


作为数据结构的实现,可复用性十分重要。比如这里的堆结构,至少要满足两点,首先堆中的元素类型不被限制,其次堆的性质(min堆, max堆)不被限制。这两点在C++里可以使用模板实现,而C中一般使用宏或者void*指针实现,我这里用的是宏。关于堆的操作,实现了堆的初始化、堆排序、堆的任意节点删除、以及PUSH与POP堆元素这几个较为主要的操作。



堆实际上就是一棵满二叉树,它的好处是不用记录树的父子关系,因为x节点的左右儿子分别是(x 2)和(x 2+1),而父节点就是(x/2),我的代码中就是用满二叉树结构来保存堆的。另外,需要注意的是PUSH操作中用户要保证空间足够(只有这一个操作会增加堆使用空间)。详细代码如下:

#define RSHIFT(x) ((x) >> 1)
#define LSHIFT(x) ((x) << 1)
#define LCHILD(x) LSHIFT(x)
#define RCHILD(x) (LSHIFT(x)|1)

#define HEAP_FIX_UP(heap, type, pos, size, comp) do { /
int pos_ = (pos); /
type val_ = (heap)[pos_]; /
while (pos_ > 1 && comp(val_, (heap)[RSHIFT(pos_)])) { /
(heap)[pos_] = (heap)[RSHIFT(pos_)]; /
pos_ = RSHIFT(pos_); /
} /
(heap)[pos_] = val_; /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_FIX_DOWN(heap, type, pos, size, comp) do { /
int pos_ = (pos); /
type val_ = (heap)[pos_]; /
while (LCHILD(pos_) <= (size)) { /
int npos_ = LCHILD(pos_); /
npos_ += (RCHILD(pos_) <= (size) && /
comp((heap)[npos_+1], (heap)[npos_]) ? 1 : 0); /
if (comp(val_, (heap)[npos_])) /
break; /
(heap)[pos_] = (heap)[npos_]; /
pos_ = npos_; /
} /
(heap)[pos_] = val_; /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_INIT(heap, type, size, comp) do { /
int ind_ = (size) / 2 + 1; /
while (--ind_) /
HEAP_FIX_DOWN(heap, type, ind_, size, comp); /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_SORT(heap, type, size, comp) do { /
int size_ = (size); /
while (size_ > 0) { /
type tmp_ = (heap)[1]; /
(heap)[1] = (heap[size_]); /
(heap)[size_--] = tmp_; /
HEAP_FIX_DOWN(heap, type, 1, size_, comp); /
} /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_DELETE(heap, type, pos, size, comp) do { /
(heap)[pos] = (heap)[(size)--]; /
if (pos > 1 && comp((heap)[pos], (heap)[RSHIFT(pos)])){/
HEAP_FIX_UP(heap, type, pos, size, comp); /
} else { /
HEAP_FIX_DOWN(heap, type, pos, size, comp); /
} /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_PUSH(heap, type, size, elm, comp) do { /
(heap)[++(size)] = (elm); /
HEAP_FIX_UP(heap, type, size, size, comp); /
} while (0)

#define HEAP_POP(heap, type, size, comp) /
HEAP_DELETE(heap, type, 1, size, comp)

接下来看一下如何使用这些宏。这里的comp函数用过sort或者qsort的童鞋应该很熟悉,类似于比较的回调函数,可以是函数也可以是宏,它决定了堆的性质,比如我们要定义一个元素为Integer的最小堆,可以 #define CMP_INT(a,b) ((a) < (b)) ,再将CMP_INT作为comp参数即可,而如果我们想将它改为最大堆,只要把 < 改成 > 就可以了。


typedef struct rectangle_ {
int w, h;
rectangle rect[10] = {
{0, 0},
{3, 7},{15, 32},{3, 5},{6, 13},
{13,6},{21, 4},{14, 3},{13, 1}
int rectsize = 8;
#define COMP_RECT(ra, rb) /
((ra).w < (rb).w || (ra).w==(rb).w && (ra).h < (rb).h)

int array[20]= {0, 4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7};
int hsize = 10;
#define COMP_INT_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b))
#define COMP_INT_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b))

void print_array_rect(rectangle *rect, int start, int end) {
int i;
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
printf("{%d,%d} ", rect[i].w, rect[i].h);
if (i == end) printf("/n");

void print_array_int(int *array, int start, int end) {
int i;
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
printf("%d ", array[i]);
if (i == end) printf("/n");
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

/* init a Min Heap */
HEAP_INIT(array, int, hsize, COMP_INT_MIN);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);

/* use heap sort a integer array */
HEAP_SORT(array, int, hsize, COMP_INT_MIN);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);

/* reinit the array to be a Max Heap, and try delete an element */
HEAP_INIT(array, int, hsize, COMP_INT_MAX);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);
HEAP_DELETE(array, int, 3, hsize, COMP_INT_MAX);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);

/* pop the max element of the Max Heap */
HEAP_POP(array, int, hsize, COMP_INT_MAX);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);

/* insert a new element into the Max Heap */
HEAP_PUSH(array, int, hsize, 6, COMP_INT_MAX);
print_array_int(array, 1, hsize);

/* heap operation on the rectangle struct */
HEAP_INIT(rect, rectangle, rectsize, COMP_RECT);
print_array_rect(rect, 1, rectsize);

HEAP_SORT(rect, rectangle, rectsize, COMP_RECT);
print_array_rect(rect, 1, rectsize);

return 0;


//build min heap and sort
1 2 3 4 7 9 10 14 8 16
16 14 10 9 8 7 4 3 2 1

//build max heap and delete the 3rd elemet
16 14 10 9 8 7 4 3 2 1
16 14 7 9 8 1 4 3 2

//pop the first elemet
14 9 7 3 8 1 4 2
//push a new elemet (6)
14 9 7 6 8 1 4 2 3

//build a min heap of rect and sort it
{3,5} {6,13} {3,7} {13,1} {13,6} {21,4} {14,3} {15,32}
{21,4} {15,32} {14,3} {13,6} {13,1} {6,13} {3,7} {3,5}


原文  http://vimersu.win/blog/2014/03/12/heap-template/