMouseDown = false; 56  57             } 58  59         } 60    



  1  // 查询歌曲显示在窗体中  2         private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {                         4             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper();  5             DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();  6             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();  7             sb.Append("select song_id,song_name,singer_name,song_url  from song_info inner join singer_info on singer_info.singer_id=song_info.singer_id ");  8             sb.AppendFormat("where song_name like '%{0}%' or song_ab like '{0}'",this.txtSongName.Text);  9  10             Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); 11  12             SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sb.ToString(), dbHelper.Connection); 13  14              // 清空当前列表 15             if (dataSet.Tables["songList"] != null) 16             { 17                 dataSet.Tables["songList"].Clear(); 18             } 19  20             adapter.Fill(dataSet, "songList"); 21             this.dgvSong.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["songList"];             22         } 23  24         private void tsbtnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 25         { 26             this.Close(); 27         } 28  29         private void dgvSong_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) 30         { 31             if (dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songName"]!=null) 32             { 33                 // 创建一个歌曲对象,并将当权选中的歌曲名和路径赋给该对象 34                 Song song = new Song(); 35                 song.SongName = dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songName"].Value.ToString(); 36                 song.SongURL = dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songURL"].Value.ToString(); 37                 PlayList.AddSong(song); 38  39                 // 更新数据库,将选中的歌曲点播次数加1 40                 int songId = Convert.ToInt32(dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songId"].Value); 41                 string sql = string.Format("update song_info set song_play_count=song_play_count+1 where song_id={0}", songId); 42                 DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 43                 try 44                 { 45                     SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, dbHelper.Connection); 46                     dbHelper.OpenConnection(); 47                     command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 48                 } 49                 catch (Exception ex) 50                 { 51                     Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 52                     MessageBox.Show("错误!"); 53                 } 54                 finally 55                 { 56                     dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 57                 }  58             } 59         } 



  1         // 窗体加载时,显示歌曲类别  2         private void OrderBySongTypeForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {  4             // 读取歌曲类别  5             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper();  6             string sql = "select * from song_type";  7             try  8             {  9                 // 查询数据库 10                 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, dbHelper.Connection); 11                 dbHelper.OpenConnection(); 12                 SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); 13  14                 // 循环将类别读取出来添加到ListView中 15                 this.lvSongType.Items.Clear(); 16                 int i = 0; 17                 while (reader.Read()) 18                 { 19                     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); 20                     item.Text = Convert.ToString(reader["songtype_name"]); 21                     item.Tag = Convert.ToInt32(reader["songtype_id"]); 22                     item.ImageIndex = i; 23                     this.lvSongType.Items.Add(item); 24                     i++; 25                 } 26                 reader.Close(); 27             } 28             catch (Exception ex) 29             { 30                 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 31                 MessageBox.Show("cuowu!"); 32  33             } 34             finally 35             { 36                 dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 37             } 38         } 39  40         private void lvSongType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 41         { 42             // 读取数据库,读出该歌手的所有歌曲 43             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 44             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 45             sb.Append("select song_id,song_name, singer_name,song_url  from song_info inner join singer_info on song_info.singer_id=singer_info.singer_id "); 46             sb.AppendFormat("where songtype_id={0}",Convert.ToInt32(lvSongType.SelectedItems[0].Tag)); 47             Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); 48             FrmSongList songList = new FrmSongList(); 49             songList.Sql = sb.ToString(); 50             songList.Previous = PrevioisForm.SongType; 51             songList.Show(); 52             this.Close(); 53         } 



  1   private void OrderByWordCountForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  2         {  3             // 将字数列表添加到窗体中              4             for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)  5             {  6                 // 循环生成字数项添加到窗体中  7                 ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();  8                 item.Text = (i + 1)+"个字";  9                 item.Tag = i + 1; 10                 lvWordCount.Items.Add(item); 11             }           12  13         } 14  15         private void lvWordCount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 16         { 17             if (lvWordCount.SelectedItems[0] != null) 18             { 19                 // 读取数据库,读出该歌手的所有歌曲 20                 DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 21                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 22                 sb.Append("select song_id,song_name, singer_name,song_url  from song_info inner join singer_info on song_info.singer_id=singer_info.singer_id "); 23                 sb.AppendFormat("where song_word_count={0}", Convert.ToInt32(lvWordCount.SelectedItems[0].Tag)); 24                 Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); 25                 FrmSongList songList = new FrmSongList(); 26                 songList.Sql = sb.ToString(); 27                 songList.Previous = PrevioisForm.WordCount; 28                 songList.Show(); 29                 this.Close(); 30             } 31         } 


