
Swift 语言学习及速查手册


我利用周末两天时间,把《Swift Programming Language》中文版整整的细看了一遍,然后为了总结提取 Swift 的主要语言特性,又把这本书快速过了第二遍。

根据我的番茄钟粗略统计,我看书学习第一遍大约花了 5 小时(包括边学,边在 XCode 试验的时间),第二遍主要是快速过一遍主要特性,将主要示例代码提取出来,大约花了 3.5 小时。

连我自己都觉得有点难以置信,总共只需要 8 小时,就可以基本入门一门新语言了。


  1. 恐惧未知。对未知的东西没有把握,怕太难,怕需要太长时间学,所以能拖就拖。

  2. 注意力不能集中。连续玩几个小时游戏一点不累,看半小时书就感觉身心俱疲。

番茄工作法在这个时候就起作用了,告诉自己,不想太多,开始一个番茄钟试试,在这 25 分钟内,只关注这 25 分钟内要看的内容。然后,很自然的,障碍被逐个击破,番茄钟一个接着一个。

以下是我学习 Swift 的代码总结,可用于之后速查。

代码: https://github.com/coderzh/CodeTips/blob/master/swift.swift

/*  swift.swift:  Swift 速学速查速用代码手册  Source: github.com/coderzh/CodeTips/blob/master/swift.swift  Author: coderzh(github.com/coderzh)  Blog: http://blog.coderzh.com  参考:《Swift Programming Language》  */  import Cocoa  // 0. 注释 /* 块注释 行尾分号可不用 */  // 1. Hello World print("Hello Swift")  // 2. 常量变量类型 let constValue = 3.14 var variable = 18  variable += 1  // 指定类型 let age: Int = 18 // 多重赋值 var (a, b) = (1, 2) // 匿名占位符 (_, b) = (3, 4)  // 类型会自动推导 let name = "It's a string" let gravity = 0.98 // 默认 double  // 永远不做隐式转换,必须自己强转 let sum = Double(age) + gravity  // 运算:+, -, *, /, % 求余 // 比较:<, >, ==, >=, <=, != // === 恒等,是否为同一个对象 // !== 不恒等 // 位运算:~x 取反,& 与,| 或,^ 异或,<< 左移动,>> 右移 // 溢出运算符 &+ &- &* &/ &% ,这样溢出部分就会丢掉,不会出错,比如: var willOverflow = UInt8.max willOverflow = willOverflow &+ 1 // = 0  // 类型 let b1 = true let i32: Int32 = 6 let f64: Float64 = 3.1415  // 字符串 let str = "swift" // 字符串连接,使用/() var hello = "hello /(str)" let count = str.characters.count let c = hello[hello.startIndex] for i in hello.characters.indices {     print("/(hello[i])") }  hello.insert("!", atIndex: hello.endIndex) hello.insertContentsOf(" there".characters, at: hello.endIndex.predecessor()) hello.removeAtIndex(hello.endIndex.predecessor()) hello.hasPrefix("hello") hello.hasSuffix("swift")  let unicode = "你好 swift" unicode.characters.count // 8  for codeUnit in unicode.utf8 {     print("/(codeUnit)", terminator: "") } if hello == unicode{  }  // 数组 var shoppingList = ["test", "book", "bike"] shoppingList[2] = "joke" shoppingList.append("bus") shoppingList.insert("foo", atIndex: 0) shoppingList.removeAtIndex(0)  // 类似 slice shoppingList[0..<2] // ["test", "book"] shoppingList[0...2] // ["test", "book", "joke"]  for item in shoppingList {     print(item) }  for (index, value) in shoppingList.enumerate() {     print("/(index): /(value)") }  let emptyArray = [String]() var someInts = [Int]() var someInts2 = [Int](count: 3, repeatedValue: 8) // [8, 8, 8] var someInts3 = [Int](count: 3, repeatedValue: 2)  // 任意类型数组 var anyArray = [Any]() anyArray.append(1) anyArray.append("book")  someInts = someInts2 + someInts3 // [8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2]  // 元组 let httpResponse = (404, "Not Found") print(httpResponse.0)  // 集合 Sets var setBooks: Set<String> = ["book1", "book2"] // 自动推导 var setBooks2: Set = ["book1", "book2", "book3"]  setBooks.intersect(setBooks2)  // 交集 setBooks.exclusiveOr(setBooks2)  // 非交集 setBooks.union(setBooks2)  // 并集 setBooks.subtract(setBooks2)  // 减集  setBooks.isSubsetOf(setBooks2) setBooks2.isSupersetOf(setBooks) setBooks.isStrictSubsetOf(setBooks2)  // 被包含且不相等  // 字典 var map = [     "Malcolm": "hehe",     "Keylee": 123, ] map["Keylee"] = 166  var namesOfInt = [Int: String]() namesOfInt[10] = "ten"  if let oldValue = namesOfInt.updateValue("Ten", forKey: 10) {     print("/(oldValue)") }  if let name = namesOfInt[8] {     print("/(name)") } else {     print("not exist 8") }  for (intKey, strValue) in namesOfInt {     print("/(intKey):/(strValue)") }  // namsOfInt.values for intKeys in namesOfInt.keys {  }  let intKeys = [Int](namesOfInt.keys)  // 可空变量,用 ? var optionalString: String? = nil  if let name = optionalString {     print("hello /(name)") }  // 3. 