
【译】Brave Clojure 第十二章:与JVM共事

本文是我对Clojure书籍 CLOJURE FOR THE BRAVE AND TRUE 第十二章 Working with the JVM 做的翻译。翻译形式,中英对照,英文引用跟着中文翻译。如有错误,在所难免,欢迎指正。



There comes a day in every Clojurist’s life when she must venture forth from the sanctuary of pure functions and immutable data structures into the wild, barbaric Land of Java. This treacherous journey is necessary because Clojure is hosted on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which grants it three fundamental characteristics. First, you run Clojure applications the same way you run Java applications. Second, you need to use Java objects for core functionality like reading files and working with dates. Third, Java has a vast ecosystem of useful libraries, and you’ll need to know a bit about Java to use them.

每个Clojure使用者都会有这一天:他必须从纯函数,不可变数据结构的避难所进入野生原始的Java大陆。这个危险的旅程是有必要的,因为Clojure的宿主是java虚拟机(JVM),这使Clojure具有三个基本特征: 首先,运行Clojure应用程序的方法与运行Java的一样。第二,你需要使用Java对象完成文件读取,日期操作这样的核心功能。第三,Java生态系统里有大量有用的库,你需要了解一点Java才能使用它们。

In this way, Clojure is a bit like a utopian community plunked down in the middle of a dystopian country. Obviously you’d prefer to interact with other utopians, but every once in a while you need to talk to the locals in order to get things done.


This chapter is like a cross between a phrase book and cultural introduction for the Land of Java. You’ll learn what the JVM is, how it runs programs, and how to compile programs for it. This chapter will also give you a brief tour of frequently used Java classes and methods, and explain how to interact with them using Clojure. You’ll learn how to think about and understand Java so you can incorporate any Java library into your Clojure programs.


To run the examples in this chapter, you’ll need to have the Java Development Kit ( JDK) version 1.6 or later installed on your computer. You can check by running javac -version at your terminal. You should see something like java 1.8.0_40 ; if you don’t, visit http://www.oracle.com/ to download the latest JDK.

为了运行这章的例子,你需要安装1.6或更高版本的Java开发包(JDK)。在终端上运行 javac -version 可以查看。你应该看到类似 java 1.8.0_40 ,如果没有,去 http://www.oracle.com/ 下载并安装最新的JDK。



Developers use the term JVM to refer to a few different things. You’ll hear them say, “Clojure runs on the JVM,” and you’ll also hear, “Clojure programs run in a JVM.” In the first case, JVM refers to an abstraction—the general model of the Java Virtual Machine. In the second, it refers to a process—an instance of a running program. We’ll focus on the JVM model, but I’ll point out when we’re talking about running JVM processes.


To understand the JVM, let’s step back and review how plain ol’ computers work. Deep in the cockles of a computer’s heart is its CPU, and the CPU’s job is to execute operations like add and unsigned multiply . You’ve probably heard about programmers encoding these instructions on punch cards, in lightbulbs, in the sacred cracks of a tortoise shell, or whatever , but nowadays these operations are represented in assembly language by mnemonics like ADD and MUL. The CPU architecture (x86, ARMv7, and what have you) determines what operations are available as part of the architecture’s instruction set.

为理解JVM,我们退后一步,看看计算机是如何工作的。计算机的心脏是CPU,CPU的工作是执行 addunsigned multiply 这样的指令。你可能听说过,程序员把这些指令按照某种形式编码在穿孔卡片上,现今这些指令用汇编语言的ADD和MUL这样的助记符表示,CPU结构(x86, ARMv7等等)决定了这种结构的CPU的操作指令集。

Because it’s no fun to program in assembly language, people have invented higher-level languages like C and C++, which are compiled into instructions that a CPU will understand. Broadly speaking, the process is:


  1. The compiler reads source code.
  2. The compiler outputs a file containing machine instructions.
  3. The CPU executes those instructions.
  1. 编译器读取源代码。
  2. 编译器输出一个含有机器指令的文件。
  3. CPU执行这些指令。


【译】Brave Clojure 第十二章:与JVM共事

Notice in Figure 12-1 that, ultimately, you have to translate programs into instructions that a CPU will understand, and the CPU doesn’t care which programming language you use to produce those instructions.


The JVM is analogous to a computer in that it also needs to translate code into low-level instructions, called Java bytecode. However, as a virtual machine, this translation is implemented as software rather than hardware. A running JVM executes bytecode by translating it on the fly into machine code that its host will understand, a process called just-in-time compilation .

JVM与计算机类似之处是,JVM也需要把代码转换成被称为Java字节码的低级指令。但作为一个虚拟机器,这是个软件转换而不是硬件转换。运行中的JVM靠快速把字节码转换成宿主能理解的机器码执行字节码,这个过程叫 即时编译

For a program to run on the JVM, it must get compiled to Java bytecode. Usually, when you compile programs, the resulting bytecode is saved in a .class file. Then you’ll package these files in Java archive files (JAR files). And just like how a CPU doesn’t care which programming language you use to generate machine instructions, the JVM doesn’t care how you create bytecode. It doesn’t care if you use Scala, JRuby, Clojure, or even Java to create Java bytecode. Generally speaking, the process looks like that shown in Figure 12-2.

