



 <!-- Berkeley DB Java Edition -->         <dependency>             <groupId>com.sleepycat</groupId>             <artifactId>je</artifactId>             <!--<version>5.0.73</version>-->             <version>6.4.9</version>         </dependency>


<repositories>         <repository>             <id>oracleReleases</id>             <name>Oracle Released Java Packages</name>             <url>http://download.oracle.com/maven</url>             <layout>default</layout>         </repository>     </repositories>




/* An entity class. */ @Entity public class Person {      @PrimaryKey     String ssn;      String name;     Address address;      @SecondaryKey(relate = MANY_TO_ONE, relatedEntity = Person.class)     String parentSsn;      @SecondaryKey(relate = ONE_TO_MANY)     Set<String> emailAddresses = new HashSet<String>();      @SecondaryKey(relate = MANY_TO_MANY,             relatedEntity = Employer.class,             onRelatedEntityDelete = NULLIFY)     Set<Long> employerIds = new HashSet<Long>();      public Person(String name, String ssn, String parentSsn) {         this.name = name;         this.ssn = ssn;         this.parentSsn = parentSsn;     }      private Person() {     } // For deserialization      public String getSsn() {         return ssn;     }      public void setSsn(String ssn) {         this.ssn = ssn;     }      public String getName() {         return name;     }      public void setName(String name) {         this.name = name;     }      public Address getAddress() {         return address;     }      public void setAddress(Address address) {         this.address = address;     }      public String getParentSsn() {         return parentSsn;     }      public void setParentSsn(String parentSsn) {         this.parentSsn = parentSsn;     }      public Set<String> getEmailAddresses() {         return emailAddresses;     }      public void setEmailAddresses(Set<String> emailAddresses) {         this.emailAddresses = emailAddresses;     }      public Set<Long> getEmployerIds() {         return employerIds;     }      public void setEmployerIds(Set<Long> employerIds) {         this.employerIds = employerIds;     } }
  • 内嵌对象

/* A persistent class used in other classes. */ @Persistent public class Address {     String street;     String city;     String state;     int zipCode;      public Address() {     } // For deserialization      public String getStreet() {         return street;     }      public void setStreet(String street) {         this.street = street;     }      public String getCity() {         return city;     }      public void setCity(String city) {         this.city = city;     }      public String getState() {         return state;     }      public void setState(String state) {         this.state = state;     }      public int getZipCode() {         return zipCode;     }      public void setZipCode(int zipCode) {         this.zipCode = zipCode;     } }
  • 关联

@Entity public class Employer {      @PrimaryKey(sequence = "ID")     private long id;      @SecondaryKey(relate = ONE_TO_ONE)     private String name;      private Address address;      public Employer(String name) {         this.name = name;     }      private Employer() {     } // For deserialization      public long getId() {         return id;     }      public void setId(long id) {         this.id = id;     }      public String getName() {         return name;     }      public void setName(String name) {         this.name = name;     }      public Address getAddress() {         return address;     }      public void setAddress(Address address) {         this.address = address;     } }


