
Vue 显示 xxx 时间前的组件: vue-timeago

vue-timeago Vue 显示 xxx 时间前的组件: vue-timeago Vue 显示 xxx 时间前的组件: vue-timeago Vue 显示 xxx 时间前的组件: vue-timeago

A timeago component for Vue.


$ npm install --save vue-timeago

It's also available on NPMCDN: https://npmcdn.com/vue-timeago/index.umd.js


import VueTimeago from 'vue-timeago'  Vue.use(VueTimeago, {   name: 'timeago', // component name, `timeago` by default   locale: 'en-US',   locales: {     'en-US': require('vue-timeago/locales/en-US.json')   } })

Then in your lovely component:

<!-- simple usage --> <!-- time is a dateString that can be parsed by Date.parse() --> <timeago :since="time"></timeago>  <!-- Auto-update time every 60 seconds --> <timeago :since="time" :auto-update="60"></timeago>  <!-- max time, time before this will not be converted  --> <!-- otherwise use custom formatTime function to format --> <!-- 86400 * 365 = a year --> <timeago :since="time" :max-time="86400 * 365" :format="formatTime"></timeago>  <!-- custom locale --> <!-- use a different locale instead of the global config --> <timeago :since="time" locale="zh-CN"></timeago>

A very basic demo: https://egoistian.com/vue-timeago

i18n support

For all supported languages, see/locales, feel free to submit a Pull Request to help us support more languages!


I userolling to build the cjs version bundle, and usevbuild to build the example. Install them globally and then see the npm scripts.



原文  https://github.com/egoist/vue-timeago