为了让一个程序在JVM上运行,必须把它编译成Java字节码。编译结果的字节码通常保存在一个 .class 文件里。然后你把这些文件打包进 Java档案文件 (JAR文件)。就像CPU不关心用什么语言生成机器码一样,JVM也不关心你怎么创建字节码。它不关心你创建字节码用的是Scala, JRuby, Cojure还是Java。总的来说,这个过程如图12-2所示:


【译】Brave Clojure 第十二章:与JVM共事

  1. The Java compiler reads source code.
  2. The compiler outputs bytecode, often to a JAR file.
  3. JVM executes the bytecode.
  4. The JVM sends machine instructions to the CPU.
  1. Java编译器读取源代码。
  2. 编译器输出字节码,经常输出到一个JAR文件里。
  3. JVM执行字节码。
  4. JVM把机器指令发送给CPU。

When someone says that Clojure runs on the JVM, one of the things they mean is that Clojure programs get compiled to Java bytecode and JVM processes execute them. From an operations perspective, this means you treat Clojure programs the same as Java programs. You compile them to JAR files and run them using the java command. If a client needs a program that runs on the JVM, you could secretly write it in Clojure instead of Java and they would be none the wiser. From the outside, you can’t tell the difference between a Java and a Clojure program any more than you can tell the difference between a C and a C++ program. Clojure allows you to be productive and sneaky.

当某人说Clojure在JVM上运行,其中一个意思是Clojure程序被编译成Java字节码,并且JVM进程执行被编译的字节码。从运算的角度看,这意味着你对待Clojure程序同对待Java程序一样。把它们编译成JAR文件,然后用 java 命令运行它们。如果一个客户需要一个运行在JVM上的程序,你可以偷偷用Clojure而不是Java写,而它们都不会察觉。从外面看,无法分辨Clojure程序和Java程序。Clojure让使你富有生产力。

Writing, Compiling, and Running a Java Program


Let’s look at how a real Java program works. In this section, you’ll learn about the object-oriented paradigm that Java uses. Then, you’ll build a simple pirate phrase book using Java. This will help you feel more comfortable with the JVM, it will prepare you for the upcoming section on Java interop (writing Clojure code that uses Java classes, objects, and methods directly), and it’ll come in handy should a scallywag ever attempt to scuttle your booty on the high seas. To tie all the information together, you’ll take a peek at some of Clojure’s Java code at the end of the chapter.


Object-Oriented Programming in the World’s Tiniest Nutshell


Java is an object-oriented language, so you need to understand how object-oriented programming (OOP) works if you want to understand what’s happening when you use Java libraries or write Java interop code in your Clojure programming. You’ll also find object-oriented terminology in Clojure documentation, so it’s important to learn these concepts. If you’re OOP savvy, feel free to skip this section. For those who need the two-minute lowdown, here it is: the central players in OOP are classes , objects , and methods .

Java是面相对象的语言,如果你想理解使用Java库时候或用Clojure与Java互操作时候发生了什么,你需要理解面相对象编程使如何工作的。你将在Clojure文档里看到面相对象术语,所以学习这些概念很重要。想知道真想吗?就是:OOP的主要演员是 对象方法

I think of objects as really, really, ridiculously dumb androids. They’re the kind of android that would never inspire philosophical debate about the ethics of forcing sentient creatures into perpetual servitude. These androids only do two things: they respond to commands and they maintain data. In my imagination they do this by writing stuff down on little Hello Kitty clipboards.

我把对象看作非常傻的机器人。这些机器人只干两件事: 对命令做出响应和保持数据。

Imagine a factory that makes these androids. Both the set of commands the android understands and the set of data it maintains are determined by the factory that makes the android. In OOP terms, the factories correspond to classes, the androids correspond to objects, and the commands correspond to methods. For example, you might have a ScaryClown factory (class) that produces androids (objects) that respond to the command (method) makeBalloonArt . The android keeps track of the number of balloons it has, and then updates that number whenever the number of balloons changes. It can report that number with balloonCount and receive any number of balloons with receiveBalloons . Here’s how you might interact with a Java object representing Belly Rubs the Clown:

想象一个生产这些机器人的工厂。机器人理解的命令集和保持的数据都由工厂决定。OOP术语里,工厂对应类,机器人对应对象,命令对应方法。例如,有一个 ScaryClown 工厂(类)生成机器人(对象),这种机器人能对命令(方法) makeBalloonArt 做出响应。这种机器人记录着它们拥有的气球的个数,并且当个数改变时更新那个数字。它能用 balloonCount 报告那个数字,能用 receiveBalloons 接受任意个气球。下面是如何与Java对象交互:

ScaryClown bellyRubsTheClown = new ScaryClown();
// => 0

// => 2

// => "Belly Rubs makes a balloon shaped like a clown, because Belly Rubs
// => is trying to scare you and nothing is scarier than clowns."

This example shows you how to create a new object, bellyRubsTheClown , using the ScaryClown class. It also shows you how to call methods (such as balloonCount , receiveBalloons , and makeBalloonArt ) on the object, presumably so you can terrify children.

这个例子演示了如何用 ScaryClown 类创建新对象 bellyRubsTheClown 。也演示了如何调用对象的方法(比如 balloonCount , receiveBalloonsmakeBalloonArt )。

One final aspect of OOP that you should know, or at least how it’s implemented in Java, is that you can also send commands to the factory. In OOP terms, you would say that classes also have methods. For example, the built-in class Math has many class methods, including Math.abs , which returns the absolute value of a number:

你需要了解的OOP的最后一点是:你也可以发命令给工厂。OOP术语里叫类也有方法。例如,內建的 Math 类有很多类方法,包含 Math.abs ,返回一个数字的绝对值:

// => 50

I hope those clowns weren’t too traumatizing for you. Now let’s put your OOP knowledge to work!


