
Smack 4.1.1 发布,XMPP 开发包

5月23日 西安 OSC 源创会开始报名啦,存储、虚拟机、Docker 等干货分享

Smack 4.1.1 发布,此版本主要修复了一下 Bug:

  • DIGEST-MD5 challenge/response parsing must handle linear white spaces after the comma

  • SynchronizationPoint should use signalAll

  • Integer overflow if both client and server don't specify a max resumption time

  • isSmResumptionPossible() returns wrong values

  • DeliveryReceipts auto add should use packet interceptors and should not be requested for messages with ACKs.

  • Memory leak caused by RosterEntry declaring a strong reference to XMPPConnection

  • ReconnectionManager's RANDOM_INCREASING_DELAY is erroneously using a fixed value.

  • Add method to set ProxyInfo in ConnectionConfiguration.Builder

  • RosterEntry.setName() does not change the name

详细信息请查看 更新日志 。

此版本现已提供 下载 。

Smack是一个开源,易于使用的XMPP(jabber)的 Java 客户端类库。


// Create a connection to the jabber.org server. Connection conn1 = new XMPPConnection("jabber.org"); conn1.connect();  // Create a connection to the jabber.org server on a specific port. ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("jabber.org", 5222); Connection conn2 = new XMPPConnection(config); co