  1      //刷新歌曲列表  2   3   private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e){   4   5  this.newSonglist();  6   7 }  8   9    private void newSonglist() 10  11         { 12  13             // 清空原列表 14  15             lvlist.Items.Clear(); 16  17             int index = 0; 18  19             while (PlayList.SongList[index] != null) 20  21             { 22  23                 ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); 24  25                 //获取歌曲的名称 26  27                 item.Text = PlayList.SongList[index].SongName; 28  29                 item.Tag = index; 30  31                 //歌曲的播放状态 32  33                 string playState = PlayList.SongList[index].PlayState == SongPlayState.unplayed ? "未播放" : "已播放"; 34  35                 item.SubItems.Add(playState); 36  37                 lvlist.Items.Add(item); 38  39                 index++; 40  41             } 42  43         }     44  45 //切割 46  47         private void tsbtnCut_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) 48  49         { 50  51             int songId = -1;  // 切歌的编号 52  53             DialogResult re = MessageBox.Show("确定要切歌吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); 54  55             if (re == DialogResult.OK) 57             { 58  59                 if (this.lvlist.SelectedItems.Count > 0) 60  61                 { 62  63                     songId = Convert.ToInt32(this.lvlist.SelectedItems[0].Tag); 64  65                 } 66  67                 PlayList.CutSong(songId); 68  69                 this.newSonglist(); 70  71             } 72  73   



  1    // 窗体加载时查询歌曲列表  2         private void SongListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  3         {  4             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper();  5             DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();  6             SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(this.Sql,dbHelper.Connection);  7             adapter.Fill(dataSet, "songList");  8             dgvSong.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["songList"];  9         } 10  11         // 点播一首歌曲 12         private void dgvSong_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) 13         { 14             // 创建一个歌曲对象,并将当权选中的歌曲名和路径赋给该对象 15             Song song = new Song(); 16             song.SongName = dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songName"].Value.ToString(); 17             song.SongURL = dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songURL"].Value.ToString(); 18             PlayList.AddSong(song); 19  20             // 更新数据库,将选中的歌曲点播次数加1 21             int songId = Convert.ToInt32(dgvSong.SelectedRows[0].Cells["songId"].Value); 22             string sql = string.Format("update song_info set song_play_count=song_play_count+1 where song_id={0}", songId); 23             DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(); 24             try 25             { 26                 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, dbHelper.Connection); 27                 dbHelper.OpenConnection(); 28                 command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 29             } 30             catch (Exception ex) 31             { 32                 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 33                 MessageBox.Show("错误!"); 34             } 35             finally 36             { 37                 dbHelper.CloseConnection(); 38             } 39         } 


KTVUtil 类:

  1 public   class  KTVUtil  2   3     {  4   5         //保存歌曲的目录  6   7         public static string songURL = "";  8   9         //保存歌手图片的目录 10  11         public static string singer_photoURL = ""; 12  13 } 



  1  private void frmKTV_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  2   3         {  4   5    6   7             // 歌曲路径  8   9             string sql = "select resource_path from Resource_path where resource_id=2"; 10  11             KTVUtil.songURL = song_path(sql); 12  13             // 歌手图片路径 14  15             string sql1 = "select resource_path from Resource_path where resource_id=1"; 16  17             KTVUtil.singer_photoURL = song_path(sql1); 18  19         } 20  21    //路径 22  23         private string song_path(string sql) 24  25         { 26  27             SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str); 28  29             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 30  31             string path = ""; 32  33   34  35             con.Open(); 36  37             SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); 38  39   40  41             if (dr != null) 42  43             { 44  45                 if (dr.HasRows) 46  47                 { 48  49                     while (dr.Read()) 50  51                     { 52  53                         path = dr["resource_path"].ToString(); 



