


  • Java5的新特性

  • Java6的新特性

  • Java7的新特性

  • [Java8的新特性]()

  • [Java9的新特性]()



  • 泛型

  • 枚举

  • 装箱拆箱

  • 变长参数

  • 注解

  • foreach循环

  • 静态导入

  • 格式化

  • 线程框架/数据结构

  • Arrays工具类/StringBuilder/instrument



Map<Integer, Integer> squares = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
  • 通配符类型:避免unchecked警告,问号表示任何类型都可以接受

public void printList(List<?> list, PrintStream out) throws IOException {     for (Iterator<?> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {       out.println(i.next().toString());     }   }
  • 限制类型

public static <A extends Number> double sum(Box<A> box1,Box<A> box2){     double total = 0;     for (Iterator<A> i = box1.contents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {       total = total + i.next().doubleValue();     }     for (Iterator<A> i = box2.contents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {       total = total + i.next().doubleValue();     }     return total;   }


  • EnumMap

public void testEnumMap(PrintStream out) throws IOException {     // Create a map with the key and a String message     EnumMap<AntStatus, String> antMessages =       new EnumMap<AntStatus, String>(AntStatus.class);     // Initialize the map     antMessages.put(AntStatus.INITIALIZING, "Initializing Ant...");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.COMPILING,    "Compiling Java classes...");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.COPYING,      "Copying files...");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.JARRING,      "JARring up files...");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.ZIPPING,      "ZIPping up files...");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.DONE,         "Build complete.");     antMessages.put(AntStatus.ERROR,        "Error occurred.");     // Iterate and print messages     for (AntStatus status : AntStatus.values() ) {       out.println("For status " + status + ", message is: " +                   antMessages.get(status));     }   }
  • switch枚举

public String getDescription() {     switch(this) {       case ROSEWOOD:      return "Rosewood back and sides";       case MAHOGANY:      return "Mahogany back and sides";       case ZIRICOTE:      return "Ziricote back and sides";       case SPRUCE:        return "Sitka Spruce top";       case CEDAR:         return "Wester Red Cedar top";       case AB_ROSETTE:    return "Abalone rosette";       case AB_TOP_BORDER: return "Abalone top border";       case IL_DIAMONDS:            return "Diamonds and squares fretboard inlay";       case IL_DOTS:         return "Small dots fretboard inlay";       default: return "Unknown feature";     }   }



public static void m1(Integer i){         System.out.println("this is integer");     }     public static void m1(double d){         System.out.println("this is double");     }



private String print(Object... values) {     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();     for (Object o : values) {       sb.append(o.toString())         .append(" ");     }     return sb.toString();   }


  • Inherited表示该注解是否对类的子类继承的方法等起作用

@Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface InProgress { }
  • 指定Target

@Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE,          ElementType.METHOD,           ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR,           ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE}) public @interface TODO {    String value(); }
  • Target类型

public enum ElementType {     /** Class, interface (including annotation type), or enum declaration */     TYPE,     /** Field declaration (includes enum constants) */     FIELD,     /** Method declaration */     METHOD,     /** Parameter declaration */     PARAMETER,     /** Constructor declaration */     CONSTRUCTOR,     /** Local variable declaration */     LOCAL_VARIABLE,     /** Annotation type declaration */     ANNOTATION_TYPE,     /** Package declaration */     PACKAGE }
  • rentation表示annotation是否保留在编译过的class文件中还是在运行时可读。

public enum RetentionPolicy {     /**      * Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler.      */     SOURCE,     /**      * Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler      * but need not be retained by the VM at run time.  This is the default      * behavior.      */     CLASS,     /**      * Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler and      * retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read reflectively.      *      * @see java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement      */     RUNTIME }
  • 通过反射获取元信息

public class ReflectionTester {   public ReflectionTester() {   }   public void testAnnotationPresent(PrintStream out) throws IOException {     Class c = Super.class;     boolean inProgress = c.isAnnotationPresent(InProgress.class);     if (inProgress) {       out.println("Super is In Progress");     } else {       out.println("Super is not In Progress");     }   }   public void testInheritedAnnotation(PrintStream out) throws IOException {     Class c = Sub.class;     boolean inProgress = c.isAnnotationPresent(InProgress.class);     if (inProgress) {       out.println("Sub is In Progress");     } else {       out.println("Sub is not In Progress");     }   }   public void testGetAnnotation(PrintStream out)      throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException {     Class c = AnnotationTester.class;     AnnotatedElement element = c.getMethod("calculateInterest",                                    float.class, float.class);     GroupTODO groupTodo = element.getAnnotation(GroupTODO.class);     String assignedTo = groupTodo.assignedTo();     out.println("TODO Item on Annotation Tester is assigned to: '" +          assignedTo + "'");   }   public void printAnnotations(AnnotatedElement e, PrintStream out)     throws IOException {     out.printf("Printing annotations for '%s'%n%n", e.toString());     Annotation[] annotations = e.getAnnotations();     for (Annotation a : annotations) {       out.printf("    * Annotation '%s' found%n",          a.annotationType().getName());     }   }   public static void main(String[] args) {     try {       ReflectionTester tester = new ReflectionTester();       tester.testAnnotationPresent(System.out);       tester.testInheritedAnnotation(System.out);       tester.testGetAnnotation(System.out);       Class c = AnnotationTester.class;       AnnotatedElement element = c.getMethod("calculateInterest",                                      float.class, float.class);             tester.printAnnotations(element, System.out);     } catch (Exception e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }    } }







import static java.lang.System.err; import static java.lang.System.out; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; public class StaticImporter {   public static void writeError(PrintStream err, String msg)      throws IOException {         // Note that err in the parameter list overshadows the imported err     err.println(msg);    }   public static void main(String[] args) {     if (args.length < 2) {       err.println(         "Incorrect usage: java com.oreilly.tiger.ch08 [arg1] [arg2]");       return;     }     out.println("Good morning, " + args[0]);     out.println("Have a " + args[1] + " day!");     try {       writeError(System.out, "Error occurred.");     } catch (IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }   } }


