
JavaMelody 1.74.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台

JavaMelody 1.74.0 发布了,JavaMelody 的目标是在 QA 和生产环境中监视 Java 或 Java EE 应用程序。


  • It is a recommended upgrade for security to fix a XML External Entity (XXE) processing vulnerability. CVE-ID is CVE-2018-15531 . Thanks to mounsurf & huanying for reporting the vulnerability.

  • fix sql monitoring from jndi datasource when Tomcat's ServerInfo.properties is customized ( 38211a7 )

  • fix: do not require Log4J when sending metrics to InfluxDB or Datadog .

  • In the Jenkins Monitoring plugin , fix #768 : warning logs about serializing anonymous classes.

  • added: native calendar widget to choose dates for a custom period ( 84a1d63 , with help from my colleague Fabien at KleeGroup )

  • added: workaround a JBoss and WildFly bug in MBeans tree ( #757 )

  • added: it is now possible to customize css and js of the monitoring reports by adding the /net/bull/javamelody/resource/themedMonitoring.css and /net/bull/javamelody/resource/themedMonitoring.js files as resources in your application, in order to override or add values. This is the case for example in the javamelody dark theme which is ready to use as a Maven dependency in your pom.xml



原文  https://www.oschina.net/news/99664/javamelody-1-74-0-released