  1 获取图片的代码:   2   3   //相对路径  4   5         public string FileName;  6   7         //绝对路径  8   9         public string Path; 10  11  //获取 12  13         private void btnLiu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 14  15         { 16  17             DialogResult result = open.ShowDialog(); 18  19   20  21             if (result == DialogResult.OK)//获取路径 22  23             { 24  25                 //相对路径 26  27                 FileName = open.SafeFileName; 28  29                 //绝对路径 30  31                 Path = open.FileName; 32  33                 pic.Image = Image.FromFile(Path); 39             } 40  41         } 42  43 //复制图片的路径 44  45 if (Path != null) 46  47                     { 48  49                         if (Path != KTVUtil.singer_photoURL + FileName) 50  51                         { 52  53                             File.Copy(Path, KTVUtil.singer_photoURL + FileName, true); 54  55                         } 56  57                     } 58  59   60  61   private void 修改ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 62  63         { 64  65             if (dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString() != "") 66  67             { 68  69                 //获取选中行的歌曲编号 70  71                 int songid = Convert.ToInt32(dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells["song_id"].Value); 72  73                 FrmAddSong frm = new FrmAddSong(); 74  75                 frm.songid = songid; 76  77                 frm.Show(); 78  79             } 80  81             else 82  83             { 84  85                 MessageBox.Show("选歌曲"); 86  87             } 



   1    public void deletesonginfo()   2         {   3             //获取选中行的歌手编号   4             singer_id = Convert.ToInt32(dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells["siigid"].Value);   5             string sql = "delete song_info where singer_id=" + singer_id + "";   6    7             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);   8             con.Open();   9             cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  10             con.Close();  11   12         }  13         //删除歌手  14         public void deletesingerinfo()  15         {  16             //获取选中行的歌手编号  17             singer_id = Convert.ToInt32(dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells["siigid"].Value);  18             string sql1 = "select song_id from song_info where singer_id=" + singer_id + "";  19             SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str);  20             SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, con1);  21             con1.Open();  22             int song_id = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.ExecuteScalar());  23             con1.Close();  24             if (song_id != 0)  25             {  26                 MessageBox.Show("删除该歌手的歌曲信息");  27   28             }  29             else  30             {  31                 string sql = "delete dbo.singer_info where singer_id=" + singer_id + " ";  32   33                 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);  34                 con.Open();  35                 int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  36                 if (count > 0)  37                 {  38                     MessageBox.Show("成功!");  39                     string RowFilter = "";  40                     SelectInfo(RowFilter);  41                 }  42                 else  43                 {  44                     MessageBox.Show("失败!");  45                 }  46   47                 con.Close();  48   49             }  50   51         }  52         //给dgvlist控件绑定数据的方法  53         public void SelectInfo(string RowFilter)  54         {  55             dgvlist.AutoGenerateColumns = false;  56             //歌手姓名,歌手类型,歌手性别,歌手描述  57   58             string sql = "select singer_info.singertype_id,singer_name,singer_id,singertype_name,singer_gender,singer_description from dbo.singer_info,dbo.singer_type where singer_info.singertype_id=singer_type.singertype_id ";  59             SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);  60             DataSet ds = new DataSet();  61             try  62             {  63                 da.Fill(ds, "info");  64                 DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables["info"]);  65                 dv.RowFilter = RowFilter;  66                 dgvlist.DataSource = dv;  67             }  68             catch (Exception)  69             {  70   71                 MessageBox.Show("网络异常!");  72             }  73             finally  74             {  75                 con.Close();  76             }  77         }  78         private void btnselect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  79         {  80   81             if (txtname.Text == "" && cboty.Text == "全部")  82             {  83                 string RowFilter = "";  84                 SelectInfo(RowFilter);  85             }  86             else if (txtname.Text != "")  87             {  88                 //获取要查询歌手的姓名  89                 name = txtname.Text;  90                 //获取要查询的歌手类型  91                 int type = Convert.ToInt32(cboty.SelectedValue);  92                 string RowFilter = "singer_name like '%" + name + "%'";  93                 SelectInfo(RowFilter);  94   95             }  96             else  97             {  98   99                 //获取要查询歌手的姓名 100                 name = txtname.Text; 101                 //获取要查询的歌手类型 102                 int type = Convert.ToInt32(cboty.SelectedValue); 103                 string RowFilter = "singer_name like '%" + name + "%' and singertype_id=" + type + ""; 104                 SelectInfo(RowFilter); 105             } 106  107         } 108         //给歌手类型下拉框绑定数据的方法 109         public void LoadINGO() 110         { 111  112             string sql = "select * from dbo.singer_type"; 113             SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); 114             DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 115             try 116             { 117                 da.Fill(ds, "info"); 118                 cboty.DataSource = ds.Tables["info"]; 119                 cboty.DisplayMember = "singertype_name"; 120                 cboty.ValueMember = "singertype_id"; 121                 DataRow row = ds.Tables["info"].NewRow(); 122                 row["singertype_id"] = -1; 123                 row["singertype_name"] = "全部"; 124                 ds.Tables["info"].Rows.InsertAt(row, 0); 125                 cboty.SelectedIndex = 0; 126  127  128             } 129             catch (Exception) 130             { 131  132                 MessageBox.Show("网路异常!"); 133             } 134             finally 135             { 136                 con.Close(); 137             } 138         } 139         private void FrmSelectSinger_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 140         { 141  142             // 给歌手类型下拉框绑定数据的方法 143             LoadINGO(); 144             //给dgvlist控件绑定数据 145             string RowFilter = ""; 146             SelectInfo(RowFilter); 147         } 148  149         private void 删除ToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) 150         { 151             if (dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString() != "") 152             { 153                 DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("确定删除?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 154                 if (result == DialogResult.OK) 155                 { 156                     //删除歌手信息的方法 157                     deletesonginfo(); 158                     deletesingerinfo(); 159                     string RowFilter = ""; 160                     SelectInfo(RowFilter); 



