




delete FROM (select * from TBL_A a inner join TBL_B b on a.a_id = b.id inner join TBL_C c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.c_date <= trunc(sysdate)-1) where ROWNUM <= 10;

ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table


01752, 00000, “cannot delete from view without exactly one
key-preserved table”
// *Cause: The deleted table had
// - no key-preserved tables,
// - more than one key-preserved table, or
// - the key-preserved table was an unmerged view.
// *Action: Redefine the view or delete it from the underlying base tables.





key-preserved表是理解限制修改连接视图join view的基础。如果一张表的主键/唯一键是join连接结果集的主键/唯一键,那么这张表就叫做key-preserved表。因此key-preserved表的主键/唯一键在join连接过程中会被一直保留。





如果定义视图的FROM子句中有多张表或视图,那么这张视图就叫做join view连接视图。

可更新的join view连接视图,也叫做可修改的join view连接视图,包括两张或更多张基表或视图,允许执行DML操作。可更新视图的FROM子句中会有SELECT语句包含多张表,并且不会有WITH READ ONLY子句限制。


USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS数据字典会返回上面创建的这张join view连接视图是可更新的,join view连接视图中所有可更新的列必须映射至key-preserved表的列上。key-preserved表是每行数据最多在结果集中出现一次的基表。department_id是departments表的主键,所以employees表中每行数据在结果集中最多只会出现一次,因此employees表是一张key-preserved表。departments表不是key-preserved表,因为其每行数据可能多次出现于结果集中。



employee_id, department_id 1,1 2,1 3,2


department_id,department_name  1,'a'  1,'b' 2,'a'


employee_id,department_id,department_name 1,1,'a'  1,1,'b'  2,1,'a'  2,1,'b' 3,2,'a'



employee_id, department_id 1,1 2,1 3,2


department_id,department_name  1,'a'  2,'a'


employee_id,department_id,department_name  1,1,'a'  2,1,'a' 3,2,'a'



A key-preserved table is one for which every primary key or unique key value in the base table is also unique in the join view.

If you want a join view to be updatable, then all of the following
conditions must be true:
● The DML statement must affect only one table underlying the join.
● For an INSERT statement, the view must not be created WITH CHECK OPTION, and all columns into which values are inserted must come from a key-preserved table. A key-preserved table is one for which every primary key or unique key value in the base table is also unique in the join view.
● For an UPDATE statement, the view must not be created WITH CHECK OPTION, and all columns updated must be extracted from a key-preserved table.
● For a DELETE statement, if the join results in more than one key-preserved table, then Oracle Database deletes from the first table named in the FROM clause, whether or not the view was created WITH CHECK OPTION.

DELETE语句,如果join结果集中有多张key-preserved表,则Oracle会删除FROM子句第一张表,不管其视图是否用WITH CHECK OPTION创建。


从以上文档,总结下主要观点,多表关联的一个updatable join view视图,如果语法上允许删除,则Oracle只会删除其中一张基表,这张表就是key-preserved表,如果一张表的主键/唯一键是updatable join view视图连接结果集的主键/唯一键,那么这张表就叫做key-preserved表。


SQL> create table t_a (x number primary key); Table created.  SQL> create table t_b (x number primary key); Table created.  SQL> insert into t_a values(1); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into t_a values(2); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into t_b values(1); 1 row created.  SQL> commit; Commit complete.  SQL> select * from t_a;          X ----------  1 2 SQL> select * from t_b;          X ----------  1 SQL> delete from (select a.x, b.x from t_a a, t_b b where a.x = b.x); 1 row deleted.  SQL> select * from t_a;           X ----------  2 SQL> select * from t_b;          X ----------  1


SQL> rollback; Rollback complete.  SQL> delete from (select a.x, b.x from t_b b, t_a a where a.x = b.x); 1 row deleted.  SQL> select * from t_a;          X ---------- 1 2 SQL> select * from t_b;  no rows selected



(1).不像ORA-01752错误提示中所说的,“more than one key-preserved table”会导致这种错误,delete可以删除两张不同的key-preserved表。
(2).delete会删除select … from子句跟着的第一张表,如上例中,t_a或t_b谁是第一张表,则谁会被删除。


that is the behavior of DELETE since version 9i, I filed a documentation bug against that a while ago and it is updated in the current doc set:

这个链接已经失效了,但通过检索,其来源就是《Database Administrator’s Guide》的DELETE Statements and Join Views章节。


You can delete from a join view provided there is one and only one key-preserved table in the join.