Ahoy, World

喂, 世界

Go ahead and create a new directory called phrasebook . In that directory, create a file called PiratePhrases.java , and write the following:

创建一个 phrasebook 目录。在目录里创建一个 PiratePhrases.java 文件,代码如下:

public class PiratePhrases

public static void main(String[] args)

System.out.println("Shiver me timbers!!!");

This very simple program will print the phrase “Shiver me timbers!!!” (which is how pirates say “Hello, world!”) to your terminal when you run it. It consists of a class, PiratePhrases , and a static method belonging to that class, main . Static methods are essentially class methods.

这个程序运行时会往终端打印”“Shiver me timbers!!!”(海盗版的”Hello, world!”)。代码里有一个类 PiratePhrases ,和一个属于这个类的静态方法 main 。静态方法本质上就是类方法。

In your terminal, compile the PiratePhrases source code with the command javac PiratePhrases.java . If you typed everything correctly and you’re pure of heart, you should see a file named PiratePhrases.class :

在命令行用 javac PiratePhrases.java 编译 PiratePhrases 。输入正确的话,会出现一个文件 PiratePhrases.class :

$ ls
PiratePhrases.class PiratePhrases.java

You’ve just compiled your first Java program, me matey! Now run it with java PiratePhrases . You should see this:

你编译了第一个Java程序!用 java PiratePhrases 运行。会看到:

Shiver me timbers!!!

What’s happening here is you used the Java compiler, javac , to create a Java class file, PiratePhrases.class . This file is packed with oodles of Java bytecode (well, for a program this size, maybe only one oodle).

这里发生的是,你用Java编译器 javac 创建了一个Java类文件 PiratePhrases.class 。这个文件里是Java字节码。

When you ran java PiratePhrases , the JVM first looked at your classpath for a class named PiratePhrases . The classpath is the list of filesystem paths that the JVM searches to find a file that defines a class. By default, the classpath includes the directory you’re in when you run java. Try running java -classpath /tmp PiratePhrases and you’ll get an error, even though PiratePhrases.class is right there in your current directory.

当运行 java PiratePhrases 时,JVM先在类路径里查找名字是 PiratePhrases 的类。类路径是文件系统路径列表,JVM用它搜索定义类的文件。默认情况下,类路径包含你运行java时的目录。尝试一下,运行 java -classpath /tmp PiratePhrases ,会报错,即使 PiratePhrases.class 在当前目录里。

Note You can have multiple paths on your classpath by separating them with colons if you’re on a Mac or running Linux, or semicolons if you’re using Windows. For example, the classpath /tmp:/var/maven:. includes the /tmp , /var/maven , and . directories.

注意,类路径上可以有多个路径,用冒号(Mac或Linux)或分号(Windows)隔开。例如,类路径 /tmp:/var/maven:. 包含三个目录, /tmp , /var/maven , 和 . 目录。

In Java, you’re allowed only one public class per file, and the filename must match the class name. This is how java knows to try looking in PiratePhrases.class for the PiratePhrases class’s bytecode. After java found the bytecode for the PiratePhrases class, it executed that class’s main method. Java’s similar to C in that whenever you say “run something, and use this class as your entry point,” it will always run that class’s main method; therefore, that method must be public , as you can see in the PiratePhrases ’s source code.

Java只允许每个文件一个公开类,而且文件名必须与类名一样。这样 java 才能找到 PiratePhrases 类的字节码 PiratePhrases.classjava 找到 PiratePhrases 类的字节码以后,执行类的 main 方法。Java与C类似,无论何时,运行东西,并用类作为入口时,都会运行这个类的 main 方法;因此这个方法必须是 public 的,如上面源码所示。

In the next section you’ll learn how to handle program code that spans multiple files, and how to use Java libraries.


Packages and Imports


To see how to work with multi-file programs and Java libraries, we’ll compile and run a program. This section has direct implications for Clojure because you’ll use the same ideas and terminology to interact with Java libraries.


Let’s start with a couple of definitions:


  • package Similar to Clojure’s namespaces, packages provide code organization. Packages contain classes, and package names correspond to filesystem directories. If a file has the line package com.shapemaster in it, the directory com/shapemaster must exist somewhere on your classpath. Within that directory will be files defining classes.
  • import Java allows you to import classes, which basically means that you can refer to them without using their namespace prefix. So if you have a class in com.shapemaster named Square , you could write import com.shapemaster.Square ; or import com.shapemaster.*; at the top of a .java file to use Square in your code instead of com.shapemaster.Square .
  • 包(package) 与Clojure的命名空间类似,用于组织代码。包包含类,包名与文件系统目录对应。如果一个文件里有一行 package com.shapemaster ,类路径里必然有目录 com/shapemaster 。那个目录里是类文件。
  • 引入(import) Java允许你引入类,意思是你可以引用它们而无需使用它们的命名空间前缀。如果 com.shapemaster 有个类叫 Square ,你可以在文件最上面写上 import com.shapemaster.Squareimport com.shapemaster.* ,然后就可以直接使用 Square ,不用再写 com.shapemaster.Square

Let’s try using package and import . For this example, you’ll create a package called pirate_phrases that has two classes, Greetings and Farewells . To start, navigate to your phrasebook and within that directory create another directory, pirate_phrases . It’s necessary to create pirate_phrases because Java package names correspond to filesystem directories. Then, create Greetings.java within the pirate_phrases directory:

