
Apache Archiva 2.2.0 发布,远程存储管理

#JetBrains 六折贺新春!IntelliJ IDEA,PyCharm,WebStorm,PhpStorm 优惠!

Apache Archiva 2.2.0 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本,要求 JDK 1.7。


修改了 wrapper.conf 库。因为移除了数据库存储,请移除 jdbc/archiva 的 JNDI 条目。


** 改进

* [MRM-1390] - Generic metadata should be searcheable in Archiva search

* [MRM-1844] - Allow LDAP groupOfNames

** 新特性

* [MRM-1867] - Adding a find jar by checksum functionality to the REST api

** Bug 修复

* [MRM-770] - Archiva web client does not recognize classifier

* [MRM-813] - Audit log is reporting "Modify File (proxied)" when

no proxy connectors exist and the file has not changed

* [MRM-837] - Cannot download SNAPSHOT version

* [MRM-935] - Archiva doesn't supports artifact with


* [MRM-1145] - RSS tests do not correctly check responses

* [MRM-1311] - Logging in ArtifactMissingChecksumsConsumer does

not appear in the logs even if configured properly

* [MRM-1486] - ldap.config.mapper.attribute.user.filter using ldap

not working correctly with commas.

* [MRM-1767] - When selecting a specific repository to browse, I

get an error  that I don't have sufficient privileges.

* [MRM-1807] - Archiva wrapper fail to start

* [MRM-1810] - LDAP - groups config not available in Users Runtime

Configuration - Properties

* [MRM-1811] - Users - Manage section: pagination needs to change

* [MRM-1846] - Regression in 2.0.1 : uniqueVersion false not supported

* [MRM-1848] - download links for files mult-dot extensions

incorrect in Browse view

* [MRM-1851] - generic metadata GUI broken

* [MRM-1860] - ClassNotFound exception with JBoss

* [MRM-1863] - RepositoryGroup URL is not build using the Application URL

* [MRM-1864] - Default configuration for central should now use SSL

* [MRM-1871] - ConcurrentModificationException in


* [MRM-1873] - archiva doesn't recognise ldap-group to ldap-users mapping

** 任务

* [MRM-1359] - Remove Maven 1.x functionality

* [MRM-1865] - remove isPermanent from Consumer API

更多内容请看 发行说明 。

Have fun!


The Apache Archiva Team

Apache Archiva 2.2.0 发布,远程存储管理

Archiva 是一个管理一个和多个远程存储的软件。它能够与Maven,Continuum和ANT等构建工具完美结合。Archiva提供的功能包括:远程 Repository代理,基于角色的安全访问管理,Artifact分发、维护、查询,生成使用报告,提供基于Web的管理界面等。

Apache Archiva 2.2.0 发布,远程存储管理