  1 public int songid;  2   3         public string Path;  4   5         //相对路径  6   7         public string txtxdpath;  8   9   //新增歌曲信息的方法 10  11         public void addinfo() 12  13         { 14  15             //获取歌曲名称 16  17             string song_name = txtname.Text; 18  19             //获取拼音缩写信息 20  21             string py = txtsuo.Text; 22  23             //获取歌曲类型对应的隐藏值 24  25             int type_id = Convert.ToInt32(cboty.SelectedValue); 26  27             //获取歌手姓名对应的编号 28  29             int singe_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtsername.Tag); 30  31             //获取歌曲文件名 32  33             string url = txtsongurl.Text; 34  35             //获取歌曲名称的长度 36  37             int length = song_name.Length; 38  39         //拼接sql语句 40  41             string sql = "insert into song_info values('" + song_name + "','" + py + "'," + length + "," + type_id + "," + singe_id + ",'" + url + "',default)"; 42  43       SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 44  45        con.Open(); 46  47             int result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 48  49             if (result > 0) 50  51             { 52  53                 MessageBox.Show("保存成功!"); 54  55                 if (Path != null) 56  57                 { 58  59                     if (Path != KTVUtil.songURL + txtxdpath) 60  61                     {              62  63                         File.Copy(Path, KTVUtil.songURL + txtxdpath, true); 64  65                     } 66                 } 67  68             } 69  70             else 71  72             { 