我们尝试一下 packageimport 。我们将创建一个叫 pirate_phrases 包,含有两个类, GreetingsFarewells 。找到 phrasebook 目录,在里面创建一个目录 pirate_phrases 。因为Java包名与文件系统目录对应,所以目录名是这个。然后在这个目录里创建 Greetings.java :

package pirate_phrases;

public class Greetings

public static void hello()

System.out.println("Shiver me timbers!!!");

At ➊, package pirate_phrases; indicates that this class will be part of the pirate_phrases package. Now create Farewells.java within the pirate_phrases directory:

在➊处, package pirate_phrases; 指明这个类是 pirate_phrases 包的一部分。在 pirate_phrases 目录里创建 Farewells.java :

package pirate_phrases;

public class Farewells

public static void goodbye()

System.out.println("A fair turn of the tide ter ye thar, ye magnificent sea friend!!");

Now create PirateConversation.java in the phrasebook directory:

phrasebook 目录里创建 PirateConversation.java :

import pirate_phrases.*;

public class PirateConversation

public static void main(String[] args)

Greetings greetings = new Greetings();

Farewells farewells = new Farewells();

The first line, import pirate_phrases.*; , imports all classes in the pirate_phrases package, which contains the Greetings and Farewells classes.

第一行, import pirate_phrases.*; ,引入 pirate_phrases 包里的所有类, Greetings 类和 Farewells 类。

If you run javac PirateConversation.java within the phrasebook directory followed by java PirateConversation , you should see this:

如果你在 phrasebook 目录运行 javac PirateConversation.java ,然后运行 java PirateConversation ,你应该看到:

Shiver me timbers!!!
A fair turn of the tide ter ye thar, ye magnificent sea friend!!

And thar she blows, dear reader. Thar she blows indeed.

Note that, when you’re compiling a Java program, Java searches your classpath for packages. Try typing the following:


cd pirate_phrases
javac ../PirateConversation.java

You’ll get this:


../PirateConversation.java:1: error: package pirate_phrases does not exist
import pirate_phrases.*;

Boom! The Java compiler just told you to hang your head in shame and maybe weep a little.


Why? It thinks that the pirate_phrases package doesn’t exist. But that’s stupid, right? You’re in the pirate_phrases directory!

你正在 pirate_phrases 目录里,报错信息怎么说 pirate_phrases 包不存在呢?

What’s happening here is that the default classpath only includes the current directory, which in this case is pirate_phrases . javac is trying to find the directory phrasebook/pirate_phrases/pirate_phrases , which doesn’t exist. When you run javac ../PirateConversation.java from within the phrasebook directory, javac tries to find the directory phrasebook/pirate_phrases , which does exist. Without changing directories, try running javac -classpath ../ ../PirateConversation.java . Shiver me timbers, it works! This works because you manually set the classpath to the parent directory of pirate_phrases , which is phrasebook . From there, javac can successfully find the pirate_phrases directory.

是因为默认类路径只包含当前目录 pirate_phrasesjavac 找的是 phrasebook/pirate_phrases/pirate_phrases 目录,这个目录不存在。还在这个目录下,试一下 javac -classpath ../ ../PirateConversation.java ,成功了。因为手动设定类路径为父目录 phrasebookjavac 从这个目录能找到 pirate_phrases 目录。

In summary, packages organize code and require a matching directory structure. Importing classes allows you to refer to them without having to prepend the entire class’s package name. javac and java find packages using the classpath.

总结,包组织代码,并要求与目录匹配。引入类允许你无需使用整个类的报名就能引用它们。 javacjava 用类路径查找包。

JAR Files

JAR 文件

JAR files allow you to bundle all your .class files into one single file. Navigate to your phrasebook directory and run the following:

JAR文件让使你能把所有 .class 文件打包成一个单独文件。进入 phrasebook 目录,运行下面两个命令:

jar cvfe conversation.jar PirateConversation PirateConversation.class pirate_phrases/*.class
java -jar conversation.jar

This displays the pirate conversation correctly. You bundled all the class files into conversation.jar . Using the e flag, you also indicated that the PirateConversation class is the entry point . The entry point is the class that contains the main method that should be executed when the JAR as a whole runs, and jar stores this information in the file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF within the JAR file. If you were to read that file, it would contain this line:

结果正确。你把所有类文件打包进 conversation.jar 。用 e 标记指定了 PirateConversation 类是 进入点 。进入点是含有 main 方法的类,当JAR作为一个整体运行时, main 会被运行。 jar 把这个信息储存在JAR文件里的 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 文件里,它会包含这行:

Main-Class: PirateConversation

By the way, when you execute JAR files, you don’t have to worry which directory you’re in, relative to the file. You could change to the pirate_phrases directory and run java -jar ../conversation.jar , and it would work fine. The reason is that the JAR file maintains the directory structure. You can see its contents with jar tf conversation.jar , which outputs this:

顺便提一下,执行JAR文件时,不用担心当前在哪个目录。你可以改变目录到 pirate_phrases ,并执行 java -jar ../conversation.jar ,也会执行成功。因为JAR文件保持了目录结构。执行 jar tf conversation.jar 可以看到:


You can see that the JAR file includes the pirate_phrases directory. One more fun fact about JARs: they’re really just ZIP files with a .jar extension. You can treat them the same as any other ZIP file.

