
Jenkins 2.132 发布,可扩展的持续集成引擎

Jenkins Jenkins 2.132 已发布, 更新内容 主要是修复 bug:

  • Don't log warnings when SHA-256 checksums are provided (but SHA-512 are not) for plugin downloads. ( pull 3546 )

  • Whitelist java.time.Ser for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). ( issue 52534 )

  • Don't fail to archive artifacts when attributes cannot be preserved, instead log a message and proceed without preserving attributes (regression in 2.120). ( issue 52325 )

enkins 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎,前身是Hudson。主要用于:

  1. 持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目,如 CruiseControl 与 DamageControl。

  2. 监控一些定时执行的任务。

源码下载 https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/releases/tag/jenkins-2.132

原文  https://www.oschina.net/news/98050/jenkins-2-132-released