
New In Chrome 56

New In Chrome 56

  • Web apps can now communicate with nearby Bluetooth Low Energy
    devices using the.
  • is back – making it easy to create
    elements that scroll normally until sticking to the top of the viewport.

I’m Pete LePage, let’s dive in and see what’s new for developers in Chrome 56.

Web Bluetooth API

Until now, the ability to interact with bluetooth devices has only been

possible for native apps. With Chrome 56, your web apps can communicate

with nearby Bluetooth Low Energy devices in a secure and private manner

using the Web Bluetooth API .

The Web Bluetooth API uses the GATT protocol ,

which enables your app to connect to devices such as light bulbs, toys,

heart-rate monitors, LED displays and more with just a

few lines of JavaScript .

Web Bluetooth can also be combined with physical web beacons to discover and control nearby devices.

Francois has a great

article on Updates ,

be sure to check out some of neat demos

to go along with it. And be sure to check out the

Web Bluetooth Community .

CSS position: sticky;

Previously, building content headers that scrolled normally until sticking

to the top of the viewport required listening to scroll events and

switching an element’s position from relative to fixed at a specified threshold.

It was difficult to synchronize, and often results in small visual jumps.

Chrome now supports CSS

position: sticky; ,

a new way to position elements.

An element that is position sticky, starts relative; but becomes fixed,

after the element reaches a certain scroll position.

Simply set position: sticky , and set a threshold for it to become sticky.

h3 {
  /* Element will be 'fixed' when it ... */
  position: sticky;
  /* ... is 10px from the top of the viewport */
  top: 10px;

Paul Kinlan has anUpdates post

about it.

HTML5 By Default

Last August, we announced that we’d be

moving to HTML5 By Default

to offer a safer, more power-efficient experience. This change disables Adobe

Flash Player unless there’s a user indication that they want Flash content on

specific sites, and eventually all websites will require the user’s permission

to run Flash.

In Chrome 56,

HTML5 By Default has been enabled for all users ,

which means they will be prompted to run Flash on sites they’ve never visited.

More details about

how and when users will be prompted ,

and recommendations on how to test your Flash sites.

And more

And of course, there’s plenty more.

  • WebVR is available as an Origin Trial.
  • The WebGL 2.0 API is now available.
  • And the Payment Request API has a variety of new features .

If you want to stay up to date with Chrome and know what’s coming, be sure to

subscribe , follow

@ChromiumDev on Twitter and be sure to check

out the videos from the Chrome Dev Summit

for a deeper dive into some of the awesome things the Chrome team is working on.

I’m Pete LePage, and as soon as Chrome 57 is released, I’ll be right here to tell you — what’s new in Chrome!

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New in Chrome Easter Egg

If you read this far, you deserve to see the blooper reel from

New in Chrome 52 ! I felt like every

time I opened my mouth, a truck would drive by, a helicopter would fly

over, a car would honk it’s horn.

Oh, and a big thanks to Andrew for lending me his shirt! I had a bit of a

wardrobe malfunction.

Source: New In Chrome 56

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原文  http://chinagdg.org/2017/01/new-in-chrome-56/