
CoreBluetooth - TouchID应用


iOS系统的指纹识别功能最低支持的机型为 iPhone 5s ,最低支持系统为 iOS 8

虽然安装 iOS 7系统的5s 机型可以使用系统提供的指纹解锁功能,但由于 API 并未开放,所以理论上第三方软件不可使用。


LocalAuthentication.framework #import <LocalAuthentication/LocalAuthentication.h> 


iOS 8以下 版本适配时,务必进行 API验证 ,避免调用相关API引起崩溃。

if(iOS8){xxx} // 系统版本验证  if ([myContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authError]) 


LAContext 指纹验证操作对象


  • 判断系统版本,iOS 8及以上版本执行-(void)authenticateUser方法,
  • 方法自动判断设备是否支持和开启Touch ID。


   1 #import "ViewController.h"   2 #import "MBProgressHUD+MJ.h"   3 #import <LocalAuthentication/LocalAuthentication.h>   4    5 #define iOS8 ([UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion.doubleValue >= 8.0)   6    7    8 @interface ViewController ()   9 - (IBAction)clickMethod:(id)sender;  10   11 @end  12   13 @implementation ViewController  14   15 - (void)viewDidLoad {  16     [super viewDidLoad];  17     // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.  18 }  19   20   21 - (IBAction)clickMethod:(id)sender {  22       23     if (!iOS8) { // iOS8以后支持 touchID  24         // HUD 提示  25         [MBProgressHUD showError:@"当前系统不支持touchID"];  26         return;  27     }  28       29     // 调用touchID  30     [self touchIDShow];  31       32 }  33   34 - (void)touchIDShow  35 {  36     // 创建指纹校验对象  37     LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];  38       39     NSError *error1 = nil;  40     if ([context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&error1]) {  41         // 弹出验证  42         [context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:@"touchID error" reply:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {  43              44             if (success) { // 验证成功  45                 NSLog(@"success");  46             }else{  47                 switch (error.code) {  48                     case LAErrorSystemCancel:  49                     {  50                         NSLog(@"Authentication was cancelled by the system");  51                         //切换到其他APP,系统取消验证Touch ID  52                         break;  53                     }  54                     case LAErrorUserCancel:  55                     {  56                         NSLog(@"Authentication was cancelled by the user");  57                         //用户取消验证Touch ID  58                         break;  59                     }  60                     case LAErrorUserFallback:  61                     {  62                         NSLog(@"User selected to enter custom password");  63                         [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{  64                             //用户选择输入密码,切换主线程处理  65                         }];  66                         break;  67                     }  68                     default:  69                     {  70                         [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{  71                             //其他情况,切换主线程处理  72                         }];  73                         break;  74                     }  75                 }  76                  NSLog(@"/n%s/n ---line=%d/n -- error=%@/n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, error.localizedDescription);  77             }  78         }];  79           80     }else{  81         switch (error1.code) {  82             case LAErrorTouchIDNotEnrolled:  83                 NSLog(@"LAErrorTouchIDNotEnrolled");  84                 break;  85                   86                   87             case LAErrorPasscodeNotSet:  88                 NSLog(@"LAErrorPasscodeNotSet"); // 此处触发showPasscodeResetAlert方法  89                 break;  90                   91             default:  92                 NSLog(@"Touch ID is unaviliable");  93                 break;  94         }  95     }  96     /*  97      typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LAError)  98      {  99      //授权失败 100      LAErrorAuthenticationFailed = kLAErrorAuthenticationFailed, 101       102      //用户取消Touch ID授权 103      LAErrorUserCancel           = kLAErrorUserCancel, 104       105      //用户选择输入密码 106      LAErrorUserFallback         = kLAErrorUserFallback, 107       108      //系统取消授权(例如其他APP切入) 109      LAErrorSystemCancel         = kLAErrorSystemCancel, 110       111      //系统未设置密码 112      LAErrorPasscodeNotSet       = kLAErrorPasscodeNotSet, 113       114      //设备Touch ID不可用,例如未打开 115      LAErrorTouchIDNotAvailable  = kLAErrorTouchIDNotAvailable, 116       117      //设备Touch ID不可用,用户未录入 118      LAErrorTouchIDNotEnrolled   = kLAErrorTouchIDNotEnrolled, 119      } NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0); 120       121      */ 122      123     [self dealWithError:error1]; 124 } 125  126  127 - (void)dealWithError:(NSError *)error 128 { 129     if (error) { 130         NSLog(@"error = %@", error.localizedDescription); 131     } 132 } 133 @end 
原文  http://www.cnblogs.com/guangleijia/p/5197783.html