   1   //删除歌曲信息的方法   2         public void deletesong()   3         {   4    5             if (dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString() != "")   6             {   7                 //获取选中行的歌曲编号   8                 int song_id = Convert.ToInt32(dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells["song_id"].Value);   9                 DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("删除?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);  10                 if (result == DialogResult.OK)  11                 {  12                     SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str);  13                     string sql = "delete song_info where song_id=" + song_id + "";  14                     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);  15   16                     con.Open();  17                     int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  18                     if (count > 0)  19                     {  20                         MessageBox.Show("成功!");  21                         string RowFilter="";  22                         LoadAllINFO(RowFilter);  23                     }  24                     else  25                     {  26                         MessageBox.Show("失败!");  27                     }  28   29                     con.Close();  30   31                 }  32   33             }  34             else  35             {  36   37                 MessageBox.Show("选歌曲");  38   39             }  40         }  41         //给歌曲类型下拉框赋值的方法  42         public void LoadINFO()  43         {  44   45             SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str);  46             string sql = "select * from song_type";  47             SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);  48             DataSet ds = new DataSet();  49   50             da.Fill(ds, "info");  51             cbolist.DataSource = ds.Tables["info"];  52             cbolist.DisplayMember = "songtype_name";  53             cbolist.ValueMember = "songtype_id";  54   55             DataRow row = ds.Tables["info"].NewRow();  56             row["songtype_id"] = -1;  57             row["songtype_name"] = "全部";  58             ds.Tables["info"].Rows.InsertAt(row, 0);  59             cbolist.SelectedIndex = 0;  60   61   62   63   64             con.Close();  65   66   67         }  68   69         //给dgvlist绑定数据的方法  70         public void LoadAllINFO(string RowFilter)  71         {  72             //取消英文列自动生成   73             dgvlist.AutoGenerateColumns = false;  74             SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str);  75             string sql = "select  song_id,song_name,songtype_name,song_play_count,song_info.songtype_id from song_info,song_type where song_info.songtype_id=song_type.songtype_id";  76             SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);  77             DataSet ds = new DataSet();  78   79             da.Fill(ds, "info");  80             DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables["info"]);  81             dv.RowFilter = RowFilter;  82             dgvlist.DataSource = dv;  83   84             con.Open();  85   86   87         }  88         private void btnselect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  89         {  90   91   92             if (txtname.Text == "" && cbolist.Text == "全部")  93             {  94                 string RowFilter = "";  95                 LoadAllINFO(RowFilter);  96             }  97             else if (txtname.Text != "")  98             {  99                 //获取歌曲名称 100                 string song_name = txtname.Text; 101                 //获取歌曲类型对应的隐藏值 102                 int type_id = Convert.ToInt32(cbolist.SelectedValue); 103                 string RowFilter = "song_name like '%" + song_name + "%'"; 104                 LoadAllINFO(RowFilter); 105  106             } 107             else 108             { 109  110                 //获取歌曲名称 111                 string song_name = txtname.Text; 112                 //获取歌曲类型对应的隐藏值 113                 int type_id = Convert.ToInt32(cbolist.SelectedValue); 114                 string RowFilter = "song_name like '%" + song_name + "%' and songtype_id =" + type_id + ""; 115                 LoadAllINFO(RowFilter); 116  117             } 118         } 119  120         private void 修改ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 121         { 122             if (dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString() != "") 123             { 124                 //获取选中行的歌曲编号 125                 int songid = Convert.ToInt32(dgvlist.SelectedRows[0].Cells["song_id"].Value); 126                 FrmAddSong frm = new FrmAddSong(); 127                 frm.songid = songid; 128                 frm.Show(); 129             } 130             else 131             { 132                 MessageBox.Show("选歌曲"); 133             } 134         } 135  136         private void 删除ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 137         { 138  139             //删除歌曲信息的方法 140             deletesong();    141         } 142  143         private void frmselectSong_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 144         { 145             //给歌曲类型下拉框赋值 146             LoadINFO(); 147             //给dgvlist绑定数据 148             string RowFilter = ""; 149             LoadAllINFO(RowFilter); 150         } 