For most join views, a delete is successful only if there is one and only one key-preserved table in the join.


For most join views, a delete is successful only if there is one and only one key-preserved table in the join








“Indeed the documentation is not complete. It does talk about two key-preserved tables. There’s a Note box saying “If the DELETE statement uses the same column in its WHERE clause that was used to create the view as a join condition, then the delete operation can be successful when there are different key-preserved tables in the join.”

But that doesn’t explain your case, which I still have trouble completely understanding. Here’s my thinking. The join condition in the in-line view, “a.a_id = b.id”, causes tbl_b to act as the parent and tbl_a as a child because tbl_b.id is PK. I know you didn’t explicitly define the foreign key on tbl_a, so I say “act as”. Then you have the join conditions “b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b”. But these don’t establish a parent-child relation between tbl_b and tbl_c because there’s no key involved. As soon as you create the unique key on (c_a,c_b) of tbl_c, tbl_c acts like the parent and tbl_b the child. Now the relationship among all 3 tables are clear: tbl_c acts like the parent of tbl_b, which acts like the parent of tbl_a. The bottom table (tbl_a) is the most detailed and is the key-preserved table.“




For the first point above, it is not true that you can delete from a join view provided there is one and only one key-preserved table in the join. The delete will work even though there are two different key preserved tables in the join. we can see that the delete is working even though there are two different key-preserved tables and its not necessarily same table should be repeated. The documentation should be changed to reflect this behavior.

Again as said in point 1) this should be changed to reflect that the delete table operates on the first table in the list and the tables in the from list doesn’t necessarily to be same key-preserved table and it can be different tables. If the DELETE statement uses the same column in its WHERE clause that was used to create the view as a join condition, then the delete operation can be successful when there are different key-preserved tables in the join. In this case, the DELETE statement operates on the first table in the FROM list, and the tables in the FROM list can be different from the tables in the WHERE clause.

这个bug在11.2.0.3提出,修复,就是在文档中增加了“For most join views”这一句,说明是有例外。


(1) 创建三张测试表,

SQL> create table tbl_a (id number primary key, a_id number); Table created.  SQL> create table tbl_b (id number primary key, b_a varchar2(1), b_b varchar2(1)); Table created.  SQL> create table tbl_c (id number primary key, c_a varchar2(1), c_b varchar2(1), insert_time timestamp); Table created.

(2) 创建模拟数据,

SQL> insert into tbl_a values(1, 1); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_a values(2, 2); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_b values(1, 'a', 'a'); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_b values(2, 'b', 'b'); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_b values(3, 'c', 'c'); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_c values(1, 'a', 'a', sysdate-1); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_c values(2, 'b', 'b', sysdate); 1 row created.  SQL> insert into tbl_c values(3, 'c', 'c', sysdate); 1 row created.  SQL> commit; Commit complete.  SQL> select * from tbl_a;         ID       A_ID ---------- ---------- 1 1 2 2 SQL> select * from tbl_b;         ID B B ---------- - - 1 a a 2 b b 3 c c  SQL> select * from tbl_c;         ID C C INSERT_TIME ---------- - - ----------------------------------------- 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  2 b b 28-MAR-17 PM  3 c c 28-MAR-17 PM

单独执行select … from子句,可以知道会返回一条记录,

SQL> select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate); ID       A_ID         ID B B         ID C C INSERT_TIME  ---------- ---------- ---------- - - ---------- - - ------------ 1 1 1 a a 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM


SQL> delete from (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate)) where rownum <=2; (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table


SQL> alter table tbl_b add constraint unique_tbl_b_01 unique (b_a, b_b); Table altered.  SQL> delete from (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate)) where rownum <=2; (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table


SQL> alter table tbl_c add constraint unique_tbl_c_01 unique (c_a, c_b); Table altered.  SQL> delete from (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate)) where rownum <=2; 1 row deleted.  SQL> select * from tbl_a;         ID       A_ID ---------- ---------- 2 2 SQL> select * from tbl_b;         ID B B ---------- - -  1 a a 2 b b 3 c c  SQL> select * from tbl_c;         ID C C INSERT_TIME ---------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  2 b b 28-MAR-17 PM  3 c c 28-MAR-17 PM


SQL> alter table tbl_c add constraint unique_tbl_c_01 unique (c_a, c_b, id); Table altered.  SQL> delete from (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate)) where rownum <=2; (select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table


SQL> create view v_abc as select a.a_id, b.id, b.b_a, b.b_b, c.c_a, c.c_b, c.insert_time from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate); View created.