流程控制 // 循环 // [0, 4) for i in 0..<4 {     print("print /(i)")  // 4 times }  // [0, 4] for i in 0...4 {     print("print /(i)")  // 5 times }  var i = 0 while i < 2 {     print("/(i)")     i += 1 }  repeat {     print("/(i)")     i += 1 } while i < 5  // 判断 if i < 5 {  } else if i < 10 {  } else {  }  // 强大的 switch // 不需要 break switch i { case 1, 2, 3:     print("123") case 5:     print("5") case 6..<10:     print("6-9") default:     print("default") }  let somePoint = (1, 1)  switch somePoint { case (0, 0):     print("0, 0") case (_, 1):     print("y is 1") case (-2...2, -2...2): // 区间     print("from (-2,-2) to (2, 2)") case (let x, 0):  // 值绑定     print("/(x)") case let (x, y) where x == y:  // where     print("x == y") case (10, 11):     fallthrough  // 贯穿,继续向下 default:     print("default") }  // 控制转移 // continue break fallthrough retrun throw  // 带标签 i = 0 gameLoop: while i > -1 {     i = i + 1     if i > 3 {         break gameLoop     } }  // 提前退出(提前返回) func greet(person: [String:String]) {     guard let name = person["name"] else {         return     }     print("/(name)") }  greet(["age":"18"])  // 4. 函数 func greet(name: String, day: String) {     print("Hello /(name), today is /(day)") }  // 第二个参数默认需要指定名称 greet("tom", day: "2016")  func sum(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {     return a + b }  sum(1, b: 2)  // 多重返回值 func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {     // ...     return (0, 1) }  // 可选返回值加 ? func minMax2(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int)? {     if array.isEmpty { return nil }     return (0, 1) }  // 指定外部参数名 func sayHello(to person: String, and anotherPerson: String) {     print("Hello /(person) and /(anotherPerson)") }  sayHello(to: "coderzh", and: "tom")  // 忽略外部参数名,使用 _ func sayHello2(person: String, _ anotherPerson: String) {     print("Hello /(person) and /(anotherPerson)") }  sayHello2("coderzh", "jack")  // 默认参数 func someFunction(p: Int = 10) {     print("/(p)") }  someFunction()  // 可变参数 func sum(numbers: Int...) -> Int {     var total = 0     for n in numbers {         total += n     }      return total }  sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)  // 参数默认是常量类型,如需指定变量类型,前面加 var(swift 3 将移除 var) func alignRight(var string: String, totalLength: Int, pad: Character) -> String {     string = string + "!"     return string }  // 传入传出参数 inout func swap(inout a: Int, inout _ b: Int) {     let temp = a     a = b     b = temp }  var someInt = 7 var anotherInt = 8  // inout 参数必须加 & swap(&someInt, &anotherInt)  // 函数类型,函数变量 var sumFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int = sum sumFunc(1, 2)  // 函数可做参数 func doSum(handler:(Int, Int) -> Int, _ a: Int, _ b: Int) {     handler(a, b) }  // 函数可做返回值 func getSum() -> (Int, Int) -> Int {     // 函数可嵌套     func someFunc(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }     return someFunc }  doSum(sum, 2, 3)  // 闭包 // 闭包是引用类型 let reversed2 = shoppingList.sort({a, b in a < b}) let r = shoppingList.sort({ $0 < $1 }) let r2 = shoppingList.sort(<) let r3 = shoppingList.sort{ $0 < $1 }  // 非逃逸闭包(noescape closure) // 闭包只能在函数内执行,不能「逃逸」出去 func someClosure(@noescape closure: () -> Void) {     closure() }  // 自动闭包(这样不用写花括号了?) func autoClosure(@autoclosure provider: () -> String) {     provider() }  autoClosure(shoppingList.removeAtIndex(0))  // 5. 