/**  * java.text.DateFormat  * java.text.SimpleDateFormat  * java.text.MessageFormat  * java.text.NumberFormat  * java.text.ChoiceFormat  * java.text.DecimalFormat  */ public class FormatTester {     public static void printf() {         //printf         String filename = "this is a file";         try {             File file = new File(filename);             FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);             BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);             String line;             int i = 1;             while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {                 System.out.printf("Line %d: %s%n", i++, line);             }         } catch (Exception e) {             System.err.printf("Unable to open file named '%s': %s",                     filename, e.getMessage());         }     }     public static void stringFormat() {         // Format a string containing a date.         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(1995, MAY, 23);         String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c);         // -> s == "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995"         System.out.println(s);     }     public static void formatter() {         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();         // Send all output to the Appendable object sb         Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US);         // Explicit argument indices may be used to re-order output.         formatter.format("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s", "a", "b", "c", "d");         // -> " d  c  b  a"         // Optional locale as the first argument can be used to get         // locale-specific formatting of numbers.  The precision and width can be         // given to round and align the value.         formatter.format(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f", Math.E);         // -> "e =    +2,7183"         // The '(' numeric flag may be used to format negative numbers with         // parentheses rather than a minus sign.  Group separators are         // automatically inserted.         formatter.format("Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ %(,.2f",                 6217.58);         // -> "Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ (6,217.58)"     }     public static void messageFormat() {         String msg = "欢迎光临,当前({0})等待的业务受理的顾客有{1}位,请排号办理业务!";         MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(msg);         String fmsg = mf.format(new Object[]{new Date(), 35});         System.out.println(fmsg);     }     public static void dateFormat(){         String str = "2010-1-10 17:39:21";         SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");         try {             System.out.println(format.format(format.parse(str)));         } catch (ParseException e) {             // TODO Auto-generated catch block             e.printStackTrace();         }     }     public static void main(String[] args) {         formatter();         stringFormat();         messageFormat();         dateFormat();         printf();     } }


  • uncaught exception

public class BubbleSortThread extends Thread {   private int[] numbers;   public BubbleSortThread(int[] numbers) {     setName("Simple Thread");     setUncaughtExceptionHandler(       new SimpleThreadExceptionHandler());     this.numbers = numbers;   }   public void run() {     int index = numbers.length;     boolean finished = false;     while (!finished) {       index--;       finished = true;       for (int i=0; i<index; i++) {         // Create error condition         if (numbers[i+1] < 0) {           throw new IllegalArgumentException(             "Cannot pass negative numbers into this thread!");         }         if (numbers[i] > numbers[i+1]) {           // swap           int temp = numbers[i];           numbers[i] = numbers[i+1];           numbers[i+1] = temp;           finished = false;         }       }     }       } } class SimpleThreadExceptionHandler implements     Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {   public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {     System.err.printf("%s: %s at line %d of %s%n",         t.getName(),          e.toString(),         e.getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber(),         e.getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());   } }
  • blocking queue

public class Producer extends Thread {   private BlockingQueue q;   private PrintStream out;   public Producer(BlockingQueue q, PrintStream out) {     setName("Producer");     this.q = q;     this.out = out;   }   public void run() {     try {       while (true) {         q.put(produce());       }     } catch (InterruptedException e) {       out.printf("%s interrupted: %s", getName(), e.getMessage());     }   }   private String produce() {     while (true) {       double r = Math.random();       // Only goes forward 1/10 of the time       if ((r*100) < 10) {         String s = String.format("Inserted at %tc", new Date());         return s;       }     }   } }
  • 线程池著名的JUC类库。

    • 每次提交任务时,如果线程数还没达到coreSize就创建新线程并绑定该任务。 所以第coreSize次提交任务后线程总数必达到coreSize,不会重用之前的空闲线程。

    • 线程数达到coreSize后,新增的任务就放到工作队列里,而线程池里的线程则努力的使用take()从工作队列里拉活来干。

    • 如果队列是个有界队列,又如果线程池里的线程不能及时将任务取走,工作队列可能会满掉,插入任务就会失败,此时线程池就会紧急的再创建新的临时线程来补救。

    • 临时线程使用poll(keepAliveTime,timeUnit)来从工作队列拉活,如果时候到了仍然两手空空没拉到活,表明它太闲了,就会被解雇掉。

    • 如果core线程数+临时线程数 >maxSize,则不能再创建新的临时线程了,转头执行RejectExecutionHanlder。默认的AbortPolicy抛RejectedExecutionException异常,其他选择包括静默放弃当前任务(Discard),放弃工作队列里最老的任务(DisacardOldest),或由主线程来直接执行(CallerRuns),或你自己发挥想象力写的一个。


  • Arrays

Arrays.sort(myArray); Arrays.toString(myArray) Arrays.binarySearch(myArray, 98) Arrays.deepToString(ticTacToe) Arrays.deepEquals(ticTacToe, ticTacToe3)
  • Queue避开集合的add/remove操作,使用offer、poll操作(不抛异常)

Queue q = new LinkedList(); 采用它来实现queue
  • Override返回类型支持协变返回

  • 单线程StringBuilder线程不安全,在单线程下替换string buffer提高性能

  • java.lang.instrument


  • New Features and Enhancements J2SE 5.0

原文  https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004417288