可以看到JAR文件包含了 pirate_phrases 目录。一个更有趣的事实是:JAR是真正的扩展名是 .jar 的ZIP文件。你可以像对待ZIP文件一样对待它们。



Now you’re ready to see how Clojure works under the hood! Download the 1.7.0 stable release and run it:

现在你已经做好准备了,来看看Clojure在底层是如何工作的!下载 the 1.7.0 stable release 并运行:

java -jar clojure-1.7.0.jar

You should see the most soothing of sights, the Clojure REPL. How did it actually start up? Let’s look at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the JAR file:

你应该看到熟悉的老朋友,Clojure REPL。它实际上是如何启动的?看一下JAR文件里的 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF :

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: hudson
Build-Jdk: 1.7.0_20
Main-Class: clojure.main

It looks like clojure.main is specified as the entry point. Where does this class come from? Well, have a look at clojure/main.java on GitHub at https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/jvm/clojure/main.java :

看起来 clojure.main 被指定为入口。这个类是怎么来的?看一下Github上的 clojure/main.java , 点击查看 :

* Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
* Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
* which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
* By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

package clojure;

import clojure.lang.Symbol;
import clojure.lang.Var;
import clojure.lang.RT;

public class main{

final static private Symbol CLOJURE_MAIN = Symbol.intern("clojure.main");
final static private Var REQUIRE = RT.var("clojure.core", "require");
final static private Var LEGACY_REPL = RT.var("clojure.main", "legacy-repl");
final static private Var LEGACY_SCRIPT = RT.var("clojure.main", "legacy-script");
final static private Var MAIN = RT.var("clojure.main", "main");

public static void legacy_repl(String[] args) {

public static void legacy_script(String[] args) {

public static void main(String[] args) {

As you can see, the file defines a class named main . It belongs to the package clojure and defines a public static main method, and the JVM is completely happy to use it as an entry point. Seen this way, Clojure is a JVM program just like any other.

如你所见,这个文件定义了一个名称是 main 的类。它属于 clojure 包,还定义了一个 public static main 方法,JVM用它作为入口。可以看到,就像其他程序一样,Clojure是一个JVM程序。

This wasn’t meant to be an in-depth Java tutorial, but I hope that it helped clarify what programmers mean when they talk about Clojure “running on the JVM” or being a “hosted” language. In the next section, you’ll continue to explore the magic of the JVM as you learn how to use additional Java libraries within your Clojure project.


Clojure App JARs

Clojure App JARs

You now know how Java runs Java JARs, but how does it run Clojure apps bundled as JARs? After all, Clojure applications don’t have classes, do they?

现在你知道了Java如何运行Java JAR文件,但它如何运行打包成JAR文件的Clojure应用程序呢?毕竟,Clojure应用程序没有类,对吗?

As it turns out, you can make the Clojure compiler generate a class for a namespace by putting the (:gen-class) directive in the namespace declaration. (You can see this in the very first Clojure program you created, clojure-noob in Chapter 1. Remember that program, little teapot?) This means that the compiler produces the bytecode necessary for the JVM to treat the namespace as if it defines a Java class.

原来是这样,可以让Clojure编译器为命名空间生成一个类,需要做的是把 (:gen-class) 指令放进命名空间声明里(可以在第一章的小应用程序clojure-noob里看到)。这意味着编译器为JVM生成必要的字节码,以便把这个命名空间当成一个Java类。

You set the namespace of the entry point for your program in the program’s project.clj file, using the :main attribute. For clojure-noob , you should see :main ^:skip-aot clojure-noob.core . When Leiningen compiles this file, it will add a meta-inf/manifest.mf file that contains the entry point to the resulting JAR file.

你需要在 project.clj 文件里为应用程序设置进入点的命名空间,使用 :main 属性。对于 clojure-noob ,你应该看到 :main ^:skip-aot clojure-noob.core 。Leiningen编译这个文件时,它会往生成得JAR文件里添加一个包含这个进入点的 meta-inf/manifest.mf 文件。

So, if you define a -main function in a namespace and include the (:gen-class) directive, and also set :main in your project.clj file, your program will have everything it needs for Java to run it when it gets compiled as a JAR. You can try this out in your terminal by navigating to your clojure-noob directory and running this:

那么,如果你在一个命名空间里定义了一个 -main 函数并包含了 (:gen-class) 指令,也在 project.clj 文件里设置了 :main ,把你的程序打包成JAR文件,Java就能运行它了。

lein uberjar
java -jar target/uberjar/clojure-noob-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

You should see two messages printed out: “Cleanliness is next to god­liness” and “I’m a little teapot!” Note that you don’t need Leiningen to run the JAR file; you can send it to friends and neighbors and they can run it as long as they have Java installed.

你应该看到打印了两条消息:”Cleanliness is next to god­liness”和“I’m a little teapot!”。注意你不需要Leiningen运行JAR文件;你可以把它发给你的朋友和邻居,只要他们装了Java就能直接运行。

Java Interop


One of Rich Hickey’s design goals for Clojure was to create a practical language. For that reason, Clojure was designed to make it easy for you to interact with Java classes and objects, meaning you can use Java’s extensive native functionality and its enormous ecosystem. The ability to use Java classes, objects, and methods is called Java interop . In this section, you’ll learn how to use Clojure’s interop syntax, how to import Java packages, and how to use the most frequently used Java classes.