  1    private void frmAddSongURL_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  2   3         {  4   5             string sql = "select resource_path from Resource_path where resource_id=2";  6   7             txtoldurl.Text = song_path(sql);  8   9         } 10  11 //给当前路径赋值 12  13         private string song_path(string sql) 14  15         { 16  17   18  19             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 20  21             string path = ""; 22  23             try 24  25             { 26  27                 con.Open(); 28  29                 SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); 30  31   32  33                 if (dr != null) 34  35                 { 36  37                     if (dr.HasRows) 38  39                     { 40  41                         while (dr.Read()) 42  43                         { 44  45                             path = dr["resource_path"].ToString(); 46  47                         } 48  49   50  51 DialogResult re = MessageBox.Show("修改路径?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 52  53                 if (re == DialogResult.Yes) 54  55                 { 56  57   58  59                     Directory.Delete(txtnewurl.Text); 60  61                     Directory.Move(txtoldurl.Text, txtnewurl.Text); 62  63                     string newUrl = txtnewurl.Text; 64  65                     SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str); 66  67                     string sql = "update Resource_path set resource_path='" + newUrl + "' where resource_type='song'"; 68  69                     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 70  71                     try 72  73                     { 74  75                         con.Open(); 76  77                         int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 78  79                         if (count > 0) 80  81 //浏览新路径 82  83         private void btnLiu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 84  85         { 86  87   88  89             DialogResult result = brow.ShowDialog(); 90  91             if (result == DialogResult.OK) 92  93             { 94  95                 txtnewurl.Text = brow.SelectedPath + "//"; 96  97             }   1 //歌曲的文件名:  2   3 //浏览  4   5   private void btnLiu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  6   7         {  8   9             open.Filter = "歌曲文件|*.mp3;"; 10  11             DialogResult result = open.ShowDialog(); 12  13             if (result == DialogResult.OK)//获取路径 14  15             { 16  17                 //相对路径 18  19                 txtxdpath = open.SafeFileName; 20  21                 txtsongurl.Text = txtxdpath; 22  23                 //绝对路径 24  25                 Path = open.FileName; 26  27   28  29                 int dot = txtxdpath.LastIndexOf('.'); 30  31                 string fileType = txtxdpath.Substring(dot + 1); 32  33                 if (fileType != "mp3") 34  35                 { 36  37                     MessageBox.Show("文件类型不对!");    



  1 //给当前路径赋值  2   3         private string song_path(string sql)  4   5         {  6   7             SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str);  8   9             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 10  11             string path = ""; 12  13   14  15             con.Open(); 16  17             SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); 18  19   20  21             if (dr != null) 22  23             { 24  25                 if (dr.HasRows) 26  27                 { 28  29                     while (dr.Read()) 30  31                     { 32  33                         path = dr["resource_path"].ToString(); 34  35                     } 36  37  private void btnSa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 38  39         { 40  41             // 如果新路径为空,提示 42  43             if (this.txtnewurl.Text.Trim() == "") 44  45             { 46  47                 MessageBox.Show("请选择新路径!"); 48  49             } 50  51             else 52  53             { 54  55                 // 用户确认修改 56  57                 if (MessageBox.Show("确定要修改路径吗?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) 58  59                 { 60  61   62  63                     Directory.Delete(txtnewurl.Text); 64  65                     Directory.Move(txtoldurl.Text, txtnewurl.Text); 66  67                     string newUrl = txtnewurl.Text; 68  69                     SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBHelp.str); 70  71                     string sql = "update Resource_path set resource_path='" + newUrl + "' where resource_type='singer_photo'"; 72  73                     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); 74  75                     con.Open(); 76  77                     int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 78  79                     if (count > 0) 80  81                     { 82  83 //浏览 84  85 private void btnLiu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 86  87         { 88  89             DialogResult result = brow.ShowDialog(); 90  91             if (result == DialogResult.OK) 92  93             { 94  95                 txtnewurl.Text = brow.SelectedPath + "//"; 96  97             }   


  1   public static string GetChineseSpell(string strText)  2         {  3             if (strText == null || strText.Length == 0)  4                 return strText;  5             System.Text.StringBuilder myStr = new System.Text.StringBuilder();  6             foreach (char vChar in strText)  7             {  8                 // 若是字母则直接输出  9                 if ((vChar >= 'a' && vChar <= 'z') || (vChar >= 'A' && vChar <= 'Z')) 10                     myStr.Append(char.ToUpper(vChar)); 11                 else if ((int)vChar >= 19968 && (int)vChar <= 40869) 12                 { 13                     // 若字符Unicode编码在编码范围则 查汉字列表进行转换输出 14                     foreach (string strList in strChineseCharList) 15                     { 16                         if (strList.IndexOf(vChar) > 0) 17                         { 18                             myStr.Append(strList[0]); 19                             break; 20                         } 21                     } 22                 } 23             } 24             return myStr.ToString(); 25         }// GetChineseSpell  26   27   

这可是我辛辛苦苦的成果哦,同时在这提前祝大家 Happy New Year 了  ,


原文  http://www.cnblogs.com/weiguangyi/p/5175446.html