    private Environment myEnv;     private EntityStore store;     private PrimaryIndex<String, Inventory> inventoryBySku;     private PrimaryIndex<String, Vendor> vendorByName;     private SecondaryIndex<String, String, Inventory> inventoryByName;      /* Employer accessors */     PrimaryIndex<Long, Employer> employerById;     SecondaryIndex<String, Long, Employer> employerByName;      /* Person accessors */     PrimaryIndex<String, Person> personBySsn;     SecondaryIndex<String, String, Person> personByParentSsn;     SecondaryIndex<String, String, Person> personByEmailAddresses;     SecondaryIndex<Long, String, Person> personByEmployerIds;       private File envHome = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "bdb");     private boolean readOnly = false;      @Before     public void prepare() {         EnvironmentConfig myEnvConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();         StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig();          myEnvConfig.setReadOnly(readOnly);         storeConfig.setReadOnly(readOnly);          // If the environment is opened for write, then we want to be         // able to create the environment and entity store if         // they do not exist.         myEnvConfig.setAllowCreate(!readOnly);         storeConfig.setAllowCreate(!readOnly);          // Open the environment and entity store         System.out.println(envHome.getAbsolutePath());         if (!envHome.exists()) {             envHome.mkdir();         }         myEnv = new Environment(envHome, myEnvConfig);         store = new EntityStore(myEnv, "EntityStore", storeConfig);          // Primary key for Inventory classes         inventoryBySku = store.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, Inventory.class);         // Secondary key for Inventory classes         // Last field in the getSecondaryIndex() method must be         // the name of a class member; in this case, an Inventory.class         // data member.         inventoryByName = store.getSecondaryIndex(inventoryBySku, String.class, "itemName");         // Primary key for Vendor class         vendorByName = store.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, Vendor.class);          employerById = store.getPrimaryIndex(Long.class, Employer.class);         employerByName = store.getSecondaryIndex(employerById, String.class, "name");          personBySsn = store.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, Person.class);         personByParentSsn = store.getSecondaryIndex(personBySsn, String.class, "parentSsn");         personByEmailAddresses = store.getSecondaryIndex(personBySsn, String.class, "emailAddresses");         personByEmployerIds = store.getSecondaryIndex(personBySsn, Long.class, "employerIds");      }      @After     public void close() {         if (store != null) {             try {                 store.close();             } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {                 dbe.printStackTrace();             }         }          if (myEnv != null) {             try {                 // Finally, close the store and environment.                 myEnv.close();             } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {                 dbe.printStackTrace();             }         }     }



@Test     public void putData() throws IOException {         List<String> readLines = Resources.readLines(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("vendors.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8);         for (String data : readLines) {             String[] sArray = data.split("#");             Vendor theVendor = new Vendor();             theVendor.setVendorName(sArray[0]);             theVendor.setAddress(sArray[1]);             theVendor.setCity(sArray[2]);             theVendor.setState(sArray[3]);             theVendor.setZipcode(sArray[4]);             theVendor.setBusinessPhoneNumber(sArray[5]);             theVendor.setRepName(sArray[6]);             theVendor.setRepPhoneNumber(sArray[7]);             // Put it in the store. Because we do not explicitly set             // a transaction here, and because the store was opened             // with transactional support, auto commit is used for each             // write to the store.             vendorByName.put(theVendor);         }          // Primary key for Inventory classes         PrimaryIndex<String, Inventory> inventoryBySku = store.getPrimaryIndex(                 String.class, Inventory.class);         List<String> data = Resources.readLines(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("inventory.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8);         for (String row : data) {             String[] sArray = row.split("#");             Inventory theInventory = new Inventory();             theInventory.setItemName(sArray[0]);             theInventory.setSku(sArray[1]);             theInventory.setVendorPrice((new Float(sArray[2])).floatValue());             theInventory.setVendorInventory((new Integer(sArray[3])).intValue());             theInventory.setCategory(sArray[4]);             theInventory.setVendor(sArray[5]);             // Put it in the store. Note that this causes our secondary key             // to be automatically updated for us.             inventoryBySku.put(theInventory);         }     }


    @Test     public void getInventoryData() {         // Use the inventory name secondary key to retrieve         // these objects.         EntityCursor<Inventory> items =                 inventoryByName.subIndex("Oranges").entities();         try {             for (Inventory item : items) {                 System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(item));             }         } finally {             items.close();         }     }      @Test     public void getAllInventory() {         // Get a cursor that will walk every         // inventory object in the store.         EntityCursor<Inventory> items = inventoryBySku.entities();          try {             for (Inventory item : items) {                 System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(item));             }         } finally {             items.close();         }     }



@Test     public void update() {         String pk = "apple-for-update";         Inventory theInventory = new Inventory();         theInventory.setItemName("Apples");         theInventory.setSku(pk);         theInventory.setVendorPrice(1.20f);         theInventory.setVendorInventory(728);         theInventory.setCategory("fruits");         theInventory.setVendor("Off the Vine");          inventoryBySku.put(theInventory);          Inventory inventory = inventoryBySku.get(pk);         System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(inventory));          inventory.setVendor("vendor update");         inventoryBySku.put(inventory);          System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(inventoryBySku.get(pk)));     }