Rich Hickey设计Clojure的一个目的是创建一个实用的语言。因为这个原因,Clojure被设计的很容易与Java类和对象交互,意味着你可以使用Java的大量源生功能和它的巨大生态圈。使用Java类,对象,方法的能力叫 Java互操作 。这节,你将学习如何使用Clojure的互操作语法,如何引入Java包,如何使用最频繁使用的Java类。

Interop Syntax


Using Clojure’s interop syntax, interacting with Java objects and classes is straightforward. Let’s start with object interop syntax.


You can call methods on an object using (.methodName object) . For example, because all Clojure strings are implemented as Java strings, you can call Java methods on them:

(.methodName object) 可以调用对象的方法。比如,所有Clojure字符串都实现为Java字符串,可以调用Java方法:

(.toUpperCase "By Bluebeard's bananas!")

➊ (.indexOf "Let's synergize our bleeding edges" "y")
; => 7

These are equivalent to this Java:


"By Bluebeard's bananas!".toUpperCase()
"Let's synergize our bleeding edges".indexOf("y")

Notice that Clojure’s syntax allows you to pass arguments to Java methods. In this example, at ➊ you passed the argument "y" to the indexOf method.

用Clojure语法可以给Java方法传递参数。在➊处,给 indexOf 方法传递了参数 "y"

You can also call static methods on classes and access classes’ static fields. Observe!


➊ (java.lang.Math/abs -3)
; => 3

➋ java.lang.Math/PI
; => 3.141592653589793

At ➊ you called the abs static method on the java.lang.Math class, and at ➋ you accessed that class’s PI static field.

在➊处,调用了 java.lang.Math 类的静态 abs 方法,在➋处,访问了这个类的静态字段 PI

All of these examples (except java.lang.Math/PI ) use macros that expand to use the dot special form. In general, you won’t need to use the dot special form unless you want to write your own macros to interact with Java objects and classes. Nevertheless, here is each example followed by its macroexpansion:

所有的例子(除了 java.lang.Math/PI )都被宏展开为使用点特殊形式。通常不需要使用点特殊形式,除非你需要自己写宏与Java对象和类交互。下面是宏展开例子:

(macroexpand-1 '(.toUpperCase "By Bluebeard's bananas!"))
; => (. "By Bluebeard's bananas!" toUpperCase)

(macroexpand-1 '(.indexOf "Let's synergize our bleeding edges" "y"))
; => (. "Let's synergize our bleeding edges" indexOf "y")

(macroexpand-1 '(Math/abs -3))
; => (. Math abs -3)

This is the general form of the dot operator:


(. object-expr-or-classname-symbol method-or-member-symbol optional-args*)

The dot operator has a few more capabilities, and if you’re interested in exploring it further, you can look at clojure.org’s documentation on Java interop at http://clojure.org/java_interop#Java%20Interop-The%20Dot%20special%20form .

点操作符还有几个功能,如果你感兴趣,可以看 Clojure的文档 。

Creating and Mutating Objects


The previous section showed you how to call methods on objects that already exist. This section shows you how to create new objects and how to interact with them.


You can create a new object in two ways: (new ClassName optional-args) and (ClassName. optional-args) :

创建对象有两种方法: (new ClassName optional-args)(ClassName. optional-args) :

(new String)
; => ""

; => ""

(String. "To Davey Jones's Locker with ye hardies")
; => "To Davey Jones's Locker with ye hardies"

Most people use the dot version, (ClassName.) .

大部分人用 (ClassName.)

To modify an object, you call methods on it like you did in the previous section. To investigate this, let’s use java.util.Stack . This class represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack of objects, or just stack. Stacks are a common data structure, and they’re called stacks because you can visualize them as a physical stack of objects, say, a stack of gold coins that you just plundered. When you add a coin to your stack, you add it to the top of the stack. When you remove a coin, you remove it from the top. Thus, the last object added is the first object removed.

同上一节一样,要修改一个对象也调用对象的方法。我们用 java.util.Stack 演示。这个类表示一个后进先出的栈。

Unlike Clojure data structure, Java stacks are mutable. You can add items to them and remove items, changing the object instead of deriving a new value. Here’s how you might create a stack and add an object to it:


; => []

➊ (let [stack (java.util.Stack.)]
(.push stack "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!")
; => ["Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!"]

There are a couple of interesting details here. First, you need to create a let binding for stack like you see at ➊ and add it as the last expression in the let form. If you didn’t do that, the value of the overall expression would be the string "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!" because that’s the return value of push .

这里有几个细节。首先,在➊出,你需要给 stack 创建一个 let 绑定。另外需要把 stack 放在 let 的最后,以便返回这个对象,否则整个表达式的结果就是 push 的返回结果 "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!"

Second, Clojure prints the stack with square brackets, the same textual representation it uses for a vector, which could throw you because it’s not a vector. However, you can use Clojure’s seq functions for reading a data structure, like first , on the stack:

栈不是vector,但Clojure用方括号打印栈,与vector的文本表示相同,这可能使你感到迷惑。但你可以在栈上使用Clojure的 seq 函数,比如 first :

(let [stack (java.util.Stack.)]
(.push stack "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!")
(first stack))
; => "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!"

But you can’t use functions like conj and into to add elements to the stack. If you do, you’ll get an exception. It’s possible to read the stack using Clojure functions because Clojure extends its abstractions to java.util.Stack , a topic you’ll learn about in Chapter 13.

