


A very simple python lib, used to format datetime with *** time ago statement.

Python开源库timeago——把时间转成“几个小时前” Python开源库timeago——把时间转成“几个小时前” Python开源库timeago——把时间转成“几个小时前” Python开源库timeago——把时间转成“几个小时前”

Such as:

just now 12 seconds ago 3 minutes ago 2 hours ago 24 days ago 6 months ago 2 years ago  in 12 seconds in 3 minutes in 2 hours in 24 days in 6 months in 2 years 

or Chinese locale statement.


pip install timeago

Usage & Example

import timeago, datetime  now = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 3.4)  # locale print (timeago.format(date, now, locale='zh_CN')) # will print 3分钟后  # input datetime print (timeago.format(date, now)) # will print 3 minutes ago  # input timedelta print (timeago.format(datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 3.4))) # will print 3 minutes ago  # input date, auto add time(0, 0, 0) print (timeago.format(datetime.date(2016, 5, 27), now))  # input date print (timeago.format(datetime.date(2016, 5, 27), now))  # input datetime formated string print (timeago.format('2016-05-27 12:12:12', '2016-05-27 12:12:03')) # will print just now

Methor & Parameter

only one API format .

Three parameters of method format :

  • date : the parameter which will be formated, must be instance of datetime / timedelta or datetime formated string.
  • now : reference time, must be instance of datetime or datetime formated string.
  • locale : the locale code, only zh_CN / en supported, default en . Other locale, you can pull request.


  1. foke the project
  2. add locale.py file in the locales folder.
  3. pull a request.
原文  https://github.com/hustcc/timeago