
GitLab 7.10.0 RC2 发布,代码托管平台

4月18日 武汉 源创会开始报名,送华为开发板

GitLab 刚刚发布GitLab 7.10.0 RC1 版本立即又发布了 7.10.0 RC2 版本,绝对版本帝!!!

GitLab 7.10.0 RC2 发布,此版本现已提供下载: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/archive/v7.10.0.rc2.zip 。

GitLab v 7.10.0 更新内容如下:

- Allow users to be invited by email to join a group or project.

- Don't crash when project repository doesn't exist.

- Add config var to block auto-created LDAP users.

- Don't use HTML ellipsis in EmailsOnPush subject truncated commit message.

- Set EmailsOnPush reply-to address to committer email when enabled.

- Fix broken file browsing with a submodule that contains a relative link (Stan Hu)

- Fix persistent XSS vulnerability around profile website URLs.

- Fix project import URL regex to prevent arbitary local repos from being imported.

- Fix directory traversal vulnerability around uploads routes.

- Fix directory traversal vulnerability around help pages.

- Don't leak existence of project via search autocomplete.

- Don't leak existence of group or project via search.

- Fix bug where Wiki pages that included a '/' were no longer accessible (Stan Hu)

- Fix bug where error messages from Dropzone would not be displayed on the issues page (Stan Hu)

- Add ability to configure Reply-To address in gitlab.yml (Stan Hu)

- Move current user to the top of the list in assignee/author filters (Stan Hu)

- Fix broken side-by-side diff view on merge request page (Stan Hu)

- Set Application controller default URL options to ensure all url_for calls are consistent (Stan Hu)

- Allow HTML tags in Markdown input

- Fix code unfold not working on Compare commits page (Stan Hu)

- Fix generating SSH key fingerprints with OpenSSH 6.8. (Sašo Stanovnik)

- Include missing events and fix save functionality in admin service template settings form (Stan Hu)

- Fix "Import projects from" button to show the correct instructions (Stan Hu)

- Fix dots in Wiki slugs causing errors (Stan Hu)

- Make maximum attachment size configurable via Application Settings (Stan Hu)

- Update poltergeist to version 1.6.0 to support PhantomJS 2.0 (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)

- Fix cross references when usernames, milestones, or project names contain underscores (Stan Hu)

- Disable reference creation for comments surrounded by code/preformatted blocks (Stan Hu)

- Reduce Rack Attack false positives causing 403 errors during HTTP authentication (Stan Hu)

- enable line wrapping per default and remove the checkbox to toggle it (Hannes Rosenögger)

- Fix a link in the patch update guide

- Add a service to support external wikis (Hannes Rosenögger)

- Omit the "email patches" link and fix plain diff view for merge commits

- List new commits for newly pushed branch in activity view.

- Add sidetiq gem dependency to match EE

- Add changelog, license and contribution guide links to project tab bar.

- Improve diff UI

- Fix alignment of navbar toggle button (Cody Mize)

- Fix checkbox rendering for nested task lists

- Identical look of selectboxes in UI

- Upgrade the gitlab_git gem to version 7.1.3

- Move "Import existing repository by URL" option to button.

- Improve error message when save profile has error.

- Passing the name of pushed ref to CI service (requires GitLab CI 7.9+)

- Add location field to user profile

- Fix print view for markdown files and wiki pages

- Fix errors when deleting old backups

- Improve GitLab performance when working with git repositories

- Add tag message and last commit to tag hook (Kamil Trzciński)

- Restrict permissions on backup files

- Improve oauth accounts UI in profile page

- Add ability to unlink connected accounts

- Replace commits calendar with faster contribution calendar that includes issues and merge requests

- Add inifinite scroll to user page activity

- Don't include system notes in issue/MR comment count.

- Don't mark merge request as updated when merge status relative to target branch changes.

- Link note avatar to user.

- Make Git-over-SSH errors more descriptive.

- Fix EmailsOnPush.

- Refactor issue filtering

- AJAX selectbox for issue assignee and author filters

- Fix issue with missing options in issue filtering dropdown if selected one

- Prevent holding Control-Enter or Command-Enter from posting comment multiple times.

- Prevent note form from being cleared when submitting failed.

- Improve file icons rendering on tree (Sullivan Sénéchal)

- API: Add pagination to project events

- Get issue links in notification mail to work again.

- Don't show commit comment button when user is not signed in.

- Fix admin user projects lists.

- Don't leak private group existence by redirecting from namespace controller to group controller.

- Ability to skip some items from backup (database, respositories or uploads)

- Fix "Hello @username." references not working by no longer allowing usernames to end in period.

- Archive repositories in background worker.

- Import GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab.com projects owned by authenticated user into current namespace.

- Project labels are now available over the API under the "tag_list" field (Cristian Medina)

- Fixed link paths for HTTP and SSH on the admin project view (Jeremy Maziarz)

- Fix and improve help rendering (Sullivan Sénéchal)

- Fix final line in EmailsOnPush email diff being rendered as error.

- Authometic setup GitLab CI project for forks if origin project has GitLab CI enabled

- Prevent duplicate Buildkite service creation.

- Fix git over ssh errors 'fatal: protocol error: bad line length character'

- Automatically setup GitLab CI project for forks if origin project has GitLab CI enabled

- Bust group page project list cache when namespace name or path changes.

- Explicitly set image alt-attribute to prevent graphical glitches if gravatars could not be loaded

- Allow user to choose a public email to show on public profile

- Remove truncation from issue titles on milestone page (Jason Blanchard)

- Fix stuck Merge Request merging events from old installations (Ben Bodenmiller)

- Fix merge request comments on files with multiple commits

开源中国代码托管平台 git.oschina.net 就是基于 GitLab 项目搭建。

GitLab是一个利用Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。


GitLab 5.0以前版本要求服务器端采用Gitolite 搭建,5.0版本以后不再使用 Gitolite,采用自己开发的 gitlab-shell 来实现。如果你觉得安装麻烦可以使用GitLab Installers 一键安装程序。


  • Ubuntu/Debian

  • ruby 1.9.3+

  • mysql or postgresql

  • git

  • gitlab-shell

  • redis

  • Sidekiq

GitLab 7.10.0 RC2 发布,代码托管平台
