
Apache Camel 2.23 发布,支持 Spring Boot 2.1

Apache Camel 2.23 已发布,最值得关注的新功能是支持 Spring Boot 2.1 ,此外还改进了 starter 组件,并针对已改进的 Spring Boot 自动配置进行了再次优化。

此版本包含 262 项修复和改进,并添加了以下新组件:

  • AWS IAM - for managing Amazon IAM

  • Corda - to interactive with corda nodes

  • FHIR - to work with the fhir standard (health care)

  • Google Big Query Standard SQL - Google bigdata warehouse analytics

  • Google Calendar Stream - Google calendar in streaming mode

  • Google Sheets - To work with google sheets

  • Google Sheets Stream - To work with google sheets in streaming mode

  • IPFS - Interplanetary File System

  • Kubernetes HPA - To execute Kubernetes HPA operations

  • Kubernetes Job - To execute Kubernetes job operations

  • NSQ - To integrate with the NSQ messaging system



开发团队表示,下一个版本将是 Camel 2.24 ,这也可能是 2.x 系列的最终版本,他们即将启动 Camel 3.0 的开发工作。

原文  https://www.oschina.net/news/102276/camel-2-23-released