枚举(一等公民,十分强大) // 值类型 enum Rank: Int {     case Ace = 1     case Two, Three }  var ace = Rank.Ace  // Ace Rank.Ace.rawValue  // 1 let ace1 = Rank(rawValue: 1)  // Ace ace = .Two  enum ServerResponse {     case Result(String, String)     case Error(String) }  // 可失败构造器 enum TemperatureUnit {     case Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit     init?(symbol: Character) {         switch symbol {         case "K":             self = .Kelvin         case "C":             self = .Celsius         case "F":             self = .Fahrenheit         default:             return nil         }     } }   let success = ServerResponse.Result("6:00am", "6:00pm") let failure = ServerResponse.Error("Out of cheese")  switch success { case let .Result(sunrise, sunset):     let serverResponse = "sunrise at /(sunrise), sunset at /(sunset)" case let .Error(error):     let serverResponse = "Error /(error)" }  // 枚举递归... enum ArithmeticExpression {     case Number(Int)     indirect case Addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)     indirect case Multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression) }  func evaluate(expression: ArithmeticExpression) -> Int {     switch expression {     case .Number(let value):         return value     case .Addition(let left, let right):         return evaluate(left) + evaluate(right)     case .Multiplication(let left, let right):         return evaluate(left) * evaluate(right)     } }  // 计算 (5 + 4) * 2 let five = ArithmeticExpression.Number(5) let four = ArithmeticExpression.Number(4) let sum2 = ArithmeticExpression.Addition(five, four) let product = ArithmeticExpression.Multiplication(sum2, ArithmeticExpression.Number(2)) print(evaluate(product)) // 输出 "18”  // 6. 类和结构体 // 结构体是值类型,类是引用类型 class SomeClass {     var width = 0     var height = 0      // class 不需要 mutating     func incrementWidth() {         self.width += 1     }      // 下标操作: [n]     subscript(index: Int) -> Int {         get {             return 0         }         set(newValue) {             // set from newValue         }     } }  let s1 = SomeClass()  struct SomeStruct {     static var someValue = 100     static func staticFunc() -> Int {         return 1     }      var x = 0     var y = 0      var doubleX: Int {         get {             return x * 2         }         set {             x = newValue / 2         }     }      // readonly     var doubleY: Int {         return y * 2     }      var total: Int {         willSet(newTotal) {             print("will set /(newTotal)")         }          didSet {             print("old: /(oldValue), new: /(total)")         }     }      // 如果会改变类成员,比如声明 mutating     mutating func incrementX() {         self.x += 1     } }  var s2 = SomeStruct(x: 2, y: 3, total: 10) s2.doubleX = 10  // s2.x == 5 s2.total = 5  // 继承 class Animal {     // 构造函数     init() {      }      // 