但你不能用 conj , into 这样的函数往栈里添加成员。这么做会出现异常。能用Clojure的函数读栈的原因是:Clojure的抽象扩展到了 java.util.Stack 。13章将学习这个主题。

Clojure provides the doto macro, which allows you to execute multiple methods on the same object more succinctly:

Clojure提供了 doto 宏,让你更简洁地在同一对象上执行多个方法:

(doto (java.util.Stack.)
(.push "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!")
(.push "Whoops, I meant 'Land, ho!'"))
; => ["Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!" "Whoops, I meant 'Land, ho!'"]

The doto macro returns the object rather than the return value of any of the method calls, and it’s easier to understand. If you expand it using macroexpand-1 , you can see its structure is identical to the let expression you just saw in an earlier example:

doto 宏返回的是这个对象,而不是任何方法方法调用的返回值。如果用 macroexpand-1 展开,可以看到结果与前面的 let 表达式的结构完全一样:

'(doto (java.util.Stack.)
(.push "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!")
(.push "Whoops, I meant 'Land, ho!'")))
; => (clojure.core/let
[G__2876 (java.util.Stack.)]
(.push G__2876 "Latest episode of Game of Thrones, ho!")
(.push G__2876 "Whoops, I meant 'Land, ho!'")





In Clojure, importing has the same effect as it does in Java: you can use classes without having to type out their entire package prefix:


(import java.util.Stack)
; => []

You can also import multiple classes at once using this general form:


(import [package.name1 ClassName1 ClassName2]
[package.name2 ClassName3 ClassName4])

Here’s an example:


(import [java.util Date Stack]
[java.net Proxy URI])

; => #inst "2016-09-19T20:40:02.733-00:00"

But usually, you’ll do all your importing in the ns macro, like this:

但通常都是在 ns 宏里使用导入:

(ns pirate.talk
(:import [java.util Date Stack]
[java.net Proxy URI]))

The two different methods of importing classes have the same results, but the second is usually preferable because it’s convenient for people reading your code to see all the code involving naming in the ns declaration.

这两种导入方法的结果一样,但第二种更好。因为阅读代码的人能很方便地在 ns 里看到所有涉及到命名的代码。

And that’s how you import classes! Pretty easy. To make life even easier, Clojure automatically imports the classes in java.lang , including java.lang.String and java.lang.Math , which is why you were able to use String without a preceding package name.

这就是如何导入类,很容易。为方便使用者,Clojure自动导入 java.lang 里的类,包括 java.lang.Stringjava.lang.Math 。这就是能使用直接 String 的原因。

Commonly Used Java Classes


To round out this chapter, let’s take a quick tour of the Java classes that you’re most likely to use.


The System Class


The System class has useful class fields and methods for interacting with the environment that your program’s running in. You can use it to get environment variables and interact with the standard input, standard output, and error output streams.

System 类的字段和方法可以用来与程序运行的环境交互。可以用来获取环境变量,与标准输入流,标准输出流,错误输出流交互。

The most useful methods and members are exit , getenv , and getProperty . You might recognize System/exit from Chapter 5, where you used it to exit the Peg Thing game. System/exit terminates the current program, and you can pass it a status code as an argument. If you’re not familiar with status codes, I recommend Wikipedia’s “Exit status” article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_status .

最有用的方法是 exit , getenv ,和 getProperty 。第5章,我们用过 System/exit 退出游戏。 System/exit 中止当前程序,可以传给它一个状态码作为参数。如果你对状态码不熟悉,我推荐你看维基百科的 “Exit status”文章 。

System/getenv will return all of your system’s environment variables as a map:

System/getenv 返回一个map,包含了所有系统环境变量值:

{"USER" "the-incredible-bulk"
"JAVA_ARCH" "x86_64"}

One common use for environment variables is to configure your program.


The JVM has its own list of properties separate from the computer’s environment variables, and if you need to read them, you can use System/getProperty :

JVM有自己的与计算机环境变量分开的属性列表,可以用 System/getProperty 读取:

➊ (System/getProperty "user.dir")
; => "/Users/dabulk/projects/dabook"

➋ (System/getProperty "java.version")
; => "1.7.0_17"

The first call at ➊ returned the directory that the JVM started from, and the second call at ➋ returned the version of the JVM.


The Date Class

The Date Class

Java has good tools for working with dates. I won’t go into too much detail about the java.util.Date class because the online API documentation (available at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Date.html ) is thorough. As a Clojure developer, you should know three features of this date class. First, Clojure allows you to represent dates as literals using a form like this:

Java有很好的日期工具。我不会讲太多 java.util.Date 类的细节, 在线文档 讲的很详细。作为一个Clojure开发者,你应该知道 data 类的三个特征。首先,Clojure允许你用这样的字面量表示日期:

#inst "2016-09-19T20:40:02.733-00:00"

Second, you need to use the java.util.DateFormat class if you want to customize how you convert dates to strings or if you want to convert strings to dates. Third, if you’re doing tasks like comparing dates or trying to add minutes, hours, or other units of time to a date, you should use the immensely useful clj-time library (which you can check out at https://github.com/clj-time/clj-time ).

第二,如果你需要自定义日期与字符串的相互转换,你需要 java.util.DateFormat 类。第三,如果你想比较日期,或对一个日期增加分钟,小时等时间单位,你应该使用 clj-time库 。

Files and Input/Output


In this section you’ll learn about Java’s approach to input/output (IO) and how Clojure simplifies it. The clojure.java.io namespace provides many handy functions for simplifying IO ( https://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.java.io-api.html ). This is great because Java IO isn’t exactly straightforward. Because you’ll probably want to perform IO at some point during your programming career, let’s start wrapping your mind tentacles around it.