    @Test     public void delete() {         String pk = "apple-for-update";         Inventory theInventory = new Inventory();         theInventory.setItemName("Apples");         theInventory.setSku(pk);         theInventory.setVendorPrice(1.20f);         theInventory.setVendorInventory(728);         theInventory.setCategory("fruits");         theInventory.setVendor("Off the Vine");          inventoryBySku.put(theInventory);          Inventory inventory = inventoryBySku.get(pk);         System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(inventory));          boolean rs = inventoryBySku.delete(pk);         Assert.assertTrue(rs);          Assert.assertNull(inventoryBySku.get(pk));      }


@Test     public void count(){         EntityCursor<Employer> cursor = null;         try{             cursor = employerById.entities();             int count = -1;             if(cursor.next() != null){                 count = cursor.count();             }             System.out.println("employee count:" + count);         }finally {             if(cursor != null){                 cursor.close();             }         }     }


 @Test     public void sequencePk() {          /*          * Add a parent and two children using the Person primary index.          * Specifying a non-null parentSsn adds the child Person to the          * sub-index of children for that parent key.          */         personBySsn.put(new Person("Bob Smith", "111-11-1111", null));         personBySsn.put(new Person("Mary Smith", "333-33-3333", "111-11-1111"));         personBySsn.put(new Person("Jack Smith", "222-22-2222", "111-11-1111"));          /* Print the children of a parent using a sub-index and a cursor. */         EntityCursor<Person> children = personByParentSsn.subIndex("111-11-1111").entities();         try {             for (Person child : children) {                 System.out.println(child.getSsn() + ' ' + child.getName());             }         } finally {             children.close();         }          /* Get Bob by primary key using the primary index. */         Person bob = personBySsn.get("111-11-1111");         Assert.assertNotNull(bob);          /*          * Create two employers if they do not already exist.  Their primary          * keys are assigned from a sequence.          */         Employer gizmoInc = employerByName.get("Gizmo Inc");         if (gizmoInc == null) {             gizmoInc = new Employer("Gizmo Inc");             employerById.put(gizmoInc);         }         Employer gadgetInc = employerByName.get("Gadget Inc");         if (gadgetInc == null) {             gadgetInc = new Employer("Gadget Inc");             employerById.put(gadgetInc);         }          /* Bob has two jobs and two email addresses. */         bob.getEmployerIds().add(gizmoInc.getId());         bob.getEmployerIds().add(gadgetInc.getId());          bob.getEmailAddresses().add("bob@bob.com");         bob.getEmailAddresses().add("bob@gmail.com");          /* Update Bob's record. */         personBySsn.put(bob);          /* Bob can now be found by both email addresses. */         bob = personByEmailAddresses.get("bob@bob.com");         Assert.assertNotNull(bob);         bob = personByEmailAddresses.get("bob@gmail.com");         Assert.assertNotNull(bob);          /* Bob can also be found as an employee of both employers. */         EntityIndex<String, Person> employees;         employees = personByEmployerIds.subIndex(gizmoInc.getId());         Assert.assertTrue( employees.contains("111-11-1111"));         employees = personByEmployerIds.subIndex(gadgetInc.getId());         Assert.assertTrue(employees.contains("111-11-1111"));          /*          * When an employer is deleted, the onRelatedEntityDelete=NULLIFY for          * the employerIds key causes the deleted ID to be removed from Bob's          * employerIds.          */         employerById.delete(gizmoInc.getId());         bob = personBySsn.get("111-11-1111");         Assert.assertNotNull(bob);         Assert.assertFalse(bob.getEmployerIds().contains(gizmoInc.getId()));     }      @Test     public void cursor() {         CursorConfig cc = new CursorConfig();         // This is ignored if the store is not opened with uncommitted read         // support.         cc.setReadUncommitted(true);          EntityCursor<Employer> employers = employerById.entities(null, cc);         try{             for(Employer employer : employers){                 System.out.println(ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(employer));             }         }finally{             employers.close();         }     }

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  • Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition, 12c Release 1

原文  https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004421758