必要构造器,子类必须实现,而且声明为 required     required init(name: String, age: Int) {      }      func makeNoise() {         print("wowowo")     } }  class Cat: Animal {     var name: String = ""     var nickName: String = ""      init(name: String) {         super.init()         self.name = name     }      init(fromNickName nickName: String) {         super.init(name: nickName, age: 18)         self.nickName = nickName     }      // 便利构造器:必须调用其他构造器     convenience override init() {         self.init(name: "UnKnown")     }      // 可失败构造器     init?(age: Int) {         super.init(name: "UnKnown", age: age)         if age < 0 { return nil }     }      required init(name: String, age: Int) {         self.name = name         super.init(name: name, age: age)     }      // 析构,默认会先调用父类的析构     deinit {      }      override func makeNoise() {         print("miaomiaomiao")     } }  final class CannotInheirt {  }  // 7. 自动引用计数 ARC // weak 弱引用 // unowned 无主引用  // 8. 可空链式调用 /* For example: if let johnsStreet = john.residence?.address?.street {     print("John's street name is /(johnsStreet).") } else {     print("Unable to retrieve the address.") } */ // 如果确定有值,使用! // let roomCount = john.residence!.numberOfRooms   // 9. 错误处理  enum CustomError : ErrorType {     case Invalid     case OutOfRange }  func makeASandwich() throws -> String {     throw CustomError.Invalid }  do {     try makeASandwich() } catch CustomError.Invalid {     print("Invalid") }  // 可空 let x = try? makeASandwich() // 使错误传递失效,肯定不throw,否则 assert // let y = try! makeASandwich()  // defer 和 Golang 里的 defer 一样,用来退出清理 /* func processFile(filename: String) throws {     if exists(filename) {         let file = open(filename)         defer {             close(file)         }         while let line = try file.readline() {             // 处理文件         }         // 在这里,作用域的最后调用 close(file)     } } */  // 10. 类型转换: is as (和 CSharp 类似) // 任意类型: // 1. AnyObject 任何 class 类型实例 // 2. Any 任何类型  // 11. 扩展(extension,类似 CSharp 里的扩展方法,但是貌似更强大) // 比如:扩展内置类型 Double // 几乎一切都可扩展,用到时再查用法吧 extension Double {     var km: Double { return self * 1_000.0 }     var m : Double { return self }     var cm: Double { return self / 100.0 }     var mm: Double { return self / 1_000.0 }     var ft: Double { return self / 3.28084 } }  // 12. 协议(类似接口的东西) // 当同时有继承时,先写继承,再写协议,协议可以有多个 protocol FullyNamed {     var fullName: String { get } }  // 协议也可继承 protocol SubFullyNamed: FullyNamed {     var nickName: String { get } }  struct Person: FullyNamed{     var fullName: String }  // 专属协议,指定只能用在 class 上 protocol ClassOnlyProtocol: class, FullyNamed {  }  protocol Aged {     var age: Int { get set } }  // 协议合成 func foo(pro: protocol<FullyNamed, Aged>, base: Any) {     // 协议判断     if let p = base as? Aged {         print(p.age)     } }  // 可选协议(既然是协议,还可选,醉了) // @objc protocol  // 13. 泛型 func swapTwoValues<T>(inout a: T, inout _ b: T) {     let temporaryA = a     a = b     b = temporaryA }  // 泛型约束 func someFunction<T: SomeClass, U: FullyNamed>(someT: T, someU: U) {     // 这里是函数主体 }  // Where /* func allItemsMatch<     C1: Container, C2: Container     where C1.ItemType == C2.ItemType, C1.ItemType: Equatable>     (someContainer: C1, anotherContainer: C2) -> Bool { } */  // 14. 访问控制 // public internal(默认) private // 加在 class var 等前 
原文  http://blog.coderzh.com/2016/04/24/swift-tips/