
Haproxy 1.6-dev2 正式发布,Web 负载均衡

Haproxy 1.6-dev2 正式发布,更新内容如下:

- DNS-based server name resolution : haproxy is now able to periodically   ask a set of resolvers for the IP address of some servers and to update   them without restarting. This will make life much easier for people   running in AWS where IP address change randomly. Some more stuff was   planned for this such as marking the server as unresolvable if resolving   fails, but we found that people would probably like to have a configurable   behaviour. Feedback on this is desired and will drive the next steps.  - peers protocol v2 : haproxy 1.6 and 1.5 will not be able to synchronize   their stick tables but on the other hand the new protocol is much better   and more extensible. First it uses a single connection regardless of the   number of tables to synchronize. Second it will support synchronizing   much more than just stick tables. For now it replicates all stick-tables   contents (including gpc, etc...). This allows reloads to keep entries,   rates, etc... as well as to pass them to a backup node in case of a   switchover. It's very likely that during 1.7 development we'll further   extend the amount of information that can be exchanged. 

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HAProxy提供 高可用性负载均衡 以及基于TCP和HTTP应用的代理, 支持虚拟主机 , 它是免费、快速并且可靠的一种解决方案。HAProxy特别适用于那些负载特大的web站点, 这些站点通常又需要会话保持或七层处理。HAProxy运行在当前的硬件上,完全可以支持数以万计的并发连接。并且它的运行模式使得它可以很简单安全的整 合进您当前的架构中, 同时可以保护你的web服务器不被暴露到网络上。


Haproxy 1.6-dev2 正式发布,Web 负载均衡
