
Hibernate ORM 5.3.5.Final 发布,将被用于 WildFly 14

Hibernate ORM 5.3.5.Final 已发布,这将是 WildFly 14 中所包含的版本。

What’s new

Bug 修复

  • HHH-12875 and  HHH-12882 - Various fixes regarding  @Where support

  • HHH-12871 - Metamodel contains managed types related to dynamic-map entities that have been excluded

  • HHH-12905 - Passing null as parameter is not allowed even when enablePassingNulls() has been called

  • HHH-12906 - Statistics.getCollectionRoleNames() reports incorrect value

  • HHH-12907 - Avoid garbage collection pressure when creating proxies with ByteBuddy

Naive limit handler for Sybase

  • 为 Sybase 实现了一个“稚嫩”的限制处理程序:它只会被传统的 SELECT 和 SELECT DISTINCT 查询触发,并会为这些查询添加一个 TOP 子句。虽然很简单,但它在很多常见场景中都很有用。


  • You should update your ByteBuddy dependency to 1.8.17 if you define it manually.

更多细节可 查阅发行说明 。


  • http://hibernate.org/orm/releases/5.3/

原文  https://www.oschina.net/news/98990/hibernate-orm-535-released