
arm的cache lock down(cache 锁)


arm官方手册中关于cache lock down的部分

Arm9 Processers的Rev0.ARM940T Technical Reference Manual.Caches and Write Buffer Cache lock down部分。


绝大多数情况下cache对程序员都是透明的,但是仍然会出现要求cache line不要被替换的需求出现,所以大多数架构都支持对cache的操作。


Locking down a region of the I Cache or D Cache is achieved by executing a short software routine, taking note of these requirements:

  • the program should be held in a non-cached area of memory | 程序应该运行在标记为不可缓存的内存区域,(否则加锁代码自己很可能就被锁在cache里)
  • the cache should be enabled and interrupts should be disabled
  • software must ensure that the code or data to be locked down is not already in the cache | 软件应该保证要锁的代码或数据尚未在cache中???
  • if the caches have been used since the last reset, the software must ensure that the cache in question is cleaned, if appropriate, and then flushed.| 要使用的部分的cache应该被clean且如果可以,flush掉

锁cache(locking down the caches)

I cache和D cache锁具有的相同步骤特点:

  • cache块应该置于lock down 模式
  • 一个line的填充应该是强制性的
  • 相应的数据应该被锁在cache里

line fill: 在cache当找不到数据的时候,processor 将会产生 cache line fill 动作,将从下级 cache 或 memory 中读取数据 fill


Data Cache lock down

  • Write to CP15 register 9, setting DL=1 and Dindex=0.
  • Initialize the pointer to the first of the 16 words to be locked.
  • Execute an LDR from that location. This forces a linefill from that location, and the resulting four words are captured by the cache.
  • Increment the pointer by 16 to select cache bank 1.
  • Execute an LDR from that location. The resulting linefill is captured in cache bank 2.
  • Repeat steps 1 to 5 for cache banks 3 and 4.
  • Write to CP15 register 9, setting DL=0 and Dindex=1.
  1. 写CP15 寄存器9,置DL=1 && Dindex=0
  2. 初始化指针,指向lock的cache的前16个word头部(为什么是16个word??)
  3. 在头部执行LDR命令,这将强制性开始linefill???
  4. 指针+16来选择cache bank1(每次+16=+4Byte=+32位=+一行)
  5. 当前位置执行LDR命令
  6. 重复1-5命令来填充bank 3,4的数据
  7. 写CP15 寄存器9,置DL=0 && Dindex=1


Instruction cache的锁

For the I Cache, this procedure is as follows:

  • Write to CP15 register 9, setting IL=1 and Iindex=0.
  • Initialize the pointer to the first of the sixteen words to lock down.
  • Force a line fill from that location by writing to CP15 register 7.
  • Increment the pointer by 16 to select cache segment 1.
  • Force a line fill from that location by writing to CP15 register 7. The resulting line fill is captured in segment 1.
  • Repeat for cache segments 3 and 4.
  • Write to CP15 register 9, setting IL=0 and Iindex=1.




显著的不同是,在指令存入I cache用的是MCR指令,而不是LDR(load 到寄存器),这是由于哈佛结构决定的。在MCR的过程中,指针寄存器里的值输出指针地址总线,一个读内存的动作将执行。而cache 由于之前的flush操作,将miss这次访问,则这个line将被填充。



The MCR to perform the I Cache lookup is a CP15 register 7 operation: MCR p15, 0, Rd, c7, c13, 1 

No bb, Show me the code


;    Subroutine lock_i_cache ;    R1 contains start address of code to be locked down  ;    R1包含了需要被锁代码的起始地址 ;    The subroutine performs a lock-down of instructions in the  ;    I Cache 该子程序是用来锁I cache里的指令的 ;    It first reads the current lock_down index and then locks      ;    down the number of lines requested. ;    它首先会读取当前lock_down index的值,然后锁住请求的line ;    Note that this subroutine must be located in a non-cacheable ;    region of memory in order to work, or these instructions ;    themselves will be locked into the cache. Interrupts should also  ;    be disabled. ;    The subroutine should be called via the ‘BL’ instruction. ; ;    This subroutine returns the next free cache line number in R0, or  ;    0 in R0. ;    if an error occurs.  lock_i_cache     STMFD     R13!, {R1-R3}                    ; save corrupted registers 保存中断寄存器     BIC    R1, R1, #0x3f                    ; align address to cache line     MRC    p15, 0, R3, c9, c0, 1     ; get current instruction cache index 这里并不是写错了,此处将协处理器p15的寄存器中的数据传送到ARM处理器的寄存器r3中     AND    R2, R2, #0x3f                    ; mask off unwanted bits     ADD    R3, R2, R0                    ; Check to see if current index     CMP     R3, #0x3f                    ; plus line count is greater than 63     // 如果此时被锁的line超过了限制就跳到出错???                             ; If so, branch to error as                             ; more lines are being locked down                             ; than permitted     //r2里存放的是要锁的line数     ORR    2, R2, #0x80000000                    ; set lock bit, r2 contains the cache                             ; line number to lock down lock_loop     MCR     p15, 0, R2, c9, c0, 1     ; write lock down register     MCR     p15, 0, R1, c7, c13, 1    ; force line fetch from external memory      ADD     R1, R1, #16                    ; add 4 words to address     MCR    p15, 0, R1, c7, c13, 1                    ; force line fetch from external memory     ADD    R1, R1, #16                    ; add 4 words to address     MCR    p15, 0, R1, c7, c13, 1                    ; force line fetch from external memory     ADD    R1, R1, #16                    ; add 4 words to address     MCR    p15, 0, R1, c7, c13, 1                    ; force line fetch from external memory     ADD    R1, R1, #16                    ; add 4 words to address      ADD    R2, R2, #0x1                    ; increment cache line in lock down                              ; register     SUBS    R0, R0, #0x1                    ; decrement line count and set flags     BNE    lock_loop                    ; if r0! = 0 then branch round      BIC    R0, R2, #0x80000000                    ; clear lock bit in lockdown register       MCR    p15, 0, R0, c9, c0, 1                    ; restrict victim counter to lines                              ; r0 to 63      LDMFD     R13!, {R1-R3}                    ; restore corrupted registers and return     MOV    PC, LR                    ; R0 contains the first free cache line                             ; number error     LDR    R0, =0                    ; make r0 = 0 to indicate error     LDMFD     R13!, {R1-R3}                    ; restore corrupted registers and return     MOV    PC, LR 








谁能解释下mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0?把我搞死了

原文  http://www.findspace.name/easycoding/1679