这节将学习Java的I/O方法,以及Clojure如何实现I/O。 clojure.java.io 命名空间提供了许多用于简化IO的函数。这很棒,因为Java的IO不是很直观。开始学习。

IO involves resources, be they files, sockets, buffers, or whatever. Java has separate classes for reading a resource’s contents, for writings its contents, and for interacting with the resource’s properties.


For example, the java.io.File class is used to interact with a file’s properties:

例如, java.io.FIle 用来读取文件属性:

(let [file (java.io.File. "/")]
➊ (println (.exists file))
➋ (println (.canWrite file))
➌ (println (.getPath file)))
; => true
; => false
; => /

Among other tasks, you can use it to check whether a file exists, to get the file’s read/write/execute permissions, and to get its filesystem path, which you can see at ➊, ➋, and ➌, respectively.


Reading and writing are noticeably missing from this list of capabilities. To read a file, you could use the java.io.BufferedReader class or perhaps java.io.FileReader . Likewise, you can use the java.io.BufferedWriter or java.io.FileWriter class for writing. Other classes are available for reading and writing as well, and which one you choose depends on your specific needs. Reader and writer classes all have the same base set of methods for their interfaces; readers implement read , close , and more, while writers implement append , write , close , and flush . Java gives you a variety of IO tools. A cynical person might say that Java gives you enough rope to hang yourself, and if you find such a person, I hope you give them a hug.

要读文件,可以使用 java.io.BufferedReaderjava.io.FileReader 类。要写文件,可以使用 java.io.BufferedWriterjava.io.FileWriter 类。使用哪一个看你的具体需要。读写类各自都有同样的interface方法。读有 read , close 和其他的,写有 append , write , closeflush 。Java提供了各种IO工具。爱嘲讽的人可能会说:Java给了你足够多的上吊用的绳子,如果你发现了这样的人,我希望你给他一个拥抱。

Either way, Clojure makes reading and writing easier for you because it includes functions that unify reading and writing across different kinds of resources. For example, spit writes to a resource, and slurp reads from one. Here’s an example of using them to write and read a file:

总之,Clojure使读写更容易,因为你可以对不同资源的读写使用同样的函数。例如 spit 写入一个资源, slurp 读取一个资源。读写文件例子:

(spit "/tmp/hercules-todo-list"
"- kill dat lion brov
- chop up what nasty multi-headed snake thing")

(slurp "/tmp/hercules-todo-list")

; => "- kill dat lion brov
; - chop up what nasty multi-headed snake thing"

You can also use these functions with objects representing resources other than files. The next example uses a StringWriter , which allows you to perform IO operations on a string:

这些函数也可以作用于表示资源的对象。下面的例子使用了 StringWriter ,它允许你在字符串上执行IO:

(let [s (java.io.StringWriter.)]
(spit s "- capture cerynian hind like for real")
(.toString s))
; => "- capture cerynian hind like for real"

You can also read from a StringReader using slurp :

slurp 也能从 StringReader 读取:

(let [s (java.io.StringReader. "- get erymanthian pig what with the tusks")]
(slurp s))
; => "- get erymanthian pig what with the tusks"

In addition, you can use the read and write methods for resources. It doesn’t really make much difference which you use; spit and slurp are convenient because they work with just a string representing a filesystem path or a URL.

另外,也可以用 readwrite 读写资源。用哪个没有太大差别, spitslurp 的方便在于,他们可以用于表示文件系统路径或URL的字符串。

The with-open macro is another convenience: it implicitly closes a resource at the end of its body, ensuring that you don’t accidentally tie up resources by forgetting to manually close the resource. The reader function is a handy utility that, according to the clojure.java.io API docs, “attempts to coerce its argument to an open java.io.Reader .” This is convenient when you don’t want to use slurp , because you don’t want to try to read a resource in its entirety and you don’t want to figure out which Java class you need to use. You could use reader along with with-open and the line-seq function if you’re trying to read a file one line at a time. Here’s how you could print just the first item of the Hercules to-do list:

with-open 宏也很方便:在它主体末尾,会暗中关闭资源,确保不会因为你忘记关闭而占用资源。 reader 函数很方便,它把参数强制转成开放的 java.io.Reader 。当不想用 slurp 整个读入一个资源,并且不想搞清楚需要使用哪个Java类时,它非常方便。如果想一次读入一行文件,可以用 reader 加上 with-openline-seq 。下面得例子只打印Hercules to-do list的第一条。

(with-open [todo-list-rdr (clojure.java.io/reader "/tmp/hercules-todo-list")]
(println (first (line-seq todo-list-rdr))))
; => - kill dat lion brov

That should be enough for you to get started with IO in Clojure. If you’re trying to do more sophisticated tasks, definitely check out the clojure.java.io docs , the java.nio.file package docs, or the java.io package docs.

这些足够让你开始在Clojure里使用IO了。如果任务更复杂,可以看: clojure.java.iojava.nio.filejava.io



  • “The Java Virtual Machine and Compilers Explained” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjNwyXx2os8 )
  • clojure.org Java interop documentation ( http://clojure.org/java_interop )
  • Wikipedia’s “Exit status” article ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_status )



In this chapter, you learned what it means for Clojure to be hosted on the JVM. Clojure programs get compiled to Java bytecode and executed within a JVM process. Clojure programs also have access to Java libraries, and you can easily interact with them using Clojure’s interop facilities.



原文  http://morrxy.github.io/2016/08/20/brave-clojure-java/