SQL> select * from user_updatable_columns where table_name='V_ABC'; OWNER                          TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME                    UPD INS DEL BISAL                          V_ABC      A_ID                           NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      ID                             NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      B_A                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      B_B                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      C_A                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      C_B                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      INSERT_TIME                    NO  NO  NO 7 rows selected.


SQL> alter table tbl_c drop constraint unique_tbl_c_01; Table altered.  SQL> alter table tbl_c add constraint unique_tbl_c_01 unique(c_a, c_b); Table altered.  SQL> create or replace view v_abc as select a.a_id, b.id, b.b_a, b.b_b, c.c_a, c.c_b, c.insert_time from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate); View created.


SQL> select * from user_updatable_columns where table_name='V_ABC'; OWNER                          TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME                    UPD INS DEL BISAL                          V_ABC      A_ID                           YES YES YES BISAL                          V_ABC      ID                             NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      B_A                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      B_B                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      C_A                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      C_B                            NO  NO  NO BISAL                          V_ABC      INSERT_TIME                    NO  NO  NO 7 rows selected.


我们对开发库的每次变更,都是使用自己开发的一套数据库变更工具执行的,会自动记录变更历史,而且变更的细节,结合Confluence会有记录,TBL_C表3月10日之前,曾经创建过一个唯一约束,字段是(C_A, C_B),3月10日,开发提出了一次变更需求,向这个唯一约束中增加了另外一个字段C_C,此时(C_A, C_B, C_C)可以唯一确定一条记录,(C_A, C_B)不能唯一确定一条记录。


SQL> select * from tbl_a; ID A_ID  1 1  2 2 SQL> select * from tbl_b; ID B B  1 a a  2 b b 3 c c  SQL> select * from tbl_c; ID C C INSERT_TIME 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  2 b b 27-MAR-17 PM  3 c c 27-MAR-17 PM 4 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  5 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  SQL> select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate); ID A_ID ID B B         ID C C INSERT_TIME  1 1 1 a a 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM 2 2 2 b b 2 b b 27-MAR-17 PM 1 1 1 a a 4 a a 27-MAR-17 PM 1 1 1 a a 5 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  SQL> insert into tbl_a values(3, 1); SQL> select * from tbl_a a inner join tbl_b b on a.a_id = b.id inner join tbl_c c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate); ID A_ID ID B B         ID C C INSERT_TIME  1 1 1 a a 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  3 1 1 a a 1 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  2 2 2 b b 2 b b 27-MAR-17 PM  1 1 1 a a 4 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  3 1 1 a a 4 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  1 1 1 a a 5 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  3 1 1 a a 5 a a 27-MAR-17 PM  7 rows selected.


(1). 为了删除TBL_A的数据,需要让其成为key-preserved表,因此除了TBL_B有主键限定唯一值,还需要让TBL_C的条件限定唯一值,例如可以再次修改唯一约束为(C_A,C_B)这两个字段,但这可能和业务需求不一致。
(2). 改写SQL,
delete from
(select * from tbl_a a where a.a_id in (select b.id from tbl_b b inner join tbl_c c
on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate))) where rownum <= 2;
delete from
(select * from tbl_a a where exists (select 1 from t_b b inner join tbl_c c
on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b where c.insert_time <= trunc(sysdate))) where rownum <= 2;


请将约束改为(C_A, C_B, C_C),SQL则改为
delete FROM (select * from TBL_A a inner join TBL_B b on a.a_id = b.id inner join TBL_C c on b.b_a = c.c_a and b.b_b = c.c_b and c.c_c is null where c.c_date <= trunc(sysdate)-1) where ROWNUM <= 10;

这条SQL报错ORA-01752,原因就是因为null是一个特殊的值,我们使用条件的时候,会用is null/is not null,不会用=null,换句话说,null和null不是等价的,因此允许这样的数据,

create table tbl (a varchar2(1), b varchar2(1), c varchar2(1));  insert into tbl values('a', 'b', '');  insert into tbl values('a', 'b', '');  select * from tbl; a b a b



(1) ORA-01752错误从描述看会有些晦涩,主要是能理解key-preserved表的含义,才能逐步理解错误的原因。
(2) Oracle官方文档中任何一处细节的变化,可能蕴含着一些改进,只看文档是不能理解的,唯有实际操作才能理解含义。
(3) 认为对的就要坚持,即使是文